HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: skoalbandett on March 30, 2010, 10:53:10 am

Title: Un-educated hogs
Post by: skoalbandett on March 30, 2010, 10:53:10 am

I copied this post from another forum. A fellow from down in south Texas posted it:

Traveled to McCook last thursday to do a little hunting of some hogs that had never been dogged. They had never seen a dog but they certainly knew what a pickup and rifle was. We were hunting in a 1200 acre bloc of crp that was surrounded by cropland. The hogs were coming out in the crops at night and wrecking havoc. All we had to do was drive on the downwind side of the desert willow thickets and when the dogs would bark(usually Quirt) let them go and it wouldn't be but a couple of minutes we were bayed. Let catch dogs go and catch the pig. No breaking, running or anything. Not even any thorns to mess with. In all we caught 15 hogs with the largest being a 175 lb boar. When I left Sunday morning all the dogs were sore footed, including me.

Just curious, I wonder how many people understand why those hogs bayed up so well , were so easy to catch and didnt run ?

Title: Re: Un-educated hogs
Post by: elliscountyhog on March 30, 2010, 10:57:24 am
Yep and why i LOVE the new places that have never been dogged, easy hogs ;D

Title: Re: Un-educated hogs
Post by: txmaverick on March 30, 2010, 02:19:18 pm
Do you understand why? There is one thing that jumps out to me that has nothing to do with the hogs never being dogged.

Title: Re: Un-educated hogs
Post by: catchrcall on March 30, 2010, 03:14:54 pm
the part about it being crp surrounded by cropland?  maybe better cover in the crp than what was around it so they stayed put?

either that or they knew to stay hidden when somebody was driving by?

Title: Re: Un-educated hogs
Post by: kevin on March 30, 2010, 03:22:54 pm
Cause Quirt is a "stock bred" dog.......

Title: Re: Un-educated hogs
Post by: matt_aggie04 on March 30, 2010, 04:25:11 pm
I think I will choose answer....

D. Not enough information

If I were going to start guessing I am going to say it was because their bellies were full from eating all night in the grain fields...but there are too many variable involved for me to start guessing

Title: Re: Un-educated hogs
Post by: redneckrambo96 on March 30, 2010, 04:57:34 pm
good easy hunt

Title: Re: Un-educated hogs
Post by: Mike on March 30, 2010, 07:35:01 pm
I would say because they've had no dog pressure... no reason to run. Never had a pack of rough dogs biting and chewing on their a$$es.

I've hunted places like that... they're fun to hunt. Makes just about any dog shine. Depending on the type of dog you run always seems to be the key to how long the hogs stay like that. ;D

Title: Re: Un-educated hogs
Post by: BarrNinja on March 30, 2010, 08:12:17 pm
Is this a trick question Mr. Skoalbandett? lol.

Its pretty simple the way I see it. They just dont know to run or why the should until its to late for em for the most part. They feel safe in the cover that has kepts them from the sight of trucks and guns. The things they have learned to stay clear of. Approaching from down wind always helps. 
I have seen un educated hogs come to a bay plenty of times just to see what the heck all the ruccus was about.

Title: Re: Un-educated hogs
Post by: Wmwendler on March 30, 2010, 08:29:01 pm
Because clearly they were not "russian" hogs......  :angel:


Title: Re: Un-educated hogs
Post by: TX HOG on March 30, 2010, 08:35:44 pm

I have seen un educated hogs come to a bay plenty of times just to see what the heck all the ruccus was about.

must be nice...

Title: Re: Un-educated hogs
Post by: BarrNinja on March 30, 2010, 09:25:39 pm
It may seem a bazzar claim to some but I assure you it use to happen on a regular basis. Bay a few hogs and watch the numbers grow wile the dogs bayed em. Un educated hogs are harder for me to come by these days and I aint seen them in a wile. Matter of fact its been years.

So I just keep mysellf busy hunting Russians these days. ;D 

Waylon you aint right! lol.

Title: Re: Un-educated hogs
Post by: uglydog on March 30, 2010, 09:27:37 pm
Snuck up on them down wind so they did not have a clue? >:D

BoarNinja, I do think is Bazzar but I have seen it happen twice, Hogs coming into the rally rather than run away

Title: Re: Un-educated hogs
Post by: craig on March 30, 2010, 09:33:50 pm
okay, i give up.    tell me why..

Title: Re: Un-educated hogs
Post by: BarrNinja on March 30, 2010, 09:39:40 pm
Maybe it didnt have nothing to do with education and they were just rallying but it happened. It was alway a place that was hog infested and unhunted. I said regular basis. "common" would have been a better word. Either way. I wasnt surprised to see it happen when it did. But do educated hogs rally? I think so.

