Title: 8-31-08 Post by: shawn on August 31, 2008, 12:54:45 pm Me, Jeff and Micheal went with Ellis County and Paul to the river bottoms in gladewater, caught one right off the bat a smaller one the dogs ended up killing.
about an hr later we had another bay going, i cut my catch dog loose but he didnt end up at the bay we went to, i cussed and cussed him, we ended up with a big boar around 250-275. micheal found my dog later and loaded him in the trailer, we found out when we was leaving why my dog buddy didnt go to the bay, he had found his own evidently big one hisself, because he was cut up pretty good, got a few nicks thru his vest. throat and legs. Took him home, cleaned him up, gave him a shot, think he's gonna be ok, just will be sidelined for a few weeks. Micheals half lab/pit got a nasty cut right by his butt. one of richards dogs got a cut on her shoulder. got some wounds but nothing serious and did end up catching 2. Jeff will put up pics later. Title: Re: 8-31-08 Post by: Texas_Cur on August 31, 2008, 01:15:22 pm Sounds like you guys had a good time. Looking forward to the pics
Title: Re: 8-31-08 Post by: Mike on August 31, 2008, 01:41:14 pm Sounds like a good hunt... glad the dogs are ok.
Title: Re: 8-31-08 Post by: Mr. HG on August 31, 2008, 02:31:33 pm I think I had a couple of dogs on that hunt? Des
Title: Re: 8-31-08 Post by: Jeff on August 31, 2008, 04:24:21 pm yeah you did, des. the parker cur pup struck a hog pretty close to us, but that one outran the dogs in a hurry. they were all wore out by that point.
Title: Re: 8-31-08 Post by: clint on August 31, 2008, 06:12:00 pm sounds like a good hunt ready for pics
Title: Re: 8-31-08 Post by: Jeff on August 31, 2008, 06:38:23 pm My 6 year old daughter Azlee's first stick (already dead).
(http://img5.uploadhouse.com/fileuploads/2533/2533705-holder-f33238f7ac725b9ee42f5868c28e5591.jpg) (http://www.uploadhouse.com/viewfile.php?id=2533705&showlnk=0) Shawn and Elliscounty Hog's new pup (http://img7.uploadhouse.com/fileuploads/2533/2533727-holder-018d1f5f9a6d81ff58c26bb2c55f309b.jpg) (http://www.uploadhouse.com/viewfile.php?id=2533727&showlnk=0) Title: Re: 8-31-08 Post by: Mr. HG on August 31, 2008, 06:59:59 pm That pup is 6 months old she was born 3/2/08 that was her first hunt. I hope she keeps doing good we are hoping for the best I saw her full sib yesstreday the only yellow pup she has been on 2 hunts and already been on 4 hogs and made every bay.The Penny gyp I wanted Richard to see what our young dogs are like since he was short a dog it just worked out.The parker cross I promised him early this summer but she is ready to hunt. Cool I hope E C puts up pixs of his new dogs. Des
Title: Re: 8-31-08 Post by: shawn on August 31, 2008, 07:20:35 pm yeah richard is getting some really aweome pups, that yellow curr he got from jeff is gonna be an awesome little dog too.
Title: Re: 8-31-08 Post by: Cull Buck on August 31, 2008, 07:24:23 pm Sounds like a heck of a hunt. Glad the dogs are okay.
Title: Re: 8-31-08 Post by: shawn on August 31, 2008, 09:01:22 pm yeah buddy is a little stove up but he seems to be moving around ok, not looking weird or anything, im keepin an eye on him and his wounds, gonna keep cleanin em. should i give anymore pennicilin or was one shot enough? he's got a lot of little pokes on him but nothing really ripped open.
only thing that dissapoints me is he got on another hog that was apparently in the pack the dogs struck, and we never got it, im very curious as to how big it was because buddy is no small dog and he was vested but still took a good beating. Title: Re: 8-31-08 Post by: elliscountyhog on August 31, 2008, 09:29:11 pm Hey des I am going to post pics of pinney n missy asap I wish I had a kennel full of them pups DANG she bad n pinney too she will get gone n find something. But yea it was a good fun hunt n that was a serious hog n the other one was a gooding too. Glad yall had fun n we will do it again. Pinney will be out for probally 3 months but she is a bad girl n I am glad realdog n des let me hunt her ill take a dog like her ANY DAY oh and another thing she WILL GO. Her n lucy made a great teamm. Wis we coulda seen that hog shawn it did cut ur dog pertty good jeff if u need a refrence for coalie let me know wish I had tha room.
Title: Re: 8-31-08 Post by: shawn on August 31, 2008, 09:40:01 pm yeah it was fun, think that shoulder's gonna take 3 months?? :o man... that sucks.. i hope buddy's ok in a few weeks, i think he will. i just dont have any catch dogs now, kinda weird but roxie wont be ready for awile after the pups and she still needs some more training anyway in my opinion, and 6 week old puppies can sure grab some dog food but no hogs, lol guess i can actually do yard work for awile on the weekends.
Title: Re: 8-31-08 Post by: Noah on August 31, 2008, 10:35:53 pm Good hunt gentlemen, Shawn, flush those wounds out with water(warm is quicker) till all the "stuff" is out of them. Twice a day if you can do it. Penecillin won't hurt, but the water thing is the key to fast recovery.
Title: Re: 8-31-08 Post by: gardner32 on August 31, 2008, 10:42:08 pm which one is coalie im lookin for a good female
Title: Re: 8-31-08 Post by: clint on August 31, 2008, 10:45:16 pm thats a good hog there congrats
Title: Re: 8-31-08 Post by: shawn on September 01, 2008, 06:08:55 am yeah i flushed em twice yesterday and this morning, he seems to be doing ok, walking fine but limping when he tried to run (chasing the cat) but his tail is wagging and he seems like he's in good spirits.
Title: Re: 8-31-08 Post by: Mr. HG on September 01, 2008, 06:25:59 am E C I'm glad we can help out I want everybody to have nice dogs its fun to see what they strike and them not quit and be there.But to be honest my enjoyment is breeding and starting to me anybody can swing the gate open on a finished or well started dog it takes a commitment and understanding to breed and raise dogs that will work as stock dogs I got pups out there on cows and hogs and some on both I can't wait to have about 10 more years in it. If you need something holler I might bring you the other yr old pup until Penny gets well I mean will go Mr man and run a deer a coon or sometimes a cow but once you get his mind right after you get that fresh off like that 3rd day in a row he will show you HOG.You got to take the good with the bad. Des
Title: Re: 8-31-08 Post by: Jeff on September 01, 2008, 07:03:07 am gardner - coalie is the brindle dog. he's a neutered male. the breeder called him that cause he was pitch black (coal) when he was born.
Title: Re: 8-31-08 Post by: armyCOMBATmedic on September 01, 2008, 11:04:24 am Sounds like a great hunt, glad the dogs are ok.
Title: Re: 8-31-08 Post by: elliscountyhog on September 01, 2008, 01:28:08 pm Hey des that sounds good. Well penny is getting out today she can't stand on her leg sdtll but she is hurtin but she wants too I think she will be out a while probally after season so I got room for him to get him going as well n him n penny should be hunting together n doing good after deer season