Title: Hunting with the legend and sure nuff dog man Post by: Wormy Dog Kennels on July 05, 2010, 08:30:31 pm Sorry bout the pics, But had a great hunt with Mr. Loyd Perry, Ty Angel, Robert, and the future of our sport Hunter, T.A.'s kate put it on him, with Rock and Sugar on the ear
(http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq349/WormyDogKennels/101_1067.jpg) (http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq349/WormyDogKennels/101_1068.jpg) (http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq349/WormyDogKennels/101_1069.jpg) (http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq349/WormyDogKennels/101_1070.jpg) (http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq349/WormyDogKennels/101_1071.jpg) (http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq349/WormyDogKennels/101_1072.jpg) (http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq349/WormyDogKennels/101_1073.jpg) (http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq349/WormyDogKennels/101_1074.jpg) Title: Re: Hunting with the legend and sure nuff dog man Post by: matt_aggie04 on July 05, 2010, 08:42:21 pm Nice hunt there, are most of his dogs black or black with some trim like those two on the 4wheeler?
Title: Re: Hunting with the legend and sure nuff dog man Post by: Wormy Dog Kennels on July 05, 2010, 08:46:52 pm Thanks Matt, the black jips are Perry dogs that Ty has gotten from him, But like Perry says color dont hunt LOL, Perry doesnt care black red green or purple,
Title: Re: Hunting with the legend and sure nuff dog man Post by: Mike on July 05, 2010, 08:51:45 pm Good lookin' dogs, they look just like some of the old timer's dogs from around here.
Title: Re: Hunting with the legend and sure nuff dog man Post by: matt_aggie04 on July 05, 2010, 08:53:28 pm Good deal, yeah I didn't figure he would put alot of weight in color but I thought I had heard his dogs threw a lot of blacks. It is fun to just sit and visit with people like that.
Title: Re: Hunting with the legend and sure nuff dog man Post by: Caney Creek Hog Doggers on July 05, 2010, 09:39:56 pm Good hogs and very good looking dogs, keep catching them and make sure that young one stays in the woods with those dogs!!!!
Title: Re: Hunting with the legend and sure nuff dog man Post by: HIGHWATER KENNELS on July 05, 2010, 09:46:27 pm That is generations of hog doggin experience rite there fellers, good catch man!!!
Title: Re: Hunting with the legend and sure nuff dog man Post by: BarrNinja on July 05, 2010, 11:02:02 pm Dang Wormy!,
Thats the same difference as playing catch with Nolan Ryan in my book!!! I have owned two Perry bred dogs. One is 11 years old and tracked a big boar 7 tenths of a mile and bayed him for over 4 hours this past Fathers day! I am still horse from trying to call that old brindle dog off of him! The other was out of the same cross but 5 years later and was as black as the ace of spades! The whole litter was black. I still ache all over when I think about loosing that dog! He was sure shaping up and starting to out hunt his big brother at 18 months old. Title: Re: Hunting with the legend and sure nuff dog man Post by: cward on July 05, 2010, 11:17:38 pm Good deal love them black dogs!!Where is Mr. Perry from!!!
Title: Re: Hunting with the legend and sure nuff dog man Post by: BarrNinja on July 06, 2010, 12:11:46 am Good deal love them black dogs!!Where is Mr. Perry from!!! Mr. Perry was born and still resides in Singleton, Tx. the last I heard. Title: Re: Hunting with the legend and sure nuff dog man Post by: TShelly on July 06, 2010, 12:49:00 am That's awesome hunt and great to see the ol man!! I currently own a line bred Perry 11 month old Red Cur thats showing all the making to be a great one! As I understand it Mr. Perry owned a black gyp called Dixie, that any old timer would say 'was one of the Best curs you ever laid your eyes on!' she was also called midnight because she was black as the ace of spades and you likely weren't catching her til midnight if you turned her out!! She had a black pup that was named CB owned by the Bennets, who fathered Blaster, owned by Van Dorn( one of the few remaining sons of CB) he's bred a niece of his to create my 10
Month old red cur Briar.. Title: Re: Hunting with the legend and sure nuff dog man Post by: TShelly on July 06, 2010, 12:52:47 am Every dog I've ever seen out of my Mr. Perry's line was a hog dog and natural, nothing but respect for the true dog man!
