Title: MEAT EATERS Post by: LionandBoarHunter on June 13, 2010, 10:38:02 pm Was driving around the ranch this afternoon looking at deer and i went around the corner and i heard this baby fawn these two boars were playing tug a war with him they wont do that no more
(http://i766.photobucket.com/albums/xx310/amandakaymcbeth/boarandfawn002.jpg) Title: Re: MEAT EATERS Post by: matt_aggie04 on June 13, 2010, 10:56:13 pm That is pretty wild! That could get into your pocket book pretty quick if they played that game very often.
Title: Re: MEAT EATERS Post by: LionandBoarHunter on June 13, 2010, 10:59:21 pm yea really i wonder how many they have killed all ready
Title: Re: MEAT EATERS Post by: buddybegone on June 13, 2010, 11:11:54 pm good deal jesse but i agree with their taste but just a little older
Title: Re: MEAT EATERS Post by: matt_aggie04 on June 13, 2010, 11:13:46 pm Were you able to shoot em right where they are laying? That is some pretty handy rifle work!
Title: Re: MEAT EATERS Post by: LionandBoarHunter on June 13, 2010, 11:16:54 pm yep they were laying right were they dropped i didnt want to have to dragg them around for a pic ;)
Title: Re: MEAT EATERS Post by: chainrated on June 14, 2010, 07:04:34 am I used to not think that happened very often at all but I think it's becoming more and more often that they are killing fawns.. Or I'm just seeing it more... In the last year I've seen it happen twice that a boar hog ran out of a field carrying one..
Title: Re: MEAT EATERS Post by: Bump on June 14, 2010, 09:11:44 am That is a pretty scary thought. Difficult land owners or deer hunters need to see this. With all the fawns I have been seeing...I wondered how common this occurs.
Title: Re: MEAT EATERS Post by: parker on June 14, 2010, 10:26:05 am i'd say there was something probably wrong with the fawn ..... coyotes a nd bobcats would wipe out deer herds if the fawns was easy enuff to catch that hogs caught em regular .......
Title: Re: MEAT EATERS Post by: Cull Buck on June 14, 2010, 10:41:10 am That has to be a crazy sight. :o
Title: Re: MEAT EATERS Post by: Cristina on June 14, 2010, 11:13:35 am That was probably not the first one they killed either. That is crazy for sure.
Title: Re: MEAT EATERS Post by: hogdoggintn on June 14, 2010, 11:54:29 am That goes to show a hog will eat absolutely anything and everything. ;D
Title: Re: MEAT EATERS Post by: BarrNinja on June 14, 2010, 12:21:21 pm Crazy pics Jesse.
I think some hogs just get the taste for venison and they develop a knack for finding fawns this time of year. Same with cattle and sheep. More than one hog hunter on this web site can tell you about calf and lamb killers. I dont know how common it is but I have been hearing about em for a long long time. Cant say that I have ever actually killed or caught one though. Title: Re: MEAT EATERS Post by: waylon-N.E. OK on June 14, 2010, 12:56:29 pm Thats a hog for you, up here they have been found to have rooted out coyote pups and eat them before there eye's are open. I don't know if that's good or bad, but show's just how much of a predator they really are
Title: Re: MEAT EATERS Post by: firemedic on June 14, 2010, 01:55:04 pm That's a sight that you came up on.....bet it happens a whole lot more than the deer hunters are willing to admit. Look at it this way......a hog is smarter than a coyote of that I'm sure and they have a nose second to none, they will capitalize on any situation that will benefit them, so why wouldn't they eat every fawn they could find?
Title: Re: MEAT EATERS Post by: parker on June 14, 2010, 03:05:28 pm personally i like pork better so i hope they eat all the deer around here .... hahahaha those are rare cases if not there wouldn't be any deer left between coyotes bobcats and killer hogs ..... jow amny fawns has anyone been able to sneak up on and catch in the woods ....everyone i have ever seen has come up doing 30 miles an hour the other dirrection ..... i've seen hogdogs try and catch em no such luck ... its the week or sick that fall prey to the pigs and such .....
