Title: Medina County Dove Hunting Post by: boarwild on July 30, 2010, 11:28:20 am I have numerous places to hunt dove. Places that will hold 3 or 4 people and some up to 15 to 20 people. Medina County was rated in the top 5 best counties to dove hunt in Texas this year. I have a couple of places that are seeing a lot of the eurasion (collared dove) as well. I am all out of season leases as of now, but have some day hunting available. If your really interested in a season lease i will put you on a waiting list as i get more places to hun. its $80 dollars a person for a day hunt. We can also cater to corporate hunts for an additional price. Most places are in the Devine, TX area. PM me if your interested or call me at 210-275-8389, Matt.
Title: Re: Medina County Dove Hunting Post by: boarwild on August 24, 2010, 11:21:34 am i would like to hope our opening day goes as good as it has been going!!!!!
(http://i699.photobucket.com/albums/vv353/martinsu25/dovehunt.jpg) Title: Re: Medina County Dove Hunting Post by: boarwild on September 07, 2010, 07:26:49 am first weekend was great. 124 hunters and all that could hit the side of barn limited out. I did figure one thing out. i never want to own a food business. cooked for all the hunters this weekend and that is one thing that is not all that fun. Ok maybe it was fun just very tiring. will ad pictures soon.