HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: jlingle on September 20, 2008, 01:34:28 pm

Title: Has anybody ever tried this tracker antenna?
Post by: jlingle on September 20, 2008, 01:34:28 pm
I bought myself a new (to me) tracking system the other day, and it's got an antenna on it that I"m not familiar with.  The new antenna system is VERY handy, though because it's so compact.  Anyway, do any of you guys have any experience with this type of antenna, and how well it works..... please let me know.  I could use a little advice on this thing.  I love the compact design, but I just wonder if it's going to get the same type signal strength as a yagi antenna.


Title: Re: Has anybody ever tried this tracker antenna?
Post by: Txmason on September 20, 2008, 05:31:07 pm
This is a Wildlife unit, I had one once and was ok but limited range in places.  You can also attach a larger antenna if it has an place to screw the coax to.
Works well for the price and beats nothing.
Used it for a couple years and moved to a better system.
Good luck.