Title: Stupid Poachers!! Post by: cward on April 05, 2010, 10:12:19 am Well just this week I have had 2 cows shot and yes they were shot right between the eyes!!Both 06 model Brangus heifers with calfs!!Not real happy about this!!! We have lots of deer and they stand right where the cows were shot every evening before dark!!! These deer ain't wild you can drive within 50 yard of them at all times!!!Really ticks me off if you are going to poach at least know what you are shooting at and don't just shine eyes!! We own this land and we don't kill but 1 deer a year off it just could carelees about shooting a stupid deer!!!! I am in the cow bussiness and that is how I make a liveing for a STUPID UNEDUCATED POACHER to shoot a cow thinking it's a deer cost me money!!This is a dead end road with 2 house's at the end!!I see tucks pass by that have REDNECK wrote acoss them might be them might not but they have no intrest down that road!! I would like to catch these punks and watch them bleed out in the field!!! I these does are haveing there fawns so why would they want to kill them anyways!!! We had this issue about 7 years ago and I finally caught the guys!!! They were walking in and I parked the four wheeler in the pasture and they walked right on top of me scared the crap out of them suprise they did'nt shoot me!!But it stopped until now!!
Title: Re: Stupid Poachers!! Post by: slimpickins on April 05, 2010, 10:24:15 am I'd notify the Game Warden and Sheriff.
I'd loose sleep until I caught them. I'd have the bullets recovered to check ballistics with the rifles. I'd also likely get in a heap of trouble if I caught them alone in the dark, shooting at my cattle. :-\ Poachers suck bad enough, but when they are shooting your cows, taking money from your wallet and food off your families table, that's too much! Title: Re: Stupid Poachers!! Post by: cward on April 05, 2010, 10:28:49 am Well I work for the Sherrif!!!
The cattlemen Assc. Has been contacted!! The guy I suspect is close related to the gamewarden!! Which I have no problem with the Warden!! But he is close to this kid!!! Title: Re: Stupid Poachers!! Post by: slimpickins on April 05, 2010, 10:59:31 am Reguardless, that particular Game Warden has a boss and a job to do.
Sounds like possibly an issue to take further up the chain of command. Title: Re: Stupid Poachers!! Post by: Tom45 on April 05, 2010, 11:04:41 am Set out a fake deer in the field, once he figures out its fake ,,,,,if he has any brains he will move on down the road and poach somewhere else.
Title: Re: Stupid Poachers!! Post by: LILLWILL on April 05, 2010, 01:13:29 pm chance, i'm from your neck of the woods,contact that warden explain in NO GENTLE,SENITIVE OR POLITE WAY HE BETTER PUT THEM HARDHEADS IN CHECK GUILTY OR NOT ! THEY WILL GET THE WORD OUT DON'T BE GOT ON THAT ROAD OR PROPERTY! >:(
Title: Re: Stupid Poachers!! Post by: charles on April 05, 2010, 04:17:55 pm If you have an IR game cam or can get 1, set it out or set several out facing the direction of the road and hope you can catch a pic of their face or vehicle they are driving and then use that to take the warden and SO's. Its still a killn offence for cattle rustling, you can claim that as a defence. but either way i would set some cams out in several locations and hope to catch several pics of them. how often have there been any dead cows or deer in your area and use that as a timeline of when they might b back in your area and do they just leave the deer lay or take it with them?
Title: Re: Stupid Poachers!! Post by: country man 563 on April 05, 2010, 07:00:19 pm when you catch them find a tall tree and a short rope!!! :angel: ;D >:D
Title: Re: Stupid Poachers!! Post by: dub on April 05, 2010, 10:47:06 pm Sure would be shame if they got lost in the woods when they were poaching.
Title: Re: Stupid Poachers!! Post by: Tusk Hog on April 06, 2010, 08:30:02 pm I have a high fence next to my home ranch. It's like having a big sign "HUNT HERE POACHERS". I've even gotten tired of getting up in the midddle of the night to run them off. The game wardens can't be patroling it all the time. Nowday's if it gets to obvious I turn the porch lights to chase them off. Pretty sad. The bad thing is the ones we catch are not locals, some have been from as for as 100 miles away. Go figure! HORNS! Are they like drugs and make them stupid. Hope you get yours caught CWARD!!!!!!
Title: Re: Stupid Poachers!! Post by: sportsman on April 07, 2010, 12:19:56 am get you sum guard dogs,bay their butts up n catchem,hobble em, you know the routine, then im sure you may wanna train some younger guard dogs with em popo
Title: Re: Stupid Poachers!! Post by: BigAinaBuilt on April 07, 2010, 01:52:16 am I've heard trucks get left alone when people poach. You should do them a favor and check their tire pressure for them and then I've also heard posession is 9/10s of the law. It would be helpful to sell the cows that turn into trucks in your pasture. ;D
Title: Re: Stupid Poachers!! Post by: dub on April 07, 2010, 09:46:36 am Truck? What truck? Did you see a truck? Try explaining to the deputy what you were doing away from your truck next to a high fence. I think the game warden would have more fun. Just make it a tow away zone and have a tow truck drive by a couple times a night. I have had great cooperation from tow truck drivers. The game warden will tow off a truck if it looks like poaching. I would have the tow truck driver call me so I could sit out and laugh at them. Then I would hit them with a hunting fee.
Title: Re: Stupid Poachers!! Post by: Jesabell on April 07, 2010, 09:47:44 am we had this happen on a place we had in colorado city they would do the same thing i guess we never caught them
Title: Re: Stupid Poachers!! Post by: dub on April 07, 2010, 09:56:03 am I might not notice a property line but a high fence! Even a person I know that has shot many deer driving down a road respects the high fence. He said anybody that will spend that much money on a fence can have whatever is in it. I would get a good fake deer I would call my hunting decoy and use it for hunting poachers. I have seen Game Wardens use them on TV. That would be so much fun.
Title: Re: Stupid Poachers!! Post by: gottagettem on April 07, 2010, 10:59:31 pm make a home made spike strip that covers the road. since the gamewarden want help... who cares who hits it... its at nite.. and late... it will stop everyone drivin bye..... and help u catch up to the one who fired the gun.... go ask them if the need help..... " help putting their hands in the air. till the sheriff gets there".. and if it takes them a long time to get there.. call 911 and say they got a gun. fire off a shot and hang up... they will come for sure..if not make the news with it all.. "man catchs paochers and hog ties them till cops show up next day".... tonite at the news at ten....haha..... or buy you a rifle off the street.. and target pratice at them in the nite...they ant the only ones with a gun...