HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: Tusk Hog on August 22, 2010, 01:06:38 pm

Title: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: Tusk Hog on August 22, 2010, 01:06:38 pm
   I invite guest to tag along with me quite a bit. The only thing I ask is NO Guns. I feel like once they have as much invested on the ground hunting as I have ( the dogs) then they may earn the right to carry. Only problem by the time they tag along a second time out comes the .45 auto or .41 glock and then want to argue when you tell them to leave it in the truck. I'm I the only to have this trouble? I always have to make the statement, If your scared stay home. The gun I carry is to protect the dogs if the situation goes bad. I can get up a tree. How do the rest of you handle guest?

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: Mike on August 22, 2010, 01:09:33 pm
I take guests a lot also. If they want to argue, tell them to get in their truck and go home. ;)

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: Monteria on August 22, 2010, 01:20:35 pm
I have packed up and gone home because the LAND OWNER wouldn't relinquish. He had ever right to carry on his land, and I had every right to go elsewhere. Needless to say, I was not invited back.

I sure as heck won't think twice about sending a guest packing.

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: Amokabs on August 22, 2010, 01:25:40 pm
I would tell em too that only one person carries a gun ,,, and that person is YOU,,not them. If they dont understand that u cant have everyone shootingfrom different angles in the heat of battle,,, gee, then i guess they need to hunt pigs on their own. Could you imagine it getin bad for one of your dogs, you shoot, your guests starts shootin,,, probably you and your dog are gonna get shot. Man, someone cant understand that has a personality disorder and just needs to stay home
Dont mean to ramble", but dang, i aint never hog hunted, just startin to research, and this is the best site by far,,, but if  someone was cordial enough to have me along for a pig sticking,, if they told me to sit at the other end of the field holding an empty sack calling "soo pig, sooey",,,,,, that's wat i'd be doin!

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: Tusk Hog on August 22, 2010, 01:44:00 pm
   Amokabs, I may have an extra burlap bag!  I've taken several I would have liked to have given a sack and left them in the woods. lol

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: Greg W on August 22, 2010, 02:12:29 pm
if they want to shoot over our dogs. we till them to sign a blank  check first  ;D

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: LionandBoarHunter on August 22, 2010, 02:19:42 pm
i had a guy shoot one of my best dogs one time thru the top of the mouth with a 44 mag i beat the chit out of him and left him lay out in the pasture didnt even know he had a gun :o

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: lamoon78 on August 22, 2010, 02:25:15 pm
If they are hunting with you and dont want to listen to you send them down the road.

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: lonewolf on August 22, 2010, 02:26:38 pm
I am the only one that's carries a gun with my dogs! If guest don't like the rules they will not hunt with me!

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: Amokabs on August 22, 2010, 02:47:53 pm
   Amokabs, I may have an extra burlap bag!  I've taken several I would have liked to have given a sack and left them in the woods. lol
Hey buddy, if you"ll run a hog into it, I'll hold the bag!!

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: dub on August 22, 2010, 02:59:53 pm
I have been the guest and never had anybody tell me not to bring a gun. I have not brought a gun only because I figure they know better than I do. I ask what to bring and bring it. I would say just be upfront and tell them nobody carries a gun unless you say so in advance. I would say there are so many ways to make people mad and not be invited back. Just tell them so they know then if they make you mad they did it with warning. If you did not tell them about something then tell them and give them a chance to get it right. But just make your rules clear. I am still trying to learn this hog hunting stuff and just need to know the do's and don'ts.

As far as guns I would bet money that I have had more training than 99% of hunters or cops. I would also bet that I am a better shot than 95% but I do not need to carry a gun. I do not even need to carry a knife if told not to. I do not want a bunch of guns around my dogs either. So if they need to carry a gun I would not want them to carry a gun either.

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: warrent423 on August 22, 2010, 03:13:13 pm
I do not carry a gun when hog huntin and neither will ANY of my guests.

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: djhogdogger on August 22, 2010, 04:02:34 pm
I am the only one that's carries a gun with my dogs! If guest don't like the rules they will not hunt with me!

  X2...it not up for discussion. NO GUNS except for the 30 30 that my husband carries for emergencies.

