Title: 2 Good Young Open Dogs For Sale Post by: gnjhesseltine on May 24, 2010, 05:24:37 pm First Dog Easy Money- 1 1/2 yr. old male 1/2bmc 1/2plott. Gritty and hates a hog. He will get better as he gets older. Good Strike Dog He has already found his own hog. Real good nose, open on track, has a good handle and has been broke off livestock. $300
(http://i643.photobucket.com/albums/uu157/gnjhesseltine/EasyMoney.jpg) Second Dog Bear-2 yr old cur cross male. Dog on left. Bear has a low squeal mouth on track and can find his own hogs. Great nose. He is semi-open on track and will only catch if the other dogs catch. Another dog with a good handle and broke off livestock. $300 (http://i643.photobucket.com/albums/uu157/gnjhesseltine/Bear.jpg) Any questions pm me or give me a call at 361-438-0702. |