HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: Noah on June 30, 2010, 07:18:28 pm

Title: Lyme Disease....
Post by: Noah on June 30, 2010, 07:18:28 pm
I woke up a few days ago and my ribcage felt like somebody'd suckerpunched me in the middle of the night...  looked in the mirror and saw a little rash around my lower lat and noticed my lymph glands were swollen around the site...  I'd pulled a tick off the same spot a week earlier... rolleyes

Went to the doc asap, they ran a blood test and sure as chit...  LYME.....

Always heard a bunch of bad rumors about this stuff... doc says 3 wks on hardcore antibiotics should be the end of it... hope he's right....

Just a heads up, if you get this and don't treat it... it can mess you up pretty bad evidentally... shut your body down permanently.  From what I've gathered, it's imperative to treat early with antibiotics for best outcome...

Anybody else had this?

Title: Re: Lyme Disease....
Post by: roughdog on June 30, 2010, 07:24:33 pm
ya my brother had it 2 diffrent times the first time it got pretty bad but he knew the next time what the symptoms where he was ok in about 2 weeks

Title: Re: Lyme Disease....
Post by: ESTEBAN_B on June 30, 2010, 07:36:14 pm
damn the luck! hope you get better man!!

Title: Re: Lyme Disease....
Post by: firemedic on June 30, 2010, 08:48:46 pm
Buddy of mine had it,...came on just like yours. Took him 3 doctors before one would listen to him and test for Lyme's. Good luck man,.....glad you got it early....I reckon that's the key to coming out OK.

Title: Re: Lyme Disease....
Post by: joe on June 30, 2010, 08:49:04 pm
man that stuff is bad, i heard some days you forget who you are and what you do. i thought you are more proned to get from the ticks up north. hope it dont get to bad for you noah.

Title: Re: Lyme Disease....
Post by: Noah on June 30, 2010, 08:53:53 pm
Joe, you ain't makin' me feel any better  ;D  That's the same reaction I've got from most everyone I've talked to...  :-\ 

Hopefully doc is right... may go ask for a second opinion anyways...

Title: Re: Lyme Disease....
Post by: hillbilly on June 30, 2010, 08:55:19 pm
I thought I had it once was feeling pretty bad. Was swole up where I ahd pulled a tick from. Went ot the doc and they checked for lyme disease but they said no. But give me antibiotics any way. But this is the reason I always spray down with some OFF before going in the woods now. Them suckers are bad this year.

Title: Re: Lyme Disease....
Post by: spazhogdog on June 30, 2010, 08:57:00 pm
Like you, I have heard of some bad stories, probably coz they didn't go to the doc until it got real bad. Hope the antibiotics knock it out soon.  Good luck,  I will say a prayer for a speedy recover.

Title: Re: Lyme Disease....
Post by: matt_aggie04 on June 30, 2010, 09:21:15 pm
I said a prayer for you man, according to my RN wife antibiotics will help you out alot and early detection is the key. If you wait too long it can be BAD news, let this be a lesson to all of us to spray for bugs before going into the woods. I am worlds worst at not doing it but the more I hear about it the more I want to spray.

Title: Re: Lyme Disease....
Post by: Lone Star 88 on June 30, 2010, 09:39:30 pm
Yes my mother inlaw got lyme disease back in the day. If you have something like simple arthritis it goes X10, she is in a wheel chair now with brittle bones that break easy. It can mess with your body bad very important to get to the doctor. Any thing more than a small bit spot.

Title: Re: Lyme Disease....
Post by: HIGHWATER KENNELS on June 30, 2010, 09:41:47 pm
i hope it gets better man, makes me think about shootin up with some Ivomec before we go out along with the can of Off.... :o

Title: Re: Lyme Disease....
Post by: brw7979 on June 30, 2010, 09:45:58 pm
Hope you get better, thats some bad stuff. Prayers sent for a speedy recovery.

Title: Re: Lyme Disease....
Post by: Mike on June 30, 2010, 09:57:59 pm
Dang Noah, I hate to hear that... hopefully the meds will knock it out.

