GENERAL CATEGORY => HUNTING AND FISHING => Topic started by: mley1 on May 22, 2010, 08:52:52 pm

Title: Aoudads in West Texas.
Post by: mley1 on May 22, 2010, 08:52:52 pm
Just thought I'd share a little trip that me and KP made to West Texas last week. We went to my friends ranch and helped out with their round up and branding. The round up was a little slow. There was so much good grass and water that the cattle didn't want to leave the pastures to come down to the pens. So, we only were able to brand 50 calves this time.

After branding KP and I went out to do some aoudad hunting. The first area we went was an old reliable spot. We found a group of aoudad feeding back in a canyon about a half mile away. We stalked up to a finger on the plateau where I felt the aoudad would come up on. And, they did. We got within about 75yrds of them. KP shot a nice ewe. I had an opportunity at one, but decided to wait because I didn't know how difficult a recovery job we'd have on KP's. Recovery wasn't too bad though.

Here is KP and his aoudad.

The next day we hunted in the same area. We found 4 different groups of aoudads, well over a hundred together. And, we stalked within 200yrds of many of them. The only problem was they were all ewe's and lambs. And, I was after a big ram for the office. So, I passed on them all. Then, in the afternoon we decided to call some in. That's right, I said call them in. My rancher friend told us to use our predator calls and it would call in the aoudads. I didn't believe him. But, that afternoon we tried it anyway. And, to our surprise, after we made a few calls on the predator call out popped two aoudads. They were both ewe's. But, there was only one day left to hunt so I decided to take the  larger ewe. We stalked within about 150yrds and I let it rip. I knew as soon as I made the shot it was a bad one. So, I put another one in her. We didn't see her drop. But, the younger ewe was just standing by some cedars. So, we figured she was there. She was too. But, she was still alive. Since KP was between me and her he put the finishing shot in her. All in all a nice ewe.

Me and my ewe.

We got her all quartered and on ice. I went up to the ranch house to tell my rancher friend about our hunt. And, to my surprise, he told me to get back out there in the morning and try to get a big ram. He said that he wanted to see me take a big ram. So, I hugged him and thanked him for the opportunity. I LOVE THAT GUY!! He and his family treated me and KP like we was family. They are great people.

So, the next morning we went over to a spot where we had seen some rams the day before. And, sure enough they were there again. But, they were way back in the boonies on the side of a plateau. But, we made the stalk anyway. Along the way I kept asking KP if he thought we could get the atv's way back in there. He kept assuring me that we could. So, we pressed on. The big one kept hiding behind tree's and bushes. Finally, I stalked to the base of the plateau and got within about 100yrds of the big boy. I got in a seated position and let him have it. He just tumbled down the hill, DRT.

He was a big bodied animal, pushing 300lbs on the hoof. He field dressed a little over 200lbs. His horns are a touch under 30 inches on each side. And, the bases are a hair over 13 inches on each side. He had scars all on his sides from fighting. He's a real nice ram. And, I'll be making a european mound of him to go in my office.

It was a great week out in West Texas. We got three aoudads in as many days. And, we probably seen close to 200 aoudads over the week. I can't wait to go back!! I can't thank KP enough for being there for me on this trip. Without his help I could NEVER have recovered either of my aoudads. His know how and ability with an atv saved my bacon on the ram. And, without his extra help I could not have gotten either of my aoudads. Thanks KP!! You're one heck of a hunting partner buddy!!

Me and my ram. Before field dressing.

Me and my ram, after field dressing and getting him down off the plateau.

Title: Re: Aoudads in West Texas.
Post by: bghogdogtx on May 24, 2010, 10:02:14 am
looked like a fun trip

Title: Re: Aoudads in West Texas.
Post by: Mike on May 24, 2010, 05:25:18 pm
That's a helluva hunt Marty!

Looks like you and KP had a real good time. ;D

Title: Re: Aoudads in West Texas.
Post by: Marshall on May 24, 2010, 05:59:39 pm
AWESOME! Those are some really good Audads! Good job!!!

Title: Re: Aoudads in West Texas.
Post by: mley1 on May 24, 2010, 06:38:16 pm
Thanks guy's! I was sure glad ole KP went with me. Getting that ram off the mountain took some work. There was 3 creak beds we had to cross. And, I had to hang off the front of the atv several times to keep it from going over backwards up the banks. We were using two wheel drive Honda Recons that are only 250cc's. And, let me tell you they sure impressed me. I wouldn't hesitate to buy one for my own use. Those little atv's are amazing at what they'll do.