Title: English Pointer x Cat Post by: GAhunter on June 11, 2010, 08:13:21 pm Anyone ever hunt this cross? If so, how'd it hunt?
Title: Re: English Pointer x Cat Post by: Purebreedcolt on June 11, 2010, 08:36:09 pm That is hard to say I have a pup that is 9 months old gritty as can be and really does not give a number 2 about the other dogs on the ground but will go to a bay his litter mate is a pack dog that runs with the other dogs. Point being no 2 dogs hunt the same the best thing is to try it out.
Title: Re: English Pointer x Cat Post by: GenStonewall on June 11, 2010, 08:57:10 pm ain't seen that cross, heck - i ain't even heard of it before. If you looking to buy a dog/pup with that cross, let us (me) know how it works out. Interesting to say the least...
Title: Re: English Pointer x Cat Post by: curdogsforhogs on June 11, 2010, 09:16:21 pm Sold one of my best baying NALC gyps to a hunter here in SC and his GSP bred her and she just had 9 pups and think 5 are doing well should be some hunting baying fools, male is 70 lbs of hunting catchy GSP and the mom was a 45 lb close hunting but would honor a bay and be there pulling hair and stay all day till you get there. Pups all came out black with white feet ..Cat was Black and Tan. I will let you know how they turn out.
Title: Re: English Pointer x Cat Post by: hillbilly on June 12, 2010, 06:59:52 am Going to make the cross if my EP gyp ever comes in season.
Title: Re: English Pointer x Cat Post by: GAhunter on June 14, 2010, 07:09:02 am That is hard to say I have a pup that is 9 months old gritty as can be and really does not give a number 2 about the other dogs on the ground but will go to a bay his litter mate is a pack dog that runs with the other dogs. Point being no 2 dogs hunt the same the best thing is to try it out. Keep me posted on how they do. Any pics of them? Title: Re: English Pointer x Cat Post by: make-em-squeel on June 14, 2010, 08:05:24 pm owned a BMC / pointer, for scattered bred dogs i like the cross, lots of hunt etc the 5 or 6 i have stayed in touch with are generally gritty, with good stamina.
Title: Re: English Pointer x Cat Post by: GAhunter on June 15, 2010, 07:19:38 pm The pointer/pit (bird/bull) is a very popular cross here in GA. I was just giving some thought to the pointer/cat cross thinking if you had a very gritty cat you might have just as good or better of a RCD as a bird/bull.