Title: Responsible Pet Owners Alliance Update - San Antonio Post by: jls41 on June 10, 2010, 08:31:17 am From RPOA Texas Outreach and
Responsible Pet Owners Alliance "Animal welfare, not animal 'rights' and, yes, there is a difference." Permission granted to crosspost. June 9, 2010 San Antonio City Council will vote next week (Thursday, June 17th) on Chapter 5 Animal Ordinance Revisions. Thanks to your emails and letters, we've eliminated the previous "suggestions" from Animal Care Services. But we need your help again as we have a few new objections. After 8 Public Meetings, 3 Focus Group Meetings, and 2 ACS Advisory Board Meetings, we finally received a draft of the proposal May 14th in time for a fourth Focus Group Meeting. However this was simply a formality as few of our suggestions made it into print. The draft had four revisions within two weeks and the final draft was received last Thursday. It was passed by the Quality of Life Committee yesterday, 2 working days later! As usual we have little time. Tossing out "suggestions" with no final document until the last minute and no time for "John Q." Pet Owner input has become the new MO for Texas cities. A copy of the June 3 version of the ordinance proposal is at the URL: www.rpoatexasoutreach.org under the San Antonio tab. PLEASE CONTACT CITY OFFICIALS LISTED BELOW by phone/email/fax or this is a done deal! TALKING POINTS: (Add your own personal comments.) * Please take this opportunity to become a "Pet Friendly" city instead of being known nationally as the most "Anti-Pet" city in Texas because of the 2007 Ordinance. With the Internet, news travels fast. * Enforce your Leash Law which would address 95% of local animal problems instead of making scofflaws out of pet owners whose animals are confined and not the problem! * Delete the $250 Annual Sellers Permit for non-residents which is impossible to enforce. The Litter Permit (Approx. 150 sold per year) has been proven unenforceable with litters being dumped in droves as a permit is required for ads. "Animal Rights" extremists are outraged about the mostly out-of-town Classified Ads that don't require a Litter Permit and are promoting this new unenforceable Sellers Permit provision. * Animal Care Services claims they have no staff to pick up strays unless sick, injured or biting animals. How can they enforce a $250 Sellers Permit for non-residents? The "Animal Rights" extremists say they want this permit to include ALL sales actually and consider this the first step to accomplish their national legislative agenda. * Delete the Aggressive Dog Definition pertaining to a dog barking at the fence while enclosed on the owner's premises. The animal control director and his staff should NOT be the accuser, judge, jury and executioner for Dangerous Animal and Aggressive Dog Hearings as is written. Nor for the Permits Appeals. * Mandatory Spay/Neuter of dogs and cats upon second impoundment at ACS is not acceptable. Besides ACS recently said they have no records on second impoundments! Animals are our legal property and are let out of yards many times by meter readers, workmen or children. Fines and impoundment fees are adequate punishment. The "Competition Animal" Definition for exemption is not workable. * Delete "All outdoor cats must be spayed/neutered" as there is already discussion by one councilwoman to add "dogs and cats" to this section. San Antonio officials: Address for all: City of San Antonio PO Box 839966 San Antonio, TX 78283 Mayor Julián Castro Phone: (210) 207-7060 Fax: (210) 207-4168 E-mail: mayorjuliancastro@sanantonio.gov City Manager Sheryl Sculley Phone: (210) 207-7080 Fax: (210) 207-4217 E-mail: citymanager@sanantonio.gov Deputy City Manager Pat DiGiovanni Phone: (210) 207-6912 Fax: (210) 207-4122 E-mail: PDiGiovanni@sanantonio.gov Assist. City Manager T. C. Broadnax Phone: (210) 207-7080 Fax: (210) 207-4122 E-mail: tc.broadnax@sanantonio.gov Councilwoman Mary Alice Cisneros Phone: (210) 207-7279 Fax: (210) 207-6931 E-mail: district1@sanantonio.gov Councilwoman Ivy R. Taylor Phone: (210) 207-7278 Fax: (210) 207-4496 E-mail: district2@sanantonio.gov Councilwoman Jennifer Ramos Phone: (210) 207-7064 Fax: (210) 534-1931 E-mail: district3@sanantonio.gov Councilman Philip Cortez Phone: (210) 207-7281 Fax: (210) 678-0099 E-mail: district4@sanantonio.gov Councilman David Medina, Jr. Phone: (210) 207-7043 Fax: (210) 212-4860 E-mail: district5@sanantonio.gov Councilman Ray Lopez Phone: (210) 207-7065 Fax: (210) 207-8760 E-mail: district6@sanantonio.gov Councilman Justin Rodriguez Phone: (210) 207-7044 Fax: (210) 207-7027 E-mail: district7@sanantonio.gov Councilman W. Reed Williams Phone: (210) 207-7086 Fax: (210) 949-0439 E-mail: district8@sanantonio.gov Councilwoman Elisa Chan Phone: (210) 207-7325 Fax: (210) 341-2092 E-mail: district9@sanantonio.gov Councilman John Clamp Phone: (210) 207-7276 Fax: (210) 207-7027 E-mail: district10@sanantonio.gov |