Title: 20 gal Buckets - $2 each - College Station Post by: NatX on May 20, 2010, 08:15:42 pm I have about 20 of these buckets left. They are 15-20 gal buckets that use to have a 24% cattle feed (dry pellets) from Tracker Supply in them. They measure 18.5 inches tall and 20 inches inner diameter. The plastic is thick, have made good water buckets and I used them in some drip irrigation set-ups.
Asking $2 each. Buckets are in College Station. If interested send me an email. (http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f111/NatX88/IMG_1279.jpg) (http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f111/NatX88/IMG_1278.jpg) |