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: BobbyB on August 22, 2010, 04:17:30 pm
Peoples slay me. Go as a guest and wanna dictate what they will do?

I have been a guest a lot. I always do just as I am asked or told, case maybe.

Now, I dont even carry my knife, just a camera. I have shot a bunch of dogs with it, but it dont seem to bother them.  ;D

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: BarrNinja on August 23, 2010, 10:35:12 pm
I take guests a lot also. If they want to argue, tell them to get in their truck and go home. ;)

Its this simple.
Take my word for it! People that have never been around hog dogging will shoot your dogs in a hurry! I have heard entirely too many bad stories.

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: cward on August 23, 2010, 11:16:00 pm
I have never carried a gun hunting with me so if I don't carry one then my guest sure ain't!!
But I have been put in the situation several times!!If they don't like it then they don't hunt!!If I am on there ranch then I will just go home!!

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: T-Bob Parker on August 23, 2010, 11:25:26 pm
Simple, tell them that if he wants to carry tell him he has to pass this trust test,
1 You will be the shooter on the first hog.
2 He will sprint to the bay and bite the hogs ear then get thrashed around wildly
   You will then act super exited and breathe hard, huffing and panting and be a general spaz all while squeeling like a girl about how cool this is and      trying to aim a big freaking pistol in his direction

3 Squeeze off an overly exited round at the pig that he's still biting.

If the dude passes the test you should never allow him to hunt with you again on the grounds that he's probably crazy but definitely irresponsible  ;D

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: Purebreedcolt on August 23, 2010, 11:29:06 pm
I carry when by my self and or own dogs but don't with other people.  The hogs don't need the bullet it was when we bayed up a mtn lion I wanted the gun lol.

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: Cull Buck on August 24, 2010, 08:04:12 am
I take guests a lot also. If they want to argue, tell them to get in their truck and go home. ;)

Its that easy

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: roughdog on August 24, 2010, 08:20:01 am
no guns on my hunts just a sticking knife keeps my dogs safe that way

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: TX HOG on August 24, 2010, 09:38:22 am
i tell em "if you're scared you can walk scooby".

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: chainrated on August 24, 2010, 09:45:04 am
I try to make it clear about guns before we ever show up to hunt but of course we have had instances where they invite their brother or friend or somebody and they show up with AK's and pistols hangin off of them everywhere. When that happens I ask them where their dogs are?  ;)

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: levibarcus on August 24, 2010, 12:28:39 pm
I have carried when I'm by myself in case of a situation that I can't handle by myself, but most of the time I don't. Other than those of us who may carry to protect our dogs in an emergency, most people who want to tag along and bring a gun are scared. I don't know about ya'll, but the last thing I want is a scared guy shooting, if he's scared he's gonna shoot at anything that moves and not think about what he's doing. If you're that afraid, maybe hog dogging isn't for you. JMO

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: machine73 on August 24, 2010, 02:23:20 pm
I like to carry a gun but it is more for two legged varmints than four.

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: dub on August 24, 2010, 02:34:32 pm
I like to carry a gun but it is more for two legged varmints than four.

I wasn't going to say that. I read on here about the dogs being shot while they stood at the fence! Plus I have run into some crazies in the woods and even been shot at. I do not get real excited much but if you shoot at me, you better kill me with the first shot!

If you hear me shoot come running because there is a real problem! I carry a 44 because it has knock down, accuracy, and it is real loud so everybody hears it!

But to be honest, most of the time I leave it at home. I have never carried it hog hunting. BECAUSE I HAVE BEEN A GUEST! I was taught manners as a young boy. If you don't have manners then learn some. They go a long way.

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: rdjustham on August 24, 2010, 02:44:07 pm
I dont allow guest to carry.  i ALWAYS carry my glock 40.  I carry it for work and the guys i hunt with know im used too shooting under stress and when it came down to it WE ALL decided I should be the one with a gun just in case all hell broke loose (two or four legged)

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: cantexduck on August 24, 2010, 03:35:03 pm
Bold statement about being such a good shot.    I sometimes carry. I don't hunt with people that accidently shoot dogs.

