HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: raider54 on July 04, 2010, 12:27:57 pm

Title: GIRLS NIGHT OUT!!! Bunch of Hogs! Bunch of Pics!
Post by: raider54 on July 04, 2010, 12:27:57 pm
Lief Barns already put up a post of this hunt but I will tell another angle. Phillip and I talked our wives Laurie and Cheryl into a dog hunt. My wife is a big bow hunter but has never been much on doggin, she doesnt mind it she just never wanted to participate in it. I told Laurie Phillips wife Cheryl wanted to go doggin this weekend so Laurie said OK FINE I guess I will go Stick me a Hog! Eric Barns saw the FaceBook traffic of the hunt, called up and asked if we had room for one more? We also took Richard a fellow ETHD'r. Headed to the corn after the rain. It didnt take long to get on the hogs. First bay Laurie was on the knife after we bayed a big sow in a tank, Phillip, Eric and myself drug it out and Laurie went to town! without any instruction she went HELTER SKELTER :o :o :o on the big sow! After 25 to 30 Sticks the first one was in the books. We dressed her out loaded her up and rolled out got back to the origional corn field and were split bayed, turned out two bulldogs and one went to each bay( How Did That Happen ) Eric went to one bay and took care of that hog while the Girls and the rest of the crew went to the other. Cheryl went in and made a great stick, we dressed her and had a quick exam of a bunch of Embryo's, my wife Laurie being a Biology found this to be right down her alley....I did forget before these three Eric's Airdale dog Chloe...bayed a shoat and caught it all by her self...way to go CHloe!!!!...Eric loaded these three up and headed for home to get them on ICE where he would share them between needy families. I would like to add we havent mentioned Richard much but he was on the video camera at all times. I havent reviewed the videos yet but it being dark outside the video will be touch and go. Loaded up and went to a Honeyhole since the Girls felt they were just getting started. Rolled out once again on the 4 wheelers and were bayed again within 10 mins, Max got caught on about 125# Boar, Cheryl jumped off, legged the Boar and Laurie made a great stick! 5 Hogs down!!! ;D Dogs rolled out bayed up again 7/10ths of a mile. they were bayed solid out in a cow pasture so we stopped about 150 yds out and cut Max loose and as soon as we heard him hit it we rolled right up on it with the 4 wheeler lights as we did the previous Boar making it much easier to see the Girls work the hogs. This time Laurie legged the Boar and Cheryl made another great stick. 6 hogs down!!!! O0  The Girls had a great time and we could not have been more proud of them! To introduce you to the Girls Laurie in Black, Cheryl in Gray. as far as Phillip and I well I'm the Good Lookin Guy....lol

Title: Re: GIRLS NIGHT OUT!!! Bunch of Hogs! Bunch of Pics!
Post by: XXXtreme Hog Hunter on July 04, 2010, 12:41:52 pm
Decided to have a "different" girls night out for a change :o and went Hog Hunting with the hubby and his crew.  (Team XXXtreme)  Cheryl and I were going to go to the salon and get pedicures and watch a girly movie next time they all went out hunting, but fate had something different in store.  We decided to go along with guys and then took the big step into the Hard Core Hunting and STUCK our own hogs.  We took turns legging them, and Cheryl even field dressed one of her own.  We both got 2 hogs a piece! Us girls got it down this weekend and I am proud of my female counterpart, Cheryl.  Sometimes, us girls just need to go out on a limb and support each other and when WE encourage each other, it isn't the same as having the hubby trying to encourage us.  GIRL POWER all way!!!   ;)   PS... I do have to give props to the guys on where we needed to actually stick them.  I bow hunt and have a hog on the wall, but sticking them with a knife is quite different.  Had a blast and thank you team XXXtreme!

Title: Re: GIRLS NIGHT OUT!!! Bunch of Hogs! Bunch of Pics!
Post by: uglydog on July 04, 2010, 12:50:21 pm
Congratulations ladies!

Title: Re: GIRLS NIGHT OUT!!! Bunch of Hogs! Bunch of Pics!
Post by: Mike on July 04, 2010, 12:53:51 pm
Way to go ladies!

Congratulations on your first hogs... I have a feeling we'll see some more. ;D

Title: Re: GIRLS NIGHT OUT!!! Bunch of Hogs! Bunch of Pics!
Post by: ppc dogos on July 04, 2010, 02:00:26 pm
Looks like big time fun! :)


Title: Re: GIRLS NIGHT OUT!!! Bunch of Hogs! Bunch of Pics!
Post by: firemedic on July 04, 2010, 06:53:13 pm
Well goooooood for you girls!!!! I know your guys are all swelled up with pride now that you've gone hunting with them and stuck yourselves a hog,.....just as I was when my wife killed her first one. Congratulations on a great job and keep up the good work.

Title: Re: GIRLS NIGHT OUT!!! Bunch of Hogs! Bunch of Pics!
Post by: Noah on July 04, 2010, 07:24:53 pm
Good job ladies!!! Keep on and maybe my wife will get jealous enuff to start hunting with me!!! ;D

Title: Re: GIRLS NIGHT OUT!!! Bunch of Hogs! Bunch of Pics!
Post by: raider54 on July 04, 2010, 07:39:26 pm
Good job ladies!!! Keep on and maybe my wife will get jealous enuff to start hunting with me!!! ;D

Noah, just bring her up to Dallas and we will film an all girls Hog Slaughter!

