Title: PANTHERS Post by: jdt on August 21, 2008, 10:47:24 pm a lady on the other side of the county saw a panther in her yard the other day . she called the game warden, they said somebody turned 5 loose in that area. i was just wondering if i happened to bay one up, should a guy $h1t first and shoot second, or shoot first and $h1t second?
Title: Re: PANTHERS Post by: Noah on August 21, 2008, 11:24:01 pm If you got the dogs to tree him, I wouldn't sweat it too much... make sure to bring a camera!
Personally, I'd dump my curs in a heartbeat if I saw one... doubt they'd have the bottom to stay with one, but they'd sure give it hell ;D Title: Re: PANTHERS Post by: clint on August 22, 2008, 03:37:27 pm lol at noah
Title: Re: PANTHERS Post by: Noah on August 22, 2008, 04:53:39 pm Clint, funny story, couple yrs ago we were riding the paved road on the outskirts of our club heading in another gate to get in... As I'm driving along, I see something large and black running right beside the truck... it was a big old boar bear(very uncommon for these parts), and I mean BIG! Well, I slammed on the brakes as we watched him peel off into the club... my friends look at me and ask "what do you want to do??" ;D ;D ;D
"Drop the box" I says...lol and the race was on, they burned him for a ways, baying every couple of minutes.... the whole time "ol' Blue"(seasoned catch dog snapped on top the box) would go nuts thinking it was a hog... Well, he finally busted loose on one of the bays....and that was the end of blue :-[ My Ellie dog was the only one we got back that night, but I'd do it again in a heartbeat.(Except for the CD thing..) I feel a big game dog is a big game dog, no matter the quarry. Hog, bear, cougar, you name it, my dog better bay it. Title: Re: PANTHERS Post by: hogdoggin91 on August 22, 2008, 06:20:56 pm Do you have any idea what country it was in, cuz ive heard the brazoria area they turned loose 6 panthers to control the hog popualtion.
Title: Re: PANTHERS Post by: Noah on August 22, 2008, 06:52:13 pm they turned loose 6 panthers to control the hog popualtion. No friggin way!! :o Title: Re: PANTHERS Post by: jdt on August 22, 2008, 07:04:04 pm h d 91 i live in tn, the way i understand it an individual released em . its par for the course though we have red wolves coming in from the state park, yankees moving in bringing cow killing yard dogs,and a new kind of buzzard that kills baby calves, iguess maybe it was just too easy before.
Title: Re: PANTHERS Post by: Flatbroke on August 22, 2008, 08:09:26 pm Dang yankees ;D
Title: Re: PANTHERS Post by: clint on August 22, 2008, 08:46:32 pm dang right flatbroke, dang yankees,,lol
noah im like you my dogs better bay any big game besides those dang things with those white tails, lol ;D ;D Title: Re: PANTHERS Post by: hogdoggin91 on August 23, 2008, 10:43:29 pm some of you might not think its true but my uncle and cousins have see them down by cow pasture road in gUy, tx
Title: Re: PANTHERS Post by: Clay on August 24, 2008, 02:49:07 pm there are panthers (mountain lions) spread throughout texas. Some spots are not highly populated like south texas but any rural area has a possibilty of seeing one becasue of the ground that the guys keep as a home range. I am a member of texas trappers and fur hunters association and they are trapping more and more every year they are spreading quickly to parts that had not seen them for a long time. They are migrating from Louisiana on east texas side and mexico and new mexico an the west side.
Title: Re: PANTHERS Post by: Clay on August 24, 2008, 02:51:38 pm As far as turning them loose its doutful the ranchers would have a heart attack if they new the were intentionally put here. They do eat hogs but i think calves and old cows would be much easier prey. they are gonna take the easiest meal.
Title: Re: PANTHERS Post by: capt jack on August 25, 2008, 10:20:59 am i am from the brazoria area. ever year for the last 5 or so years, a momma panther and her kittens come down the brazos river bottom. they general stay between the brazos and benard river. the momma cat teaches her cubs to hunt by killing goats. some of the goat farmers have lost as many as 10 to 15 over the summer.
the cat and her cubs have been seen by many of the farmers, ranchers and the sheriff's deputies. long toward winter the goat killings stop and the panthers move on, until the next spring when she has a new litter of kittens. Title: Re: PANTHERS Post by: hogdoggin91 on August 27, 2008, 01:02:33 am and my cousin said they definatley wernt cougars, he says he say them on the egde of a river near his house. not sure what the river is called though
Title: Re: PANTHERS Post by: So Oklahoma Cur Dogs on August 27, 2008, 04:49:04 am We're getting them in southern oklahoma too. I saw a solid black one five years ago and a couple years ago they had one on the news. This one was a mountain lion and it layed up in a womans front yard and stayed there long enough for her to get a picture of it. We're gettin black bear about an hour east of here too.