Title: Re: Un-educated hogs
Post by: raider54 on March 30, 2010, 09:44:25 pm
sounds like fun

Title: Re: Un-educated hogs
Post by: clint on March 30, 2010, 09:47:19 pm
boarninja ive wittnessed un-educated and very educated hogs both rally.

once this year at a place that had never been dogged and another few times at a place that has been dogged for twenty years.

Title: Re: Un-educated hogs
Post by: uglydog on March 30, 2010, 10:21:33 pm
Let me clarify, my statement. I have seen hogs rally many times, love to hear them chattering so loud you can't hear the dogs bark. These have been in places where the dogs have been run plenty of times and in places with low hunting pressure. However to see them rallied, while sitting back watching the dogs baying, holding back your catch dog, enjoying the experience and watching hogs coming from a distamce and scurring into the rally to have your group getting bigger as you watch it happen, thats an experience, that I won't ever forget and hope to continue to see several more times before I am done. These are hogs that I can say for certain have been in same areas/locations that we have caught many hogs from previously.

Title: Re: Un-educated hogs
Post by: txmaverick on March 31, 2010, 08:56:31 am
First it was surrounded by open land, they didnt want to head into open land, that doesnt sound like hogs that dont know what dogs are, they knew to rally and fight just because a hog doesnt run does not mean they dont know what a dog is. Most times the most dogged hog will bay the best because they have no fear, they know they can fight and win/kill.

Second someone was right thier bellies were full.......didnt feel like running.

Third you gave it some thought and did things right and just didnt bust in you took the time to check the wind and use the wind, you were on them before they knew you were coming.

The hardest runner in some cases is the least dogged hog (i have seen it to many times, they are scared to death and dont know they can fight or what to do but run), there is no way to say the easy catch is the hog that was never dogged.

Title: Re: Un-educated hogs
Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on March 31, 2010, 09:07:05 am

I believe you and I will just not aggree on this one.   For the most part, hogs that have never been run or bayed by dogs, tend to not run their first few encounters.  The ones I have had the pleasure of getting on that were "dog virgins" liked to stand their ground and fight.  Catch and release those same hogs, and before long, good luck stopping them.  It was off to the races.  JMO!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Un-educated hogs
Post by: cward on March 31, 2010, 10:50:05 am
Rough dogs - Bay Dogs - Hounds- Loose bay dogs- Catch Dogs - Cur dogs- Shaggy dogs found on side of road - Purplre pink one eyed RUSSIAN hogs  That is why all the hogs are EDUCATED!!! Good night I thought all you guys new that!!!!

Title: Re: Un-educated hogs
Post by: txmaverick on March 31, 2010, 02:11:50 pm

Title: Re: Un-educated hogs
Post by: makenbeans on March 31, 2010, 04:53:26 pm
Ive hunted land that had no dog huntin pressure and could say their were a few hogs that would break and run on the first bark, then on other instances would encounter barr hogs that would just sit choppin their teeth or try to put a hurtin on the dog.
I could say that non dogd land still has its runners.

Title: Re: Un-educated hogs
Post by: skoalbandett on April 03, 2010, 04:44:18 am
Do you understand why? There is one thing that jumps out to me that has nothing to do with the hogs never being dogged.

Oh I spec I have a good idea or two .. but, it aint really important is it??

Title: Re: Un-educated hogs
Post by: txmaverick on April 03, 2010, 08:05:00 am
Well yes i would say it is important are at least it would seem important to you or why elese would you bring it up to start with. Clearly you dont have a clue or you would post your ideas like the rest of us have right or wrong.

Title: Re: Un-educated hogs
Post by: skoalbandett on April 03, 2010, 02:02:08 pm
Clearly you dont have a clue or you would post your ideas like the rest of us have right or wrong.

I stand on the 5th and use it for a blowin horn and doctorin, because I quit drinkin it, the doc said at 62 it wasent good for me..LOL

Title: Re: Un-educated hogs
Post by: uglydog on April 03, 2010, 02:47:35 pm
SkoalBandit, don't leave us all hanging like this! ;D

Title: Re: Un-educated hogs
Post by: Dexter on April 03, 2010, 02:56:13 pm
 well imma thinking ya got yourself some goo bred dogs that will work to the head and stop a hog/cattle
 heel nippers  will bust a bay faster than who know it
 head dogs will stop a hog/cattle and make them  hold up

Title: Re: Un-educated hogs
Post by: yellowdog on April 03, 2010, 03:37:54 pm
I think them pigs layed up to be caught. They probably heard about Obama's health care deal going through and how it tramples the US Constitution. They figured they may as well give up before things get too bad. Why prolong the inevitable suffering. Probably could have caught every one of them that day with a crippled chihuahua.
                             But then it could have been for other reasons I can't think of right now........

