Title: Reposted for army combat medic Post by: Clay on August 14, 2008, 09:19:12 pm Nope, I wish I had some hog dogs, I have a champion Chocolate Lab she my duck dog but shes to girle for hogs. Shes a little stuck up (http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p270/firepyro11/100_0356_00.jpg)
this is about 5 months ago. Soon i might get me some more dogs, but its hard to take care of them when im in Iraq or Afghanistan every other year. Title: Re: Reposted for army combat medic Post by: Jeff on August 14, 2008, 10:53:42 pm taking care of multiple dogs is a lot of work. might be hard to get someone to keep a whole pack while you're out of the country. try to find someone who has dogs to let you tag along until you get discharged.
thanks for your service. Title: Re: Reposted for army combat medic Post by: Jeff on August 14, 2008, 11:00:10 pm just saw the other post. looks like you've already got it lined up. have fun, you're gonna be hooked.
Title: Re: Reposted for army combat medic Post by: Cull Buck on August 14, 2008, 11:02:55 pm Clay, I love that picture. My baby at home is a choclate lab. She is a good bird dog but she absolutlely has hate in her heart for pigs. She is straight catch. I've put here in a pen a couple times to show up some guys; she drops the hammer every time. She has caught two small shoats in the marsh while were setting out decoys before daylight too. One out baby! ;) I'll post some pictures of her where when I get back to TX. MI sucks balls!
Title: Re: Reposted for army combat medic Post by: armyCOMBATmedic on August 15, 2008, 04:55:38 am Hey thanks clay for reposting this for me, My apologies for creating work for you tho.