HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: Noah on October 03, 2008, 08:46:29 pm

Title: Boarhawg 10.3.08
Post by: Noah on October 03, 2008, 08:46:29 pm
Man... "better to be lucky than good ;)" I need some more days like this.  Finishing the plumbing on this big house I've been trying to get done with and I overhear the G.C. talking about this pack of hogs that's been running his trophy deer off his feeders....  8)

Well, you know the rest... I explained how my "highly trained, deer broke dogs" were the answer to his problem.  To my suprise, he agreed and said to load up :o.

Me and Lee loaded up and rode out to the place.  One word... GORGEOUS.  This is old money right here, their family bought 20-thousand some acres back in the day and ran a turpentine business.  Got downwind of a strand and turned Ellie, Snapps, and Team-white out and it wasn't 10 min before they bayed.  I heard em try and catch a couple three times, but he'd just toss em and run.  We finally got within a 100yds and cut AJ into them and she shut him down.  Land owners pulled up right as we caught and were ecstatic.  Before I could even get him tied up they were asking if we could come back tomorrow and that this was the most fun they'd ever had!  Best part is this place is only 15min from me, and I've had to drive at least an hour until now.

Caught 1.4 miles from where we struck.
(http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/3923/49662342fb2.jpg) (http://img225.imageshack.us/my.php?image=49662342fb2.jpg)

He only had an inch of teeth but still worked Snapps over pretty good.   Gonna be doctoring for a while.

Title: Re: Boarhawg 10.3.08
Post by: Mike on October 03, 2008, 08:57:50 pm
Good boar... just the right size to do some damage. Hope Snapps heals up quick.

Title: Re: Boarhawg 10.3.08
Post by: pig snatcher on October 03, 2008, 09:19:16 pm
Nice boar

Title: Re: Boarhawg 10.3.08
Post by: clint on October 03, 2008, 09:51:00 pm
good hog noah... man thats a dream place to hunt ;D

Title: Re: Boarhawg 10.3.08
Post by: Sean on October 03, 2008, 11:13:59 pm
sounds like a great hunt noah, nice boar! get well soon snapps

Title: Re: Boarhawg 10.3.08
Post by: shawn on October 04, 2008, 06:52:15 am
gotta love those places 15 minutes from the house, now if i could just find one, lol

Title: Re: Boarhawg 10.3.08
Post by: joe on October 04, 2008, 06:21:30 pm
good hog noah, spots like that are nice to have

Title: Re: Boarhawg 10.3.08
Post by: Clay on October 04, 2008, 06:46:39 pm
nice hog. hope the dog heals up quick

Title: Re: Boarhawg 10.3.08
Post by: Rowdy on October 04, 2008, 06:51:17 pm
Noah nice hog bud!

Title: Re: Boarhawg 10.3.08
Post by: Noah on October 05, 2008, 09:51:50 pm
Thanks yall, it was a fun boar with a bit more story than what I let on... What I neglected to mention was the fact that when Lee and I finally broke out on the bay we were greeted by a "less than friendly" fellow with a 30-06 :o.  I had questioned the host property owners on the "if's" of running off the property, and had been assured there would be no problem ::)

Well, we came out and this dude had his rifle handy, asking us "do you realize your're on private property?"... to which I responded.... "yada-yada-yada-, we've got permission with so'n'so ... let me catch my dogs and I'm gone  ;D"  Well, he was less than diplomatic as I went to leg the hog... and then(thank God) our property owners showed up..... :D

Boy did he change his tune!  From butthole to best friend in less than 5 seconds ;D  Threatening comments, became requests to join us in future hunts... (not bloody likely ;D).. ahh, the adventures of a hog hunter....

Title: Re: Boarhawg 10.3.08
Post by: shawn on October 06, 2008, 04:35:02 am
what a jerk,  yeah, go hunting with us? haha...... we ran into yesterday a meth cooker we couldnt understand telling us she saw a big russian boar, i dont know if she was talking about the one the dogs was chasing or what,  and something about 1776, <wth? just never know what your gonna run into in the country, kinda what makes it exciting i guess?

Title: Re: Boarhawg 10.3.08
Post by: Cull Buck on October 06, 2008, 08:32:31 am
Good story Noah.  You just never know what's gonna happen in the woods.

More than once I've given serious consideration to mounting an AR-15 with collapsible stock and 16" barrel somewhere on the ATV.  We are running some very wild back woods and I know that someday we are going to run into a meth lab and things might get dicey. 

Title: Re: Boarhawg 10.3.08
Post by: Noah on October 06, 2008, 09:09:12 am
Meth labs... :o  That could sure get interesting quick ;D

Title: Re: Boarhawg 10.3.08
Post by: shawn on October 06, 2008, 05:03:16 pm
lol, dont know for sure about it being a meth lab but good lord this woman was messed up in the head

Title: Re: Boarhawg 10.3.08
Post by: Mr. HG on October 06, 2008, 05:46:07 pm
Sounds like a good hunt . Nice hog