Title: Re: Un-educated hogs
Post by: BarrNinja on April 03, 2010, 04:45:26 pm

I copied this post from another forum. A fellow from down in south Texas posted it:

Traveled to McCook last thursday to do a little hunting of some hogs that had never been dogged. They had never seen a dog but they certainly knew what a pickup and rifle was. We were hunting in a 1200 acre bloc of crp that was surrounded by cropland. The hogs were coming out in the crops at night and wrecking havoc. All we had to do was drive on the downwind side of the desert willow thickets and when the dogs would bark(usually Quirt) let them go and it wouldn't be but a couple of minutes we were bayed. Let catch dogs go and catch the pig. No breaking, running or anything. Not even any thorns to mess with. In all we caught 15 hogs with the largest being a 175 lb boar. When I left Sunday morning all the dogs were sore footed, including me.

Just curious, I wonder how many people understand why those hogs bayed up so well , were so easy to catch and didnt run ?

OK, OK! I know whats happening here. Its happened to me before and I feal silly just now seeing it.
Them hogs had already heard about this ole boys dogs and thats why they surrendered 1st bark out of the box!
Case and point:
I had an old dog that was "some kinda jam up"! I mean ole Gus could sho nuff shell down the corn on the hogs like you aint never seen before! Word of him got around way to fast and thats were the problem lay and after a wile, it sure made that ole dog lazy!
It got to the point that soon as I would drive up on a hunting spot he would start barking like an idiot. Way before I turned him out. People who didnt know him got aggravated and wanted me to shut him up.
I always had to explain that it wasnt bad trailer manners at all. He was simply announcing his arrival, allowing time for most of the hogs to surrender before he cute loose on the runners! He sure was a productive old dog but got plain lazy about hog hunting in general!
The only way we can fix hogs from baying so easily is to keep the hogs from communicating people! How the hell are they finding out about these good dogs anyway?
Disclaimer: Dont read nothing in to this post. It is all BS. Completely void of any hidden messages or opinion! Im just aggravated about our dry run yesterday! lol O0

Title: Re: Un-educated hogs
Post by: skoalbandett on April 04, 2010, 06:20:33 am
SkoalBandit, don't leave us all hanging like this! ;D

Mr. Uglydog, no offence to ya but, normal circumstances I wouldnt mind offering an opinon but I aint looking to start a problem or to cause one and I believe I see one brewing for some reason. Not sure the motive or reason why but it's pretty clear someone has an agenda of somekind...All the same to you, I'll just let it be and not let something become a problem the mods have to deal with.
 Besides I'd say there were others who already offered some good opinions and ideas, including a couple from the feller takin the pot shots at me that I'd agree with.

Title: Re: Un-educated hogs
Post by: BarrNinja on April 04, 2010, 09:58:48 am
SkoalBandit, don't leave us all hanging like this! ;D

Mr. Uglydog, no offence to ya but, normal circumstances I wouldnt mind offering an opinon but I aint looking to start a problem or to cause one and I believe I see one brewing for some reason. Not sure the motive or reason why but it's pretty clear someone has an agenda of somekind...All the same to you, I'll just let it be and not let something become a problem the mods have to deal with.
 Besides I'd say there were others who already offered some good opinions and ideas, including a couple from the feller takin the pot shots at me that I'd agree with.

Yeah! :-\
I find it pretty funny and a bit confusing at the same time Mr Skoalbandett. Between you and the feller taking pot shots at you Im guessing, collectively, there is better than 70 - 75 years of hog hunting experience! :o
You older fellers usually "side up" with one another. ???

Title: Re: Un-educated hogs
Post by: txmaverick on April 04, 2010, 10:48:40 am
I am to guess the "pot shots" you speak of are from me, if you want a pot shot I can sure fire some, I have not yet at this time taken any. You spoke up and started a thread, and started it from a point of view in my opion like you were the only one that knew the answer and wanted to test the rest of the world. But then when asked your self to answer your own question you seemed to not like that idea.

If you think I have some agenda against you, you think way to much of yourself, i dont know who you are nor do I care to. Besides what on earth kind of "agenda"  could I have that would matter in the least here, with this little pointless thread?
I might make you look bad? You even said you agree with some of what I said, so I cant make you look totally bad.

I mean really get over what ever is the problem and answer your own question.

And if you prove me wrong on something I dont care, I know my area and my hogs and my dogs. Cutter Bay and I never see eye to eye on anything. Never have and never will, that bothers me none in the least, he most likely feels the same about me as I do about him, and that is water off a ducks back to me.

My point is dont start a thread then back out of it when questioned, that is like turning your dogs loose at a corn field then thinking "oh that looks to thick i might get hurt if i go in there to the bay, but you leave your dogs on the ground".