HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: johnboy on June 17, 2010, 05:06:42 pm

Title: night hunting
Post by: johnboy on June 17, 2010, 05:06:42 pm

    Have never been hog hunting at night before,maybe this weekend want to know what color
   light is the best blue, green or white .  thanks

Title: Re: night hunting
Post by: brw7979 on June 17, 2010, 05:14:00 pm
I've always used white, just depends how your huntin. I perfer the LED lights. They seem to be pretty bright.

Title: Re: night hunting
Post by: BIG BEN on June 17, 2010, 05:17:36 pm
 Get the brightest white light you can, The coon hunting lights on a hard hat are great especially if it has a spot light option but if you do alot of walking get you a led, not the dome shaped led's get the flat top shaped with a yellow looking microchip in the middle of the bulb they are way brighter.

Title: Re: night hunting
Post by: S_J_KENNELS on June 17, 2010, 06:08:11 pm
We just carry regular ol' 3 D cell maglights.

Title: Re: night hunting
Post by: BarrNinja on June 17, 2010, 06:14:42 pm
Whatever color you go with, if you are like me, you better get cheep ones! lol. Seems like I am buying a new light every week!

I got to use my high dollor head lamp one night and that was it. It was snagged off my head running to a bay and I never found it!

Title: Re: night hunting
Post by: roughdog on June 17, 2010, 06:37:04 pm
i use a white  led lite made by streem light best light i ever used 

Title: Re: night hunting
Post by: zachW on June 17, 2010, 06:44:53 pm
yeah its like sunglasses those cheapos last forever, but a good pair diasapear or break every week

Title: Re: night hunting
Post by: charles on June 17, 2010, 07:11:18 pm
Artificial light of any form that casts or reflects a beam of light onto or otherwise illuminates a game animal or bird may not be used as an aid to hunt, except battery-powered scoping devices that project a light or dot only inside the scope, pin sight lights on archery equipment, or laser sighting devices used by legally blind hunters, or hunters who have a documented permanent physical disability that prevents them from using traditional firearm sighting devices.Non-protected nongame animals and fur-bearing animals may be hunted at night with the aid of an artificial light on private property. If hunting at night, please make a courtesy telephone call to your local game warden. this is off the 09-2010 hunting regulation guide. i know it used to be illegal to hunt with a white light, it was considered wildlife harrassment. i would ck with the local game warden and read the regulation guide b4 taking a white light to the woods and hunting. JMO!

Title: Re: night hunting
Post by: Duece2 on June 17, 2010, 09:24:20 pm
Who said anything about hunting with a gun? Thats why I have a bulldog. I like the old stream light with a bulb instead of a led. Seems to cast a farther beam.

Title: Re: night hunting
Post by: charles on June 17, 2010, 10:30:38 pm
no 1 said hunting with a gun. hunting is any means to take wildlife, and using a white light is considered wildlife harrassment according to the tx parks and wildlife.

Title: Re: night hunting
Post by: zachW on June 17, 2010, 10:49:15 pm
Non-protected nongame animals and fur-bearing animals may be hunted at night with the aid of an artificial light on private property.... wouldnt hogs be non protected, non game?  I read the law as you can spot light basically anything other then birds and deer, right???

Title: Re: night hunting
Post by: LILLWILL on June 17, 2010, 10:51:10 pm

Title: Re: night hunting
Post by: bignasty on June 17, 2010, 10:58:19 pm
i will tell you this-the white lights attract bugs,mosquitoes and after you run and throw a hog down if your fat like me you will be sucking some air and unfortunatly inhaling all the bugs too....how we do it is use a small real bright led for navigation then switch to the headlamp with a red lense option for the hog work so you can use both hands.it will save you from coughing your eyeballs out :o and the bugs usualy dont come out but you keep on trying :-\

Title: Re: night hunting
Post by: dub on June 17, 2010, 11:00:36 pm
Go read your book again. You can spotlight the hell out hogs and varmints. Stay away from deer and birds
I do not like a bright light you can't see what's not in the light. I prefer a blue light just because always used red varmint hunting. But it is all about what you like. I always break or lose them but I see OK in the dark.

Title: Re: night hunting
Post by: outlaw14slayer on June 18, 2010, 01:57:53 am
Make sure to get a head lamp where you can use both of your hands.  I use a coleman max LED head lamp.  It does not throw a huge beam of light, but plenty to comfortably see whats going on.  It runs on 3 AAA batteries and will last several hunts on one set of batteries.  It only cost about $25.

Title: Re: night hunting
Post by: Bryant on June 18, 2010, 10:42:04 am
Princeton Tec headlamps...best bet for the money.

Title: Re: night hunting
Post by: hillbilly on June 18, 2010, 10:43:43 am
If you plan on doing it alot go ahead and buy you good light. I like the coon belt lights. They are much lighter than the ones with the big battery box. Well worth the money in the long run. Get at least a 20 volt this way you don't even need to carry a spot light. JMO

Title: Re: night hunting
Post by: BarrNinja on June 18, 2010, 10:48:45 am
If you plan on doing it alot go ahead and buy you good light. I like the coon belt lights. They are much lighter than the ones with the big battery box. Well worth the money in the long run. Get at least a 20 volt this way you don't even need to carry a spot light. JMO

I cant disagree here. Maybe a light like this is just to big for me not to loose. :D

Title: Re: night hunting
Post by: Purebreedcolt on June 18, 2010, 12:22:12 pm
I am one of those guys that every time he sees a new light I have to get it lol but I have a little browning single double a that clips on my hat and I really like it

Title: Re: night hunting
Post by: t.wilbanks on June 18, 2010, 10:21:15 pm
If you plan on doing it alot go ahead and buy you good light. I like the coon belt lights. They are much lighter than the ones with the big battery box. Well worth the money in the long run. Get at least a 20 volt this way you don't even need to carry a spot light. JMO

I cant disagree here. Maybe a light like this is just to big for me not to loose. :D

I have a Coonbuster Small Fry that i got from Sandy Creek Supply. Its a very small lightweight belt light that can also fit in your back pocket. Its L.E.D. and last 17 hours on high and 32 on low, and cost about 90 bucks with a 1 year warranty.

Title: Re: night hunting
Post by: Nickjones on June 24, 2010, 04:49:00 pm
i buy the twenty dollar head lights from wal mart. they work good and they are cheap to buy. they have four different selections and one of them is a red light. makes it easy to see outside the light and when u turn the lights off it doesn't take your eyes as long to adjust.