Title: "Video Eyewear is Born!!" pretty friggin sweet! Post by: dogginstud on March 31, 2010, 10:27:45 am I had a buddy showed me this website and i watched some of the videos they had on there and i could see this being pretty sweet for doggers. He said he was going to order a pair so ill keep you updated on how they preform. I dont know much about them so dont ask :) i did hear they were about $150 depending on where you order them from, but dont quote me on that. Just thought id share with yall. This might have already been put on here already im not sure.
http://www.predatoroutdoorproducts.com/ Title: Re: "Video Eyewear is Born!!" pretty friggin sweet! Post by: Bryant on March 31, 2010, 10:53:27 am A hunting partner of mine bought two pair at a local gun show a month or so ago. We've been using them regularly to grab some hunting footage. Pretty good video and sound quality.
Title: Re: "Video Eyewear is Born!!" pretty friggin sweet! Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on March 31, 2010, 10:54:06 am Killer
Title: Re: "Video Eyewear is Born!!" pretty friggin sweet! Post by: sfboarbuster on March 31, 2010, 04:45:51 pm I used a pair last weekend, didn't get any good footage but they are pretty bad a$$. They're pretty comfy too.
Title: Re: "Video Eyewear is Born!!" pretty friggin sweet! Post by: djhogdogger on March 31, 2010, 05:02:51 pm I want a pair of those! Anybody know what they cost? I didnt see a price on their website.
rolleyes Oh nevermind i just re-read the original post...$150 Title: Re: "Video Eyewear is Born!!" pretty friggin sweet! Post by: Texas_Cur on March 31, 2010, 05:18:59 pm I saw a video somewhere of two guys pheasant hunting using those. They look pretty sweet
Title: Re: "Video Eyewear is Born!!" pretty friggin sweet! Post by: hogzilla24 on April 01, 2010, 02:11:09 am http://www.jlmmerchandise.com/sun420-digital-camera-sunglas420.html
here is a cheaper version w/price http://www.1800trampoline.com/camo-video-sunglasses.aspx?gclid=COvQ_Mr45KACFQxN2godz2ErIA here is the camo ones w/price not bad price for something that snazzy. my buddy has a pair he uses bow hunting and the videos are pretty good quality Title: Re: "Video Eyewear is Born!!" pretty friggin sweet! Post by: Dexter on April 01, 2010, 12:36:23 pm now if they would make some doggles witha cam ;D
Title: Re: "Video Eyewear is Born!!" pretty friggin sweet! Post by: HIGHWATER KENNELS on April 04, 2010, 09:54:48 pm I wish I was smart enough to invent a pair of gogles for my dog to wear so that I can see all the hogs I DONT Catch..