Title: Re: PANTHERS Post by: gardner32 on August 27, 2008, 08:58:50 pm yeah we had a black panther at bennington forever that people would see every now and then, i seen it once heard what i thought was a scream one time looked out of the house and there it stood, i was really young then tho
Title: Re: PANTHERS Post by: jdt on August 27, 2008, 09:56:17 pm is a panther and mt lion the same? ialways heard the old timers call em painters [panthers] andsometimes one would be born black. any body know?
Title: Re: PANTHERS Post by: Noah on August 27, 2008, 10:40:15 pm Panthers are what we have in the SE, not many of them. Mt. lions are a larger "cousin" that have been brought in to help repopulate our declining stock. There has, from what I know, never been a documented black panther/mt. lion ever in the U.S. There was a recent discovery/history channel documentary about the supposed "black panther" sightings all across the U.S.. It was something like two to one sightings being reported as being "black" as opposed to normal. Shoot, even around here I've heard a dozen locals swear they've seen "black panthers" around for a hundred yrs.... you'd think somebody would've shot one by now... There are jaguars starting to show up as far as NM, coming up from central america... I suppose they could be mistaken for a black panther...
Title: Re: PANTHERS Post by: aussiedogger on September 02, 2008, 06:14:27 am aren't panthers and jaguars the same thing and mountain lions and cougars the same thing :o
Title: Re: PANTHERS Post by: So Oklahoma Cur Dogs on September 02, 2008, 09:09:49 am i think thats right but i'm no expert
Title: Re: PANTHERS Post by: Noah on September 02, 2008, 10:40:45 am The state animal of Florida is the "Florida panther", but I have heard of jag's being referred to as panthers... po-tay-to/po-tah-to, to-may-to/to-mah-to ;D
I do agree on the cougar/mt. lion being the same though. Title: Re: PANTHERS Post by: GitDatHawg on September 03, 2008, 01:52:49 pm I was at a place last nite near the navasota river and we sitting around the camp fire at the house and heard the scream they make. Now, I have heard one before but my wife and buddy hadn't it freaked them out, it really did sound like a person. What was weird is that it was so close to the house. I mean really close. Now, I have never seen a black cat in that area before. My question is... Do bobcats make a similar noise? Cause i have seen quite a few of them.
Title: Re: PANTHERS Post by: Noah on September 03, 2008, 02:54:44 pm Yes, bobcat's make a huge call compared to their body size, I feel most people mistake the scream for a cougar more than not.
I've been in a stand, waitin' on deer, and heard that call... only to have a 30# bobcat come walking out when I thought it should be a lion ;D I've never heard a true cougar, but I would imagine I would know it wasn't a bobcat for sure. That's a relatively big animal, and your "cave man instinct" would be sure to kick in ;) Title: Re: PANTHERS Post by: jlingle on September 03, 2008, 09:07:01 pm My hunting buddy saw one here in SW Oklahoma Monday while we were dove hunting. He's 65 and it's the first one he's ever seen. It ran out of a milo patch & across the dry riverbottom. He said it was a young one & really skinny. I've spent about as much time in the woods as anybody I know, and I've never seen one. I've seen tracks before that I KNOW were a big cat, but never seen a mountain lion. I hope one day I'll call one up while coyote hunting. That'd be awesome.
Title: Re: PANTHERS Post by: T-Bob Parker on September 11, 2008, 07:31:27 pm my dad was sittin on a hilltop on a nat gas pipeline a few years back stalk hunting for whitetail when big mature male lion walked out of the pines about 20 yards to his left, dad froze and as soon as the coog disapeared into the other side of the pipline, pop made a beeline for the truck. i razzed him and said he shoulda made a shot but he said that thing was ON THE PROWL! that'll make yer butthole pucker!
Title: Re: PANTHERS Post by: Noah on September 11, 2008, 08:29:23 pm big mature male lion walked out .... that'll make yer butthole pucker! You ain't kidding, I've been a few feet from a P-O'd sow bear twice now... and for all those who haven't had the opportunity to experience the "fight or flight" reaction yet... "pucker" is a good description ;) Title: Re: PANTHERS Post by: jdt on September 23, 2008, 11:10:26 am 45 miles from where the other one was seen a guy lost a sow n pigs that he had in a barn stall. window was 5 foot high , he figured it was a dog. acouple a weeks later he was fencing in a swamp and saw a huge cat track. noah, you got any lion hounds yet??
Title: Re: PANTHERS Post by: Noah on September 23, 2008, 11:21:38 am Not yet bro, my eyes and ears are open though.... if the right dog comes along I'll grab him. For now, I'm gonna wait till I can make a trip out west to look at stock before I buy anything blind.