Title: Nice Boar 07-02-10 Post by: Ladogos on July 04, 2010, 08:41:48 am My son Daniel and I decided to go chase some pigs Friday night . We loaded the dogs about dark and headed out. We stopped at the store to get ice, drinks and gas and ran into another hog hunting friend JHY ( Joey ) . We BS'ed a bit and talked hogs and dogs. He told me they were going to be in the area hunting also. After BS'ing we headed out . Dropped the dogs on the ground and hunted for a while and finally the dogs struck and off to the races. After about an hour and a half getting dogs rounded back up we road around again for a while and the curs went out into the corn and started working and spreading out. We could tell they were getting in some sign. Then one of my young curs, Coal, fires up and starts barking. It was but just a few seconds and the rest joined her. They were hammering. The dog broke and ran for a long ways and then . Daniel said, dad thats a good bay , I havent heard onee that good in a long time. I cut PPC De'Angelo loose from the Rhino from 200 yards out. The anticipation for those few seconds waiting for the catch is the most adriniline rush feeling in the world, at least for me it is. LOL . I was watching De'Angelo on the GPS and just as he gets there Daniel say " there caught i heard the hog huff and grunt " But at the same time i hear the bark change from a deep bay to a higher pitch and i told Daniel I think theyu broke. I looked at the GPS and sure enough off to the races again. This time De'Angelo was in pursuit with the curs. Now im hoping He doesnt over Heat as he wont quit and hangs with the curs pretty tight. They ran the hog for a little while longer and then into the CRP . Usually this is where the hogs looses the curs as it is vert thick with what i call Tie Vines, my Dad calls em Buck Vines. I was watching the GPs and the dogs start circling a little area about 450 yards from us and then I heard one of em fire up again. The GPS showed De'Angelo right there with the curs. Then we heard em start baying and GPS showed all of em " ON THE TREE " including De'Angelo. Caught hog ! ! ! We haul tail as close as we could on the Rhino and then have to tear throught the rest on foot. About 200yards of nothing but a mass wall of Tie Vines. The dogs were quit except for an occasional bark, we couldn't hear a hog squealing or grunting so I told Daniel it must be a good hog. We get up in there and sure enough a nice boar. I legged him and Daniel stick him. Soon as He stuck the hog I told Daniel to hold the back legs so I could try and get a couple action shots. After the hog was dead and the curs got out De'Angelo was still locked on . I was worried he was gonna over heat because of him running with the curs and then being caught so long. So I tried to break him off and he was letting go for $hit. So I took his vest off while he was still locked on. Then I took a couple of pictures with Daniel and De'Angelo still locked on. After about 5 minutes he finally decides to let go. We checked De'Angelo out for cut and he was ripped under his left shoulder. Tusk went in the leg hole of his vest. I guessed his weight to be about 275 . He had nice teeth on both sides. So we got the hog and " Big D " loaded on the Rhino and I didnt have any staples left in my gun . So I called Joey to see if he was still in the area . Luckily he was still hunting and told me where he was. So We shot over to where Joey and his crew were. He had some staples and we fixed " Big D " up on the tailgate in spite of them having a hog going. Thanks Joey . We got home and weighed him the next morning and he was 290 lbs on the scales . We let De'Angelo in the house and on antibotics. Now hes resting good and will be down for a month or so but will be fine.
Check out the hog back side. Recon why he stopped ? ? (http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/mwgarrett/Hunting/DSCN1824.jpg) (http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/mwgarrett/Hunting/DSCN1829.jpg) Both of em showing off a little bit. LOL (http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/mwgarrett/Hunting/DSCN1833.jpg) (http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/mwgarrett/Hunting/DSCN1835.jpg) (http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/mwgarrett/Hunting/DSCN1839.jpg) (http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/mwgarrett/Hunting/DSCN1860.jpg) (http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/mwgarrett/Hunting/DSCN1857.jpg) Big Foot compared to a Dr. Pepper can . (http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/mwgarrett/Hunting/DSCN1867.jpg) (http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/mwgarrett/Hunting/DSCN1866.jpg) De'Angelo AKA " Big D " resting good in the house . Much Needed . (http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/mwgarrett/Hunting/DSCN1879.jpg) I took De'Angelo out for a pee and he was greated by our 10 week old JRT . Good temperment even when he is hurting. (http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/mwgarrett/Hunting/DeAngeloandBlackJack.jpg) Title: Re: Nice Boar 07-02-10 Post by: Noah on July 04, 2010, 09:23:38 am Great hunt Marvin! That looks like a bad spot to bay for sure! Any thorns on those Tye vines?
