Title: Welcome armyCOMBATmedic! Post by: Bryant on August 13, 2008, 10:01:39 pm Monday evening I had a hunt lined up and was waiting at a convience store for the other guys to arrive. A guy saw my trailer and dogs and whipped in and jumped out of the car immediately asking if I was familiar with another website (xxxxxboars.com). I said Yes, and we started talking hog hunting.
I have a real sense of loyalty and great deal of respect to those who serve our country, and I invited John to check out this website and also to join us on a hunt. I believe he deploys back in the near future, and so we'll try to sneak one in and hopefully get these guys on their first hog doggin' hunt and get some good pics to post real soon. I really enjoyed having another member (and friend) "got2catchem" hunting with me again this past weekend, and we also had another two soldiers along who arrived back from Iraq in December. We were able to put these two guys on their first kill with dogs and MAN they were fired up! Just a tiny bit of thanks for all you guys do! WELCOME armyCOMBATmedic! Title: Re: Welcome armyCOMBATmedic! Post by: Boardog on August 14, 2008, 08:23:06 am Welcome Armycombat medic hogdoggin is the deal. :o
Title: Re: Welcome armyCOMBATmedic! Post by: rob73 on August 14, 2008, 08:26:19 am welcome
Title: Re: Welcome armyCOMBATmedic! Post by: clint on August 14, 2008, 08:29:15 am Welcome,, Warning- Hog Huntin is VERY addictive ;D,,
And thanks for all you do over seas :) Title: Re: Welcome armyCOMBATmedic! Post by: got2catchem on August 14, 2008, 09:08:10 am Welcome, you never know when having a medic/coreman on a hunt might come in handy.
Title: Re: Welcome armyCOMBATmedic! Post by: Sean on August 14, 2008, 02:42:58 pm welcome armycombatmedic! and thanks for all you do for us, thanks to all our veterans past and present! and good luck on the hog hunting ;)
Title: Re: Welcome armyCOMBATmedic! Post by: armyCOMBATmedic on August 14, 2008, 05:04:58 pm Wow, Im speechless. You guys are great on here, And Bryant I owe you one for this. A little about myself Name is John Im 23 hometown is in Maine, (no hogs up there). BUT WE GOT MOOSE!! Anyway I left my fire department in maine to join the army as a combat medic, I have been in for over 2 years now. I deployed to Baghdad Iraq in 2006, was there for 15 (LONG) months, got home in early february this year. My one passion in this world is the outdoors in whatever scenario, Hunting is my big thing tho, Due to deployments and training I missed the last 3 hunting seasons for deer and other season critters, I may miss this one too. Im due to go back to Iraq in february for another year, but with change of congress might be di-verted to Afghanistan.
Just so everyone knows, YOU DONT OWE ME ANYTHING!!! I do what i do for my/OUR country cause I love it, And I love healing people, Its not a job its an obligation, but a good one. When I get done over there and years from now im bagging me some hogs with pals like you guys on here, Ill look back and you know damn well It will all be worth it. Im a real social person, I love networking with everybody, so I apologize before hand if I get redundant in sucking all the Info I can out of you guys to learn hog hunting, As for bryant Im pumped for a hunt this weekend, Whatever you need let me know. P.S. As for the statement about having a medic on a hunt... Hey Ive seen youtube.com before and Ive watched a couple guys get split open so yes might not be such a bad idea. THANKS FOR THE WELCOMING GUYS... PLEASURES ALL MINE!!! -JOHN Title: Re: Welcome armyCOMBATmedic! Post by: Mike on August 14, 2008, 05:51:53 pm John, welcome to the boards! And yes THANK YOU for your service to our country!
If you're ever in the S.E. Texas area, just holler and you're welcome to hunt with us anytime. Title: Re: Welcome armyCOMBATmedic! Post by: armyCOMBATmedic on August 14, 2008, 06:14:45 pm Just thought I might show you some pics from Iraq, This was me and my Battle buddy dreaming of being home for the hunt last deer season(http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p270/firepyro11/100_0171.jpg)
And this is one of the greatest feelings I have had to date.....Leaving the Baghdad airport and COMING HOME (http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p270/firepyro11/100_0264.jpg) Title: Re: Welcome armyCOMBATmedic! Post by: Noah on August 14, 2008, 07:29:13 pm John, what you're doing takes a thousand times more balls than any "extreme" sport out there. It's because of you that us civilians are able to live the American dream, and my family thanks you.
So, is there any form of hunting over there? I've seen some of those Saluki dogs that run desert hares down... that looks like it would be fun :) Title: Re: Welcome armyCOMBATmedic! Post by: armyCOMBATmedic on August 14, 2008, 07:41:23 pm the only animals I shot were dogs, There is some pretty ugly city dogs over there with some nasty diseases, But they have lots of rabbits, and small game. I was located in Camp Liberty Baghdad, and are entire camp was located in Sudamms personal game reserve. He and his sons hunted some pretty cool animals there. In fact when we over ran him in 2003 marines had to shoot a full grown Lion that was on the prowl within his game reserve walls. Pretty scary!
Title: Re: Welcome armyCOMBATmedic! Post by: clint on August 14, 2008, 07:53:25 pm Quote In fact when we over ran him in 2003 marines had to shoot a full grown Lion that was on the prowl within his game reserve walls. Pretty scary! man i bet that wouldve been a little scary :o :o :) Title: Re: Welcome armyCOMBATmedic! Post by: Findahog on August 16, 2008, 10:26:40 am Welcome