Title: Skittish Puppy Question Post by: bobbya08 on March 25, 2010, 01:15:54 pm I recently got a ybmc puppy and she is very skittish is this a sign of a bad dog or is this common in hunting dogs and what is the best way to deal with a dog like this.
Title: Re: Skittish Puppy Question Post by: boarwild on March 25, 2010, 01:36:15 pm i have had trouble with getting used to this, but i hear hunting dogs tend to be skittish. i am not used to skittish dogs becuase i have always owned boxer's. So when i started buying dogs it was hard to understand. i spent every free minute i had touching and playing with my pups, and they are not one bit skittish anymore. I was told that just touching them a lot and holdings them and talking to them is very important. just my .02 but it worked for me. got a buddy that bought a very expensive bmc weatherford's ben blood line, and he was super skittish. He did the same thing i did and he is really coming around. He listens well and doesn't act like he was beat to death anymore.
Title: Re: Skittish Puppy Question Post by: ppc dogos on March 25, 2010, 01:37:53 pm My ybmc was extremly soft and submissive as pup and young dog, she is still very easy and soft to people, but as soon as we started working her she changed and now work with confidence.
I only have this one ybmc, but we have had dogos for 20 years now and they are also very soft as pups. Title: Re: Skittish Puppy Question Post by: sgt.davis on March 25, 2010, 04:27:52 pm I have one thats that way and I tried loading him in the truck and taking him with me and always showing him attention. That didnt work and finally I got agravated because I aint got much patience and I pulled him out of his pen and chained him by the house so I could pet him and he had to face me and other people. He did a complete turn around in less than a week. I have a post on here with other peoples suggestions that may help you in General Discussion. Good luck
Title: Re: Skittish Puppy Question Post by: hogslayer6 on March 25, 2010, 04:31:27 pm dont worry about it. ive had 5 or 10 dogs that way just be gentle w/ them pet them everychance you get it may come out of it or it may not has no effect on wether it will make a dog
Title: Re: Skittish Puppy Question Post by: Hog Dog Mike on March 25, 2010, 04:33:17 pm A buddy of mine had a summer camp for bird dogs up in Ok years ago. Lots of bird dogs are like hog dogs in that they might be skittish. They just are not too big on being touched. Some of these dogs are outstanding and just need to be brought around.
One of the things he would do was chain the dog right by to door going into the cabin. Everybody that went in or out had to pet the dog a little. At first the dog would hide under the steps and you would have to well rope it out to pet it. Pretty soon the dog learns that nothing is going to happen and really looks forward to human contact. Title: Re: Skittish Puppy Question Post by: dub on March 25, 2010, 05:43:07 pm When I got Mandy she had her tail tucked and flinched when I would reach for her. I put a pig in a pen and let her go outside the pen to see what would happen. It was a totally different dog. She was barking and frothing at the mouth. The she caught the pig through the fence panel. I could not get her off the pig. I had to pick her up, carry her to the truck and shut her in. After that she never flinhes when I try to pet her but she is still very timid acting. I love that girl! Not even a year old and she rocks the pig's world. I will need a cut vest on that sweet hearted timid little girl!