HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: Cristina on August 20, 2010, 04:02:37 pm

Title: This is how they feel about hunting big game
Post by: Cristina on August 20, 2010, 04:02:37 pm
Found this, and it just made me laugh....what are we doing hunting big game now a days people??? We are living in different times now  :-X :laugh: rolleyes wow are you serious? That just cracked me up like if hunting is a medieval times thing.


People just need to get a life and leave others alone. Ive been hearing this all week and not only about animals, but just about everything! Like the bullfight in spain etc.....Why do people feel the need to impose their life style or opinions onto others? Sorry I just found this and it made me think about a bunch of stuff so Im just letting it all out!  >:D

Title: Re: This is how they feel about hunting big game
Post by: dub on August 20, 2010, 04:17:37 pm
I wish I could fix stupid! Protect cattle from wild boars! How stupid can a person be?

Title: Re: This is how they feel about hunting big game
Post by: Reuben on August 20, 2010, 04:35:51 pm
Christina, I feel your pain... :( All these so called animal activist need to be shipped off to a foreign island somewhere with a bunch of animals and lets' see how long it would be before they fired up a pit and started roasting some meat... I honestly believe those dummies think a pork chop is magically created in the grocery store... ;D 

Title: Re: This is how they feel about hunting big game
Post by: waylon-N.E. OK on August 20, 2010, 08:06:59 pm
Scary thing is there are lots of people who will read that and fully believe it. Poor dogo's being thrown to the lions rolleyes. Well I hope there is a revival of common sence in this country before it is to late :(

Title: Re: This is how they feel about hunting big game
Post by: waylon-N.E. OK on August 20, 2010, 08:07:06 pm
Sorry double posted

Title: Re: This is how they feel about hunting big game
Post by: djhogdogger on August 20, 2010, 08:26:54 pm
 That article was ridiculous! You cant make a lap dog out of a hunting breed. That persons dogs are going to eventually go crazy sitting on the couch all day watching t.v. and waiting for someone to come home from work. To me that is cruelty...when people try to make a dog into a person.

Title: Re: This is how they feel about hunting big game
Post by: T-Bob Parker on August 20, 2010, 10:25:52 pm
That's a great point, peta and the hsus both claim that putting wild animals in a zoo is cruelty but they turn a blind eye to the fact that literally millions of dogs are made to stay indoors and live boring lives with no purpose. That to me is the worst form Of cruelty

Title: Re: This is how they feel about hunting big game
Post by: Dirtydog on August 21, 2010, 08:08:33 am
That's a great point, peta and the hsus both claim that putting wild animals in a zoo is cruelty but they turn a blind eye to the fact that literally millions of dogs are made to stay indoors and live boring lives with no purpose. That to me is the worst form Of cruelty

been saying that for years.....

Title: Re: This is how they feel about hunting big game
Post by: Cristina on August 21, 2010, 12:01:12 pm
Yes I agree! Just like people who think that fat dogs are healthy, ITS NOT!!! Many years ago we had a lab that had some puppies and we gave one of the puppies to my uncle and his English wife, the dog is about 9 years old now and if he didnt have a weiner you would think he was about to have a litter of puppies!!! And they think that its healthy for him, they feed him all kinds of house food like STEAK! Not raw either. People have it all wrong these days!!! They think dogs like being couped up in a house. I have a rat terrier that only likes to come in to sleep on the bed with me but other than that he LOVES being outside, He chases rabbits and anything else he can find!!! It is the worst form of cruelty to let a dog rot in a house with NOTHING TO DO!!!

Title: Re: This is how they feel about hunting big game
Post by: T-Bob Parker on August 21, 2010, 12:37:07 pm
i go to dozens of peoples houses everyday and a few weeks ago i walked in to a backyard and was greeted by two golden retreivers that had to weigh 230 a peice. it takes me roughly thirty minutes per house to do my job and the fatter of the two goldens was straining to poop the whole time. it was so sad that i actually broke the rules and knocked on the customers door and gently told her about his constipation and of course she got a little irritated with me and told me that i was way off base, her dogs arent that far over breed standard and HER VET NEVER SAID ANYTHING ABOUT THEM. i think of course shes irresponsible but i think her vet is the real culprit. the constipated dog was so fat that, hope yall dont think im being dirty or gross but, you could not see his weiner at all. the poor thing just had a  bump on his belly. 

as far as the dogo thing thats disgusting to me. you know it really hacks me off that america at large is so disconnected from its rural roots that using a dog for its intende purpose is not just frowned upon its now called cruelty. weve got gays adopting kids and unborn children being murdered daily and folks are worried about dogs doing things that they are good at

whats this world coming to?

Title: Re: This is how they feel about hunting big game
Post by: setexasplott on August 23, 2010, 12:15:02 pm
i guess everytime a dog goes out and finds and catches a hog we the owners are right on the dogs a$$ with a gun telling it to hunting .