Title: Lacy Gyp Post by: AnthonyB on July 20, 2010, 05:04:48 pm (http://i609.photobucket.com/albums/tt172/antbollman/jilly.jpg)
Name:Anthony Phone Number:210-264-6650 Location:Devine Tx Breed:Lacy Male or female:Female How long have you owned the dog:two years Range:short - medium How many hogs has the dog been on:bunch in pen, some in woods Is the Dog rough:no Behavior:very active Dog Aggression:no Age:little over two and a half Reason are you selling:dont hunt, have too many Pics of the dog: Asking price: $350 Selling this gyp because I dont use her. I have too many young dogs to hunt and am going to all yellow dogs. she is good with pups, i have used her to start several of my pups. hunts short to medium and has been on a few hogs in the woods. I just covered her with my blue male. so she will have a litter of full lacys. feel free to call or text with any questions |