Title: Re: MEAT EATERS Post by: LionandBoarHunter on June 14, 2010, 03:24:27 pm They usaully eat the ones that were just born they smell the blood and the placenta were they have the fawn that is what attracts them there ababy fawn will just lay there and let yopu walk right up on it untill it is about 2 1/2 weeks old they will not hardly run at all there wasnt nothing wrong with the baby fawn untull the hogs got a holt of it. we had the same thing happen here when we were raising alot of goats i dont think all hogs do this it s just the ones that get that first blood in there mouth and they seem to get a craving for it one boar hog will wipe out a kid crop pretty fast
Title: Re: MEAT EATERS Post by: firemedic on June 14, 2010, 04:25:42 pm I'll bet they could be hell on a goat herd.
Title: Re: MEAT EATERS Post by: johnf on June 14, 2010, 04:37:08 pm i think i mite print this to show deer hunters on clubs.this could be valuble to me.
Title: Re: MEAT EATERS Post by: parker on June 14, 2010, 07:23:01 pm hahahahaha thats what i was thinking when i first read all the posts this kind of stuff would be good to get hunting permission ......
the questions i have about it is ... if baby deer was so easy to get when born how does any survive ? we all hunt during the time they have little ones ,,, why doesn't some of our dogs ever bay one up or catch em ? they will eat small goats and small pigs and i am sure any fawn or calf or whatever they can but i don't think its a big problem ..... i'm just messing around on here nothing serious just something to past the time with ya'll ....but i do believe if they ever come up with a sure fire way to exterminate hogs we will all be crying Title: Re: MEAT EATERS Post by: chainrated on June 14, 2010, 08:19:26 pm I've had young dogs that were not deer broke run em down and catch them quiet a few times. The older dogs don't usually mess with them. I've watched older dogs on many occasion run across one that jumps up right in front of them and never even pay them any attention.. A lot of the places we hunt are absolutely loaded with deer and this time of the year you see fawns all over the place. I think it's a lot more common on places like this that boar hogs kill newborn fawns..
Title: Re: MEAT EATERS Post by: goose on June 14, 2010, 08:23:51 pm your riite about newborn fawns not moving one summer we (the dogs) caught 7 baby deer...we caught two in one morning i used to have a cur dog who was a rcd but when he came up on baby deer he would put his paws on it and bark like he knew it was a baby or sumthing....i have been standin rite on top of one before with a cd on a leash and it never even moved...i raised the two we caught that one morning and gave them to a high fence deer farm
Title: Re: MEAT EATERS Post by: parker on June 14, 2010, 10:43:32 pm i guess mine are to sorry to run a deer ....i have never had one of mine catch one that wasn't crippled ....
Title: Re: MEAT EATERS Post by: BOSS HOGG on June 14, 2010, 10:59:11 pm Show this to the folks that did away with runnin dogs in sam houston national forest.
Title: Re: MEAT EATERS Post by: uglydog on June 14, 2010, 11:11:55 pm Does not matter if you caught them in the act some hunters of Deer think they are superior to others and won't care what any other intellegent human has to say, we are all dog hunters, therefore we are not good enough to have a conversation about the Deer or other wildlife, we are actually in and out of the woods with on a daily basis, folks that pay for deer and sell deer hunts are the only ones that know what they are talking about.