Title: Re: Nice Boar 07-02-10 Post by: ppc dogos on July 04, 2010, 11:29:36 am ufff...NICE boar!!!, good job Marvin and Daniel. BIG D, needs a summer vacation now :)!
Would have loved seeing the dogs stopping this one! That is one CUTE jack-pup! make such one for me please. Title: Re: Nice Boar 07-02-10 Post by: grunterhunter8 on July 04, 2010, 11:32:51 am Nice! Awesome hog there. Congrats and hope De'Angelo heals up fast.
Title: Re: Nice Boar 07-02-10 Post by: Miller Lite on July 04, 2010, 02:12:16 pm hell ya thats whats up
Title: Re: Nice Boar 07-02-10 Post by: willhunt4food on July 04, 2010, 03:39:06 pm thats a good one congrats!!!
Title: Re: Nice Boar 07-02-10 Post by: JDJP on July 04, 2010, 07:13:02 pm Nice hog, and good story.
How do you teach your dogs to barr your hogs for you? ;D Title: Re: Nice Boar 07-02-10 Post by: raider54 on July 04, 2010, 07:27:10 pm Great Father and Son time Marvin....Nice Boar
Title: Re: Nice Boar 07-02-10 Post by: XXXtreme Hog Hunter on July 04, 2010, 07:31:54 pm Ohhhhh, so cute with the JRT. We have AB/Dogo's and they are really big babies when they are home. You would never know they are KILLERS. When the hubby is gone they sneak in the bed with me and keep my feet warm. :-) ;)
Title: Re: Nice Boar 07-02-10 Post by: jhy on July 05, 2010, 06:43:49 pm My pleasure and I dont know any hunter that wouldnt stop what they were doing to help a dog out especially De Angelo.(My favorite Dogo) I made a round last night, instead of Sat. and my dogs were still to tired to hang in there very long. Had too races with no catch, and the older dogs werent striking the hogs or even trying to hunt compared to the young dogs. Hopefully they will be up and ready for the weekend.
Joey Title: Re: Nice Boar 07-02-10 Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on July 05, 2010, 07:11:13 pm Nice hunt and pics. Hope Bid D heals up nice and quick for you.
Title: Re: Nice Boar 07-02-10 Post by: matt_aggie04 on July 05, 2010, 07:21:41 pm That is a good boar hog Marvin!
Title: Re: Nice Boar 07-02-10 Post by: Cristina on July 06, 2010, 12:12:04 pm Great pics and nice hog! I hope De'Angelo heals up fast for you!
Title: Re: Nice Boar 07-02-10 Post by: jsh on July 06, 2010, 12:46:17 pm Nice boar hog and good to see people taking great care of their dogs that work so hard for them.
Title: Re: Nice Boar 07-02-10 Post by: Ladogos on July 06, 2010, 09:58:18 pm Noah, no theres not any torns on those tye vines, BUT there are thorns on the briars that grow up in through the tye vines.
Thanks for the compliments everyone. De'Angelo is resting good and looking better already. Title: Re: Nice Boar 07-02-10 Post by: HIGHWATER KENNELS on July 06, 2010, 11:11:55 pm If that aint a GOOD RUSSIAN BOAR, I dont know what is..... ;)
Title: Re: Nice Boar 07-02-10 Post by: make-em-squeel on July 07, 2010, 04:36:11 pm Very nice hog! Glad to see big d is ok