Title: Lost My Dog last night!!! Post by: River H on May 14, 2010, 06:13:35 am I went out hunting last night and hit a herd and there was a about a hundred and fifty pound boar just sitting there she it hit and kept going with it dont know where she is!!! She could be any where by now
Title: Re: Lost My Dog last night!!! Post by: leonriverboy on May 14, 2010, 06:42:01 am Where were you hunting? Describe your dog. Does she have your name and number on her? I have a friend that hunts and runs a lot of cattle in you area and he can look for her. The quicker you find her the better your chances are!
Title: Re: Lost My Dog last night!!! Post by: River H on May 14, 2010, 08:03:38 am i found her this morning i had put my shirt down last night and went back out this morning and she was just sitting there wagging her tell like what did i do!!! But where do you live
Title: Re: Lost My Dog last night!!! Post by: pigsticker64 on May 14, 2010, 08:55:12 am WOW that is good to know and a great tip. To leave something in the area with your scent on it just in case the dog comes back. Nice job and glad you found your dog..