Sorry to go off, I am still ticked about some of the ignorant un ex >:(perienced Jerks on other websites that treat the dog owners like trash (been over 2 years now) Jesse keep posting stuff like this when you get the chance Title: Re: MEAT EATERS Post by: sfboarbuster on June 14, 2010, 11:16:05 pm Does not matter if you caught them in the act some hunters of Deer think they are superior to others and won't care what any other intellegent human has to say, we are all dog hunters, therefore we are not good enough to have a conversation about the Deer or other wildlife, we are actually in and out of the woods with on a daily basis, folks that pay for deer and sell deer hunts are the only ones that know what they are talking about. Sorry to go off, I am still ticked about some of the ignorant un ex >:(perienced Jerks on other websites that treat the dog owners like trash (been over 2 years now) Jesse keep posting stuff like this when you get the chance That is the god's honest truth right there. Title: Re: MEAT EATERS Post by: Dexter on June 14, 2010, 11:35:19 pm great great job kill all them bambi killers >:D
Title: Re: MEAT EATERS Post by: parker on June 15, 2010, 09:15:13 am you know its a double edged sword ...... claiming hogs have impact on other animals like eating deer fawns instead of it just being an isolated thing that happens when an animal is sick .....your hurting dog hunter's .....
watch any report you want to and the so called exsperts say dog hunters is the problem relocateing the hogs ...... we hurt ourselves ..... people (some dog hunter's ) make out like hogs or destroying everything just to gain hog hunting access...... Title: Re: MEAT EATERS Post by: cantexduck on June 15, 2010, 09:56:31 am Does not matter if you caught them in the act some hunters of Deer think they are superior to others and won't care what any other intellegent human has to say, we are all dog hunters, therefore we are not good enough to have a conversation about the Deer or other wildlife, we are actually in and out of the woods with on a daily basis, folks that pay for deer and sell deer hunts are the only ones that know what they are talking about. Sorry to go off, I am still ticked about some of the ignorant un ex >:(perienced Jerks on other websites that treat the dog owners like trash (been over 2 years now) Jesse keep posting stuff like this when you get the chance I can agree in a way. I think it is more about the way that most dog hunters handle themselves. If you come up acting like a dumbazz then that is the way people are going to see you. If you start running your mouth like you are god and you can do no wrong then you dig your own grave. Sure some people talk big on the internet about shooting dogs and what not. Most of it is all talk. By talking level headed to then you can show them the laws and differant ways to go at the problems. Title: Re: MEAT EATERS Post by: treeingratterrier on June 15, 2010, 09:45:33 pm When i was 7 or 8 we used to go down to the ranch we had down in Refugio area, the Mexican "Patron" system was still in effect on our ranch, so the mexicans lived on the ranch and owned no trucks and rarely came to town. The ranch bought and paid for everything they needed and paid about $5 a day in the early sixties. When a cow or calf died from anything or even a chicken or deer the Mexican hands would set up a big boiling pot and add corn shorts and meal to make hog food, these were feral hogs that roamed the Aransas and Medio. The mexicans used to cut their leg tendon or tie a log to them so they not try to break out of a crummy limb pen they fed them dead meat slop out of. I remember one time something killed about 20 chickens and they just tossed them in a pile, one of those hogs came up and started eating them with feathers and all. A while later this hog got loose and was coming back at night breaking into the henhouse at daylight trying to catch a live chicken to eat. He caught 2 or 3 in a row until they shot him in the pen killing a hen on the ground, inside was the remains of the other hens he had gobbled up alive. The Mexicans all got into a argument that feeding them meat made them crave it and start killing the hens. anyway, nobody fed them meat for a long long time. It was kind of a hoot in that one family just knew that another family was stealing hens to eat from them and it turned out that was the meat cooker of the 6 familes that lived on the ranch. I think Lion and Boar is correct in it seems like them do crave meat especialy if they learn how to develop a taste for it from whatever source be a dead calf stuck ina cripple cow or in a stew pot or even eating live gar caught in the river, i saw hogs doing that one time when a bunch of hogs caught a aligator gar spawing hole kinda stopped up by a logjam in shallow water, filthy beasts were catching gar in chest high water live raccons or something, i still hate to think of eating a gar since then, i see a black sow holding one in her mouth going snap snap!!!!!lol