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: Hog Dog Mike on August 24, 2010, 03:43:50 pm
I learned my lesson a long time ago. This guy that I know and he is a hog hunter brought a guest with him. We were hunting on one of my places.

The dogs bayed up and it was a boar, sow, and a bunch of shoats.  Guest has never been before and whips out his pistol and starts blasting. I am down on the ground hiding behind a tree. My dogs hauled it out of there. It seemed like he shot forever but he never hit anything.

We made a rule right then and there--no newbys will carry a gun. If they don't like that then they don't go.

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: rdjustham on August 24, 2010, 03:58:30 pm
Bold statement about being such a good shot.   

Yeah i know but in south florida in rainy season its good to carry at least one.  Never really had to use it on hogs but reptiles are another story all together..  Ive had to use it under extreme stress and rounds went where they were suppose too, so tried and tested against target practice?  It was agreed upon by all..

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: cantexduck on August 24, 2010, 04:18:34 pm
Wasn't directed towards you.

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: catchdog7469 on August 24, 2010, 04:53:54 pm
NOBODY shoots over my dogs but me end of story...I do carry a .357 lever action more accurate than a pistol IMO...n it is only used when in a bind and there are no other options....i carry for the dogs protection not mine most of the time it stays on the transportation. I personally dont want to be in the woods with someone who is scared guest or not, if you scared home.

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: M Bennet on August 24, 2010, 05:37:48 pm
i put up with the same number 2. i carry a 44mag for 8 years only shot it 4 times. but i tell them theres the door and dont let it hit ya were the good lord split ya , these is my show and i play the movie how i wont to

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: Tusk Hog on August 24, 2010, 06:07:32 pm
  Glad to see I'm not the only one feels this way. I always tell them " put as much money on the ground as I do, then you can carry a gun". Sure pisses me off to have to keep informing them of my rules.

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: parker on August 24, 2010, 09:54:26 pm
 someone usually carries  some  kind  of  rifle  with us  .......  we  cut  boars  all the time  so  if  we  bay a  group  we  like  to  pick  out the  barr  for  butcher ..... but  we  use a  rifle .....all the  old  timers  here  carried a  rifle  always ....

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: dub on August 24, 2010, 10:06:09 pm
Bold statement about being such a good shot.    I sometimes carry. I don't hunt with people that accidently shoot dogs.
It ain't bold. I back it up any time. I love shooting. But the point was that shooting skill does not trump manners. So people should act like a greatful guest and there is no room for egos.

But anytime someone wants to shoot I am game.

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: BarrNinja on August 24, 2010, 10:36:56 pm
Bold statement about being such a good shot.    I sometimes carry. I don't hunt with people that accidently shoot dogs.
It ain't bold. I back it up any time. I love shooting. But the point was that shooting skill does not trump manners. So people should act like a greatful guest and there is no room for egos.

But anytime someone wants to shoot I am game.

I feel a little wager coming on! ;D
What do you shoot?

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: lamoon78 on August 25, 2010, 03:45:38 am
We stick -em also but do carry if it gets nasty and dont have any other option. Id rather have it then get my dogs in some crap they cant handle and just stand there helpless watchin.

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: cantexduck on August 25, 2010, 06:00:31 am
Small bore for me..224 cal. Ubr brass.51 gr

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on August 25, 2010, 07:09:01 am
Mine is bigger and better than yours.   rolleyes

Can you hit a snake at 10 yards?  Good enough!!!!

However, my dogs are on the dirt.  Please leave your piece in your truck at the house.  That's how I roll.

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: rdjustham on August 25, 2010, 12:52:30 pm
I see where this thread is gowing so that being said,  

Now i grew up shooting anything and everything i could get my hands on.  I am an active shooter and reloader and self taught gun smith.  I havent been in as much as the Men and Women over seas but have been under stress more than once when gun play was involved..  It is a totally different story when your in a tiny room with someone shootin back at you. so that being said, anybody can take a deep breath and shoot accurately its the dodgeing hot sh1t coming back at you and do it accurately thats the tricky part.

Ok enought hread jacking just thought that may put an end to the "I KNOW HOW GOOD I AM" thing.  :)

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: dub on August 25, 2010, 01:31:17 pm
The point was not who is the best shot. The point was, that it does not matter how good you can shoot, you need to follow the rules if you are a guest.