Title: Re: Lyme Disease....
Post by: dub on June 30, 2010, 10:03:29 pm
Noah that really sucks. Had a buddy get lyme and he could not hunt for a couple years. I will do you a favor and take all your hunting stuff so it does not rot. Hey, just looking out for you man. I hope laughing does not hurt. Catching it early really helps. My buddy never saw a rash at all so it was bad when it was found. So it should work better for you. But if you want to give me your stuff... ;D

Title: Re: Lyme Disease....
Post by: cward on June 30, 2010, 10:05:32 pm
I hate to hear that Noah!!Hope you get well!! They say panty hose works!! But if you get caught by the game warden wearing the sexy ones that might get posted on the web!! Espeacily if he pulls around the corner while you and Lee are pulling the up!!

Title: Re: Lyme Disease....
Post by: BarrNinja on June 30, 2010, 10:24:58 pm
That is why I use OFF! Im glad you caught it early NOAH! Good post!!!!

Title: Re: Lyme Disease....
Post by: Noah on June 30, 2010, 10:31:15 pm
Yall ain't right.... ;D

I'm meaner than any disease(my wife can attest to that ;) ;D)   I feel fine, no headaches, lack of energy, flu symptoms, etc(symptoms of Lyme)....

Spot still feels "bruised", but other than that.... hopin' these antibiotics work as well as the doc says they will....

Thanks for the well wishes and prayers fellas!  

Title: Re: Lyme Disease....
Post by: Spencer on June 30, 2010, 10:51:11 pm
The G/F had it here a few months ago. Went to the doctor and got the mads, and she is all good now. I Knew a  guy that waited too long, and he had to go to the hospitol every morning and get an I.V. Bag of meds pumped into him for a while. Its some bad stuff if not treated quickly!

Title: Re: Lyme Disease....
Post by: cajunl on July 01, 2010, 07:31:27 am
You see people wear snake boots and kill every snake in the woods.

When in reality your chances are much, much greater from the ticks and mosquitoes killing you, or giving you some nasty funk!

Good luck man. Hope you kick that crap!

Title: Re: Lyme Disease....
Post by: Hog Dog Mike on July 01, 2010, 07:47:53 am
Get on it quick and stay on it.

In 1976 I was leasing a bunch of land in west Texas for quail hunting. The landowners son got bit by a rattle snake in the front yard when he was 21 months old. The doctors cut him down his fingers to his wrist and then up to his shoulder so it could swell. He lived over that but the scar tissue was crippling his arm.

I got him in the Scottish Rite Crippled Childrens Hospital in Dallas so that they could fix it. I went up to visit him and the kid in the bed next to him was suffering from lyme disease. He was partially paralyzed and in real bad shape. They did not get on it in time and did not know what he had.

They said that that kid would be in the hospital for 6 months and then to rehab. I am sure that the medicine is much better today and you got on it quick. All I know is that it is nothing to fool around with.

Title: Re: Lyme Disease....
Post by: cantexduck on July 01, 2010, 07:53:47 am
 I had a friend that his wife had it. Was on bed rest for a few years and  passed away from it two years ago. Bad stuff. Catching it early like you did is the way to beat it.

Title: Re: Lyme Disease....
Post by: HerchielD on July 01, 2010, 08:12:32 am
Noah, you did the right thing by identifying it early, I had it once and didn't take action when I should have. I thought a spider had bit me on the stomach, hurt like heck for sure.  It wasn't until I couldn't get up to go to work (flu-like symptoms) did I finally get to the Doc, who knows what I do for 'fun' and asked the right questions.  He put me on Tetracycline immediately, I was better in no time and never noticed any after effects.  It's been like 3.5 years since and still going strong, so hang in there and finish the regiment of antibiotics or whatever else the Doc ordered.

Title: Re: Lyme Disease....
Post by: chainrated on July 01, 2010, 08:48:10 am
I don't even want to think about how many ticks I've found on me after hunting. Yall got me scared to even go back in the woods..

Title: Re: Lyme Disease....
Post by: goose on July 01, 2010, 08:58:02 am
my uncle got it a few summers ago but he refused to go to the hospital...finally got him sum antibiotics and he came thru it with no problems once he started feeling better he went to the dr and thats wat they diagnosed him with...told the doc he was the meanest d@mn thng in that swamp and a lil ole tick wasnt gna stop him ;D...he still going strong so hang in there and finish the meds all the way thru ;)

Title: Re: Lyme Disease....
Post by: Circle C on July 01, 2010, 09:36:38 am
Dang Noah,

   I guess Fin is going to be an only child.  I heard your boys can fall off, and that you will have to spend vast amounts of money on Viagra just to have some fun....  Sucks to be in your shoes ;D

Title: Re: Lyme Disease....
Post by: make-em-squeel on July 01, 2010, 10:33:29 am
pm sent

Title: Re: Lyme Disease....
Post by: Nickjones on July 01, 2010, 11:04:40 am
i know a man who got it and it put him in the hospital for a good while. He almost died form it. Now he is doing fine but he just about lost all of his hearing in one ear from it. Its not somehting to play around with.

