HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: TXTECH22 on May 09, 2010, 07:34:46 pm

Title: Need Help Regarding Oklahoma Dog Hunting Regulations
Post by: TXTECH22 on May 09, 2010, 07:34:46 pm
Hey Guys,

I just moved to Tulsa and haven't really found anyone to hunt with up here.

So I decided to look into leasing some land. Found a 5000 acre place and it looks pretty good. I was talking to the guy about hunting with dogs and he said NO... He said it is perfectly fine with him but illegal in the state of Oklahoma.

I told him it wasn't but he has lived here way longer than I've been alive and wanted proof.

Can anyone point me to some information (preferably a state website) that talks about hog dogging and it being legal!! Ive been seaching the wild life department website and cant find anything that will prove my case........

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Title: Re: Need Help Regarding Oklahoma Dog Hunting Regulations
Post by: gardner32 on May 09, 2010, 09:38:59 pm
Oklahoma laws on hog doggin are never clear it is legal, you just have to go by the rules as if you were shooting them with a gun. Go to the wildlifedepartment.com go to the rules on
hog hunting and at the bottom it says something like all rules apply to chasing with hounds as well

Title: Re: Need Help Regarding Oklahoma Dog Hunting Regulations
Post by: oklahoma hogger on May 09, 2010, 11:32:44 pm
No your fine....i run into game wardens all the time and they just tell me to catch as many of them as i can...

Title: Re: Need Help Regarding Oklahoma Dog Hunting Regulations
Post by: craig on May 10, 2010, 09:04:58 am
  when you read the reg. for each public hunting area it will say pursuit with hounds you can hunt then with no problems..  pick up a regulation book at a convenience store or something,so you will have it with you to show landowners.

turkey season is over now so you can hunt public land again..

as soon as i can slow down long enough to get some time to go hunting i will give you a call.

                                                           later, craig

Title: Re: Need Help Regarding Oklahoma Dog Hunting Regulations
Post by: coyote hunter on May 10, 2010, 10:41:06 am
as far as i know  u can hunt pretty much anything with dogs in oklahoma  especially hogs   never had a prob with a game warden

Title: Re: Need Help Regarding Oklahoma Dog Hunting Regulations
Post by: TXTECH22 on May 10, 2010, 12:13:57 pm
Thanks Craig.

Title: Re: Need Help Regarding Oklahoma Dog Hunting Regulations
Post by: bob on May 10, 2010, 12:31:40 pm
were did you move from ? do you have dogs ?

Title: Re: Need Help Regarding Oklahoma Dog Hunting Regulations
Post by: TXTECH22 on May 10, 2010, 08:19:08 pm
I moved from lubbock. Went to school at Texas Tech. I'm originally from North Texas around Decatur.
Yes, I have dogs. I have everything but a hunting buddy and land. But I'm working on getting land. And always looking for a good hunting buddy....

Title: Re: Need Help Regarding Oklahoma Dog Hunting Regulations
Post by: gardner32 on May 10, 2010, 08:44:42 pm
dont move to oklahoma we got TORNADOES!!!!!!!!! im right in the middle of all of them now

Title: Re: Need Help Regarding Oklahoma Dog Hunting Regulations
Post by: TXTECH22 on May 10, 2010, 09:51:14 pm
Yeah I got lucky... They were mostly south of me and a few north... Nothing but heavy rain at my house!

Title: Re: Need Help Regarding Oklahoma Dog Hunting Regulations
Post by: oklahoma hogger on May 11, 2010, 02:06:51 pm
Yea tornados deffinatly were everywhere.

Title: Re: Need Help Regarding Oklahoma Dog Hunting Regulations
Post by: aladatrot on May 12, 2010, 09:01:25 am
Keep the tornadoes up there, but please send rain south.

Glad to see that OK actually points out dogging as a legal method of persuing game. Texas isn't kind enough to spell it out like that, which makes dog hunting a privilege, not a right. It is much easier to take away a privilege than a right.
