Title: WTB - Alfalfa Hay - Large squares Post by: Circle C on May 07, 2010, 03:35:45 pm Looking for some 3x3x8, 3x4x8, 0r 4x4x8 bales of alfalfa. Need horse quality, fine stemmed. I only need 3-4 tons. If you know of someone bringing in semi loads that will part with a few bales, or if you know of someone putting out quality alfalfa please let me know.
832-689-2786 Title: Re: WTB - Alfalfa Hay - Large squares Post by: GitDatHawg on May 07, 2010, 06:21:44 pm I'm probably gonna buy a load. it would be the 3x3x8 bales out of colorado. the stuff i got last year was excellent. when r you wanting them?
Title: Re: WTB - Alfalfa Hay - Large squares Post by: Circle C on May 07, 2010, 06:34:05 pm hegar,
I located some late this afternoon that I will be picking up this weekend. Just going to pick up 8 bales for now. Let me know when you get some in and i'll see if I can afford the hegarhay mark up ;D Title: Re: WTB - Alfalfa Hay - Large squares Post by: GitDatHawg on May 08, 2010, 09:22:36 pm c'mon now we buds you wouldn't catch regular price! ;D just curious though... what you pay 4 them and what size?
Title: Re: WTB - Alfalfa Hay - Large squares Post by: Circle C on May 08, 2010, 11:00:31 pm the past year or so I have been paying 165 per 4x4x8, and 80 per 3x3x8. I guess in the ballpark of 180-200 per ton.I prefer the 3x3x8,as it is abit easier for me to handle. I'll give you a call when we pick up our next load and see if you have any available.