HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: Jeff on August 17, 2008, 12:13:42 pm

Title: 8/17/8
Post by: Jeff on August 17, 2008, 12:13:42 pm
took my dad to roadhouse last night for his birthday.  michael called my cell during dinner and said one of our landowners called to say the hogs are back on his place.  he'd shot at one, but didnt know if he'd hit it, and he wasnt going to go check because it was HUGE.   

i asked if he wanted to go after 'em when i got home, and he said he cant, he's got plans.  i said break 'em (seems easy enough to me).  he didnt want to break his plans, apparently a lady friend was envolved.  im gonna have to have a serious talk with him about priorities.

he called back a little while later and asked if i wanted to go early this morning.  i thought to myself 'no, i want to sleep late', but i said yeah, ill be ready.

my strike dog is out with a skin infection, so all we had was an AB, a pit, a pit/lab, and a real short range weimeraner.

michael, shawn and i get there, unload, and there's fresh sign around.  you could still see trails in the wet dew from where they left some rooting and went to the woods.  the dogs picked up the track and went about 150 yards and barked a couple times.  every one of these dogs will catch.  we found out later that they barked because the pig was in some brush and they couldnt get to it.

we got there just in time to see the pit/lab and the weimeraner trying to get in and catch.  a nice boar, about 150, broke out of the back side from where the dogs were, and they never saw it.  he went about 30 yards to a big brush pile.  we led the dogs to the pile, and they couldnt get in to get him.

we noticed the pit and the AB were gone, so we looked at the tracker.  the AB wasnt moving, but the pit was. both were about 200 yards away.  Shawn was concerned that his AB was cut, or dead.  We went to him, and the pit got to him before we did.  when we got there.  they were caught in a creek on a fat little boar, about 100-125 pounds.  the other two dogs jumped in and we got him tied.

we went back to the brush pile, and the other hog was still there. michael climbed up on one of the dead trees and saw him for a split second.  the dogs tried for 30 minutes to get in there, and just couldnt get to him.  a terrier would have worked great to flush him out.

we finally gave up on him, and went to load the other pig.  we're all pretty pumped up.  after a little over a year, this was our first successful free range hunt without help from anyone else's dogs.  we like to hunt with other people, but it's nice to know we can get it done on our own.  it's been a long hard road.

shawn's wife is gonna try to get a pic off the cell phone later.

Title: Re: 8/17/8
Post by: shawn on August 17, 2008, 12:58:13 pm
i tried to put the pic up but it said the file is to big,  its on hoghunters.com though

Title: Re: 8/17/8
Post by: Noah on August 17, 2008, 01:58:21 pm

Title: Re: 8/17/8
Post by: shawn on August 17, 2008, 02:08:21 pm
thanks man, looks like we're gonna definately use just bulldogs on smaller places like this now.  but having a tracking sytem is a must, we couldnt hear buddy for the 20-30 minutes he was gone.

Title: Re: 8/17/8
Post by: clint on August 17, 2008, 04:29:03 pm
sounds like yall had fun.. the smaller boar wasnt squeelin when the dogs were caught?

Title: Re: 8/17/8
Post by: shawn on August 17, 2008, 05:02:20 pm
no it wasnt, suprised us too, guess he was a tough one because they had him caught for a good while before we found em.

Title: Re: 8/17/8
Post by: clint on August 17, 2008, 05:07:02 pm
ive had that happen some times to,, caught a sow a few weeks ago about 2 weeks ago, she was about 175 lbs and our dogs had her caught and she never let out a peep,, just a grunt every now and then

Title: Re: 8/17/8
Post by: gardner32 on August 17, 2008, 08:34:16 pm
hey jw i got that pic off of hoghunters.

(http://img9.uploadhouse.com/fileuploads/2433/2433619-holder-7d666276e4768f3afa5a2250ed1197ba.jpg) (http://www.uploadhouse.com/viewfile.php?id=2433619&showlnk=0)

Title: Re: 8/17/8
Post by: Mike on August 17, 2008, 09:14:51 pm
Congratulations fellas... it's all down hill now! ;D

Title: Re: 8/17/8
Post by: shawn on August 18, 2008, 06:34:20 am
thanks gardner, sorry about  the pic quality it was off my cell phone, maybe one of us will remember a camera next time, lol.

Title: Re: 8/17/8
Post by: Jeff on August 18, 2008, 08:41:58 pm
gardner - how'd you do that? it keep telling us the file is too big.

Title: Re: 8/17/8
Post by: gardner32 on August 18, 2008, 08:53:48 pm
i just saved it on my computer from hoghunters then went to an image uploader site and uploaded it usually those sites will fix the size of it or let you change the size

Title: Re: 8/17/8
Post by: shawn on August 19, 2008, 05:28:41 am
im a computer retard, tried to do it with some puppy pictures but it still says the file is to big, maybe my wife can fix it, lol