Title: Feeding a raw diet? Post by: ohiohoghunter on June 18, 2010, 10:10:47 pm I was wondering what yall feed your dogs? i have been reading a few books on feeding raw meat and bones and it makes a lot of sense as far as overall health in your dog(s). i know it can be a bit pricey but i have only two mouths to feed and a good friend gets me a discount at the local butcher, what yall think?
Title: Re: Feeding a raw diet? Post by: t.wilbanks on June 18, 2010, 10:16:04 pm type " feeding raw " in the search box and there should be a good bit on it. There are a few on here that feed raw. ;)
Title: Re: Feeding a raw diet? Post by: uglydog on June 21, 2010, 01:40:59 pm yep do the "search" been alot of discussion past two years on Raw, I like it, It really is not that expensive and the results are worth it. I wish I could feed it everyday, but do to the quantity of mouthjs I feed I feed raw when I can and switch back to kibble when I can't.