Title: Re: Lyme Disease....
Post by: crackerc on July 01, 2010, 03:58:09 pm
Man Noah I hate to hear that. With Circle C trying to cheer you up though, you should improve rapidly....... ;D

Hope the antibiotics take care of it for you!!! Yet another reason I don't hunt much in the summer anymore....that and fat dogs!

Title: Re: Lyme Disease....
Post by: BarrNinja on July 01, 2010, 04:11:40 pm
The G/F had it here a few months ago. Went to the doctor and got the mads, and she is all good now. I Knew a  guy that waited too long, and he had to go to the hospitol every morning and get an I.V. Bag of meds pumped into him for a while. Its some bad stuff if not treated quickly!

Aint no reason a girlfriend or a wife should get Lime Disease! Y'all aint checking them close enough for ticks! ;D

Title: Re: Lyme Disease....
Post by: matt_aggie04 on July 01, 2010, 04:12:36 pm
The G/F had it here a few months ago. Went to the doctor and got the mads, and she is all good now. I Knew a  guy that waited too long, and he had to go to the hospitol every morning and get an I.V. Bag of meds pumped into him for a while. Its some bad stuff if not treated quickly!

Aint no reason a girlfriend or a wife should get Lime Disease! Y'all aint checking them close enough for ticks! ;D

Alan you are always thinking arent you  8)

Title: Re: Lyme Disease....
Post by: sfboarbuster on July 01, 2010, 06:07:35 pm
I know two guys who didn't get it caught early on. They were never the same after that, they both say it feels like their joints are on fire all of the time.
Good thing you got it caught early Noah, hopefully it clears up for you with no lasting effects.

But for some reason I don't ever get ticks on me. Come back from hunting and everyone else will be slap covered in them and I don't have a single one.
Kinda weird, but fine by me!!

Title: Re: Lyme Disease....
Post by: outlaw14slayer on July 01, 2010, 11:15:24 pm
Noah - A very high percentage of LD cases caught in the EM stage (which was characterized by your rash) are easily treated.  Some of the other post are so comforting!                           For all you hunters who have not had LD - Only about 1% of recognized tick bites result in LD.  In most cases the tick must be attached for 36 -48 hours before the bacteria associated with LD can be transmitted.   

Title: Re: Lyme Disease....
Post by: machine73 on July 02, 2010, 11:19:39 am
Treat ya'lls clothes with permethrin. I soak my field pants and boots down with it. Have done so since I was in the military and haven't had a tick imbedded in years.

Title: Re: Lyme Disease....
Post by: ppc dogos on July 04, 2010, 11:35:53 am
Dang..NOT good Noah, I wish you speedy recovery!

We have almost 85 % of all ticks here infected with Borelia or erlichia. Lost 2 dogs from it - one after hunting in Bulgaria and one after hunting in Sweden, and it gets worse and worse around here.

Keep contact to your doctor and get regulary tests to see if the antibiotics functions well, there are several different medicine against it.



Title: Re: Lyme Disease....
Post by: Noah on July 04, 2010, 09:39:53 pm
Thank you all for the well wishes, instights, and smart a$$ comments ;D  After taking my first round of A/B's (DoxyCycline 100mg 2x daily) for the last few days... my rash/bruise area has, for the most part, subsided... still have swollen lymph glands in the immediate area...

A strange note... several hrs after each dose I experience numbness/tingling in the muscle of both shoulder blades/lats.... I'm hoping it's the med's interacting/whoopin' ass on the bacteria....  regardless... it ain't a good feeling....

The more I read about this chit... the more I'm concerned this may not be a simple fix...

All info yall can gather is GREATLY appreciated....  the medical community seems to be divided on this.

Going to look for a specialist this Tuesday.....

Thanks everyone!   Noah

Title: Re: Lyme Disease....
Post by: dub on July 04, 2010, 09:46:43 pm
I do hope things clear for you quickly. I will hold smart comments for later. I would say find the best doctor. But at least you have it identified. That is what I hear is the most important part.