Title: Re: GIRLS NIGHT OUT!!! Bunch of Hogs! Bunch of Pics!
Post by: make-em-squeel on July 04, 2010, 09:10:11 pm
Greatness!!! love to see you wonderfull ladies out there and getting it done. Phillip glad your knew dog is on point from what paul tells me.

Title: Re: GIRLS NIGHT OUT!!! Bunch of Hogs! Bunch of Pics!
Post by: Noah on July 04, 2010, 09:15:54 pm
Good job ladies!!! Keep on and maybe my wife will get jealous enuff to start hunting with me!!! ;D

Noah, just bring her up to Dallas and we will film an all girls Hog Slaughter!

I might actually be able to sell that to her hard head....   I know I'd pay to watch it  ;) ;);D ;D

Title: Re: GIRLS NIGHT OUT!!! Bunch of Hogs! Bunch of Pics!
Post by: HDLCrystal on July 04, 2010, 11:33:58 pm
Decided to have a "different" girls night out for a change :o and went Hog Hunting with the hubby and his crew.  (Team XXXtreme)  Cheryl and I were going to go to the salon and get pedicures and watch a girly movie next time they all went out hunting, but fate had something different in store.  We decided to go along with guys and then took the big step into the Hard Core Hunting and STUCK our own hogs.  We took turns legging them, and Cheryl even field dressed one of her own.  We both got 2 hogs a piece! Us girls got it down this weekend and I am proud of my female counterpart, Cheryl.  Sometimes, us girls just need to go out on a limb and support each other and when WE encourage each other, it isn't the same as having the hubby trying to encourage us.  GIRL POWER all way!!!   ;)   PS... I do have to give props to the guys on where we needed to actually stick them.  I bow hunt and have a hog on the wall, but sticking them with a knife is quite different.  Had a blast and thank you team XXXtreme!

I love it girls! Way to go and I am glad to see that ya'll got out there and showed them guys what you were made of. Keep up the good work! I bet it won't be long and husbands will be coming home to an empty house and empty chains cause you gals will be in the fields without them.  ;D

Title: Re: GIRLS NIGHT OUT!!! Bunch of Hogs! Bunch of Pics!
Post by: raider54 on July 05, 2010, 05:45:26 am
Crystal looks like you finally got yourself a Handle.....Now we will know who we are listening to.....lol

Title: Re: GIRLS NIGHT OUT!!! Bunch of Hogs! Bunch of Pics!
Post by: HDLCrystal on July 05, 2010, 10:02:02 pm
Crystal looks like you finally got yourself a Handle.....Now we will know who we are listening to.....lol

Well the sad part is Chance won't sound near as intelligent anymore!  ;D

Title: Re: GIRLS NIGHT OUT!!! Bunch of Hogs! Bunch of Pics!
Post by: Circle C on July 05, 2010, 10:09:18 pm
Well the sad part is Chance won't sound near as intelligent anymore!  Grin

Damn Pistol... All this time I thought Chance was the brains and you were the brawn...

Title: Re: GIRLS NIGHT OUT!!! Bunch of Hogs! Bunch of Pics!
Post by: Caney Creek Hog Doggers on July 05, 2010, 10:17:11 pm
Good hogs, way to go!!!

Title: Re: GIRLS NIGHT OUT!!! Bunch of Hogs! Bunch of Pics!
Post by: BarrNinja on July 05, 2010, 10:41:08 pm

Great job ladies. Keep it up!

Title: Re: GIRLS NIGHT OUT!!! Bunch of Hogs! Bunch of Pics!
Post by: cward on July 05, 2010, 11:44:10 pm
Crystal looks like you finally got yourself a Handle.....Now we will know who we are listening to.....lol

Well the sad part is Chance won't sound near as intelligent anymore!  ;D

Hey I mihgt not sepll all my wrods  rihgt but the rset of the not so smrat hnuting wrold dno't have any prmoblems raeding waht I wrtie!!!

No I am a big fan of women hunters as ya'll can tell!! You women have done a gret job more power to you!!

Oh and Chirs I am the BRIANS of tihs opraetion!!!

Now all you Idiots that had no problems reading what I wrote! YOU ARE DEFFENTLY SMARTER THAN THE REST OF THE PEOPLE!! ;D ;D

Title: Re: GIRLS NIGHT OUT!!! Bunch of Hogs! Bunch of Pics!
Post by: Cristina on July 06, 2010, 11:48:02 am
Awesome!!! Looks like yall had a blast! Nice hogs glad you got to show them how its done  ;)

Title: Re: GIRLS NIGHT OUT!!! Bunch of Hogs! Bunch of Pics!
Post by: BigDaddy2508 on July 06, 2010, 05:07:48 pm
I keep trying to get my wife to go but she always has other things to do it seems.

Title: Re: GIRLS NIGHT OUT!!! Bunch of Hogs! Bunch of Pics!
Post by: raider54 on July 06, 2010, 05:43:59 pm
I keep trying to get my wife to go but she always has other things to do it seems.

Just wait her out sooner or later she will go if nothing else but to make sure thats what you are doing....lol

Title: Re: GIRLS NIGHT OUT!!! Bunch of Hogs! Bunch of Pics!
Post by: raider54 on July 08, 2010, 09:17:13 pm
I heard Laurie telling someone yesterday if they had a hog problem SHE could take car of it!.....lol