Title: Re: Hunting with the legend and sure nuff dog man Post by: BarrNinja on July 06, 2010, 09:34:18 am Every dog I've ever seen out of my Mr. Perry's line was a hog dog and natural, nothing but respect for the true dog man! I cant say this myself. His brother Hershel, who is now passed on from this world, lived in Magnolia for a good many years. The only way I got to see most of those dogs was having a good look in his yard on my way to school or passing them on the road. The whole Perry family are cowboys and usually had a saddled horse or two and a few dogs loaded in the trailer ready to go when I passed by early enough. I posted a few joking statements in a old thread shortly after joining this board about sneaking out to an old timers house at night and holding one of my good gyps against his fence in hopes of a breeding. Now you know who I had in mind! ;D I have respect for Mr. Loyd and his whole family for a lot of reasons. God fearing, old school Texas cowboys and dogmen that have carved out a living in this world by saddling horses and loading dogs every morning for work is just a few. Title: Re: Hunting with the legend and sure nuff dog man Post by: TShelly on July 06, 2010, 02:01:12 pm Boarninja: you have obviously had a lot longer experience with the line and surely seen more dogs of the line than I have. I'm still relatively new to hog hunting, only about 5 years but in that time the 2 dozen or so dogs from that line all helped to produce 200-300+ hogs a year for the people I've been fortunate to hunt with.. An I've yet to personally witness any culls or bust's in the line, that being said I do know of a few full siblings to some of those really great dogs that never turned out.. I just never saw those dogs, only heard of their demise! The main thing I love about those dogs are the puppies, it just seems so natural to them... Other than exposure and time in the woods there's not much training involved.. the 2nd time out huntin my pup found his first hog and ran him for 2 hours at 8 months old.. I have a few young dogs and don't plan on quitting anytime soon, I plan on hopefully using this line as the foundation for all my future dogs
Title: Re: Hunting with the legend and sure nuff dog man Post by: BarrNinja on July 06, 2010, 03:19:37 pm Boarninja: you have obviously had a lot longer experience with the line and surely seen more dogs of the line than I have. I'm still relatively new to hog hunting, only about 5 years but in that time the 2 dozen or so dogs from that line all helped to produce 200-300+ hogs a year for the people I've been fortunate to hunt with.. An I've yet to personally witness any culls or bust's in the line, that being said I do know of a few full siblings to some of those really great dogs that never turned out.. I just never saw those dogs, only heard of their demise! The main thing I love about those dogs are the puppies, it just seems so natural to them... Other than exposure and time in the woods there's not much training involved.. the 2nd time out huntin my pup found his first hog and ran him for 2 hours at 8 months old.. I have a few young dogs and don't plan on quitting anytime soon, I plan on hopefully using this line as the foundation for all my future dogs That’s how it works with the good ones! Just keep em in the woods! I don’t have that much experience with them actually. I just remember seeing most of them as a kid and hearing all the talk and stories about the Perry dogs from the local cowboys I ran with back in high school. You didn’t get a pup from a Perry back in those days unless you were family it seemed. More than one of us would have traded a limb or two for a Perry cull back then! Lol. My son’s old brindle dog is probably not even a good product of Perry breeding himself and I often joke about him getting culled if he was left in a Perry yard. My black dog out of the same cross about 5 years later, well, I lost a dinger when I lost that dog at 18 months old. He was everything his old brindle brother is but faster and acting like he was going to be a little better at some things. I guess if you breed hog dogs for as long as the Perry’s have, working them and hunting them almost daily, you are bound to figure out how to breed a few good ones. ;) Title: Re: Hunting with the legend and sure nuff dog man Post by: Bigdog on July 06, 2010, 04:22:37 pm is this the same perry that lived n talihina okla fora few years.
Title: Re: Hunting with the legend and sure nuff dog man Post by: BarrNinja on July 06, 2010, 04:36:25 pm is this the same perry that lived n talihina okla fora few years. I cant say for sure but I believe so. Title: Re: Hunting with the legend and sure nuff dog man Post by: Bigdog on July 06, 2010, 04:40:27 pm i went to school with his kids he had a boy named scott,and 3 girls if im right.i didnt even no he hunted hogs but i new he had a cow dog or two.small world he just lived a mile down the road from me if its the same guy,looks like him n the pic.
Title: Re: Hunting with the legend and sure nuff dog man Post by: goose on July 06, 2010, 08:03:58 pm man i would love an opportunity like that...all the old school dogmen around us our gone or out of the sport or were the ones you ddnt want to have the reputation of hunting with...lucky you ;D
Title: Re: Hunting with the legend and sure nuff dog man Post by: Noah on July 06, 2010, 08:40:19 pm Good hunt guys... but I'd sure like to hear more about the Perrys!
Those are the types of people I look for in life.... people that have a story to tell. One of yall need to hit that old man up for some... I'm willin' to bet he's got a few... ........... don't make me come over there..... ;D Title: Re: Hunting with the legend and sure nuff dog man Post by: T.Angel on July 07, 2010, 07:19:30 am Hey Justin, thanks for postin the pic's and thanks to all for the coments on the dogs
I have 4 Perry dogs and they find hogs !! I get to hunt with Mr. Perry 1 or 2 times a week and he is a good man and i have nothing but respect for that old DOGMAN BIGDOG - yes that is the same man that lived in Oklahoma Title: Re: Hunting with the legend and sure nuff dog man Post by: TexasJ on July 07, 2010, 08:20:49 am Great pics and nice hog! Sounds like your Kate dog was in on that hog. I'm glad to hear that Ty. I've always liked her...
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