Title: Dove Lease turned Hog Lease Post by: Texas_Cur on August 31, 2008, 01:14:37 pm Went out at daybreak this mornin to scout the new dove lease with my brother in law and his son. I took my brothers dog Reggie, and my pup Peachez with me to get some exercise. About 45 min. in Reggie struck a 100# piebald boar crossing from a milo field back into a thicket. We heard him stop it and start baying off in the thick stuff and by the time we got there he had the boar caught. My nephew stepped in and stuck his first hog, and did it like a pro. Well thats the story here are the pics:
Garrett and his first hog (http://i417.photobucket.com/albums/pp258/Texas_Cur/PICT0005-1.jpg) Proud Pappa and son (http://i417.photobucket.com/albums/pp258/Texas_Cur/PICT0007-2.jpg) Title: Re: Dove Lease turned Hog Lease Post by: Mike on August 31, 2008, 01:39:49 pm Congratulations to Garrett on sticking his first hog! ;D
Ol' Reggie is on a roll! Title: Re: Dove Lease turned Hog Lease Post by: Mr. HG on August 31, 2008, 02:30:15 pm I like yalls style get it done I love and cherish the time I spend with kids. Thats our future as well as theres I thinks it awsome you spend time with your family its harder because of responibility but rewarding. Nice hog Des
Title: Re: Dove Lease turned Hog Lease Post by: Cull Buck on August 31, 2008, 04:40:31 pm Awesome dude! I called G up to tell him congratulations on his first stick and he wanted to know when we are going again. I'm gonna need to get a trailer hooked up behind the 4-wheeler to haul all these kido hog hunters with us.
Glad Reggie is getting some work in while I'm tied up playing house. Title: Re: Dove Lease turned Hog Lease Post by: clint on August 31, 2008, 06:09:52 pm good hog, congrats
Title: Re: Dove Lease turned Hog Lease Post by: Texas_Cur on September 01, 2008, 06:43:31 am Thanks guys, we all had a good time on this one.
Des, I like takin the youngsters out too. I didn't have the opportunity to hog hunt when I was a kid, not because I didnt want to, but because I had no one to introduce me to the sport. For that reason I always have room for a kiddo to tag along with me on a hunt. Plus I think its funny that these kids normally sleep till 1 o'clock in the afternoon, but have no problem gettin up at 5 am to go get after some hogs. |