The point is that if you have guests that do not follow your rules then they are not guests and they should not be invited back.

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: rdjustham on August 25, 2010, 02:43:48 pm

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: BarrNinja on August 25, 2010, 03:50:58 pm
The point was not who is the best shot. The point was, that it does not matter how good you can shoot, you need to follow the rules if you are a guest.

The point is that if you have guests that do not follow your rules then they are not guests and they should not be invited back.

Cutter Bay..............we are not talking about egos on this thread! ;D

Yall are just too dang serious sometimes!!! Or maybe I just need to get serious sometimes! :-\ I see all of yalls points and if you look back at my comments you will know I agree with just about all of you!

I was just working on an angle to hook up with dub and do some shooting!
Bragging on your shooting skills is about like bragging on your dogs! lol

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: BarrNinja on August 25, 2010, 04:13:36 pm
I see where this thread is gowing so that being said,  

Now i grew up shooting anything and everything i could get my hands on.  I am an active shooter and reloader and self taught gun smith.  I havent been in as much as the Men and Women over seas but have been under stress more than once when gun play was involved..  It is a totally different story when your in a tiny room with someone shootin back at you. so that being said, anybody can take a deep breath and shoot accurately its the dodgeing hot sh1t coming back at you and do it accurately thats the tricky part.

Ok enought hread jacking just thought that may put an end to the "I KNOW HOW GOOD I AM" thing.  :)

Well, I have never come under a hail of machine gun fire from a hog in a little room or the woods but I get your point and I very much agree.
It really is much the same for guest that has never hunted hogs.
 I let some friends bring a buddy on a hunt one time. They had that guy so amped up and scared that he made a fool of himself at the 1st bay! From 10 yards out, he screamed like apache warrior and threw his knife at the hog before turning and hauling butt out of there!!! I was lucky he didn’t harpoon one of my dogs!!!!
We never found that damn knife either and it had a 12 inch, shinny blade!!! What if that dude had a gun?
Since he frequents this site regularly, I would like to also say that the same guy ended up being a dang good hand and after several hunts you had to bust your tail to beat him to a bay and be the leg man!

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: dub on August 25, 2010, 05:12:00 pm
The point was not who is the best shot. The point was, that it does not matter how good you can shoot, you need to follow the rules if you are a guest.

The point is that if you have guests that do not follow your rules then they are not guests and they should not be invited back.

Cutter Bay..............we are not talking about egos on this thread! ;D

Yall are just too dang serious sometimes!!! Or maybe I just need to get serious sometimes! :-\ I see all of yalls points and if you look back at my comments you will know I agree with just about all of you!

I was just working on an angle to hook up with dub and do some shooting!
Bragging on your shooting skills is about like bragging on your dogs! lol

You ain't that far. I'll give you a call next time I head up there. I was planning on heading up Saturday. Dogs or guns just not at the same time.

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: rdjustham on August 25, 2010, 05:13:48 pm
Ninja i agree on hundred and ten percent.  With the poachers out numbering the legal hunters here, we ALL agreed a gun is a good idea.  My opinion is if someone is gonna carry all parties present (assuming they have money tied up in each bay) should agree on who that person is.  if you came for the show thats all you get to do is watch..My rules take them or leave them..  :)

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: ETHHunters on August 25, 2010, 07:45:15 pm
I might tote a gun if they come out with one that shoots out and hobbles hogs. I already forget the important stuff like leads and rope to be worried about if I got my gun. But to answer the question I dont let anyone shoot over my dogs. If someone is carrying one they better hide it very well and leave it hid unless I say wheres that da#$ gun!!

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: cward on August 25, 2010, 08:30:48 pm
Nija do you think cutter bay will let me come hunt with him I shoot hogs with a shot gun with buck shot!!I might help on the hound population!! ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on August 25, 2010, 10:29:38 pm
Nija do you think cutter bay will let me come hunt with him I shoot hogs with a shot gun with buck shot!!I might help on the hound population!! ;D ;D ;D

You daddy didn't marry mommy. If you want to see real hounds work, I'd be happy to let you tag along with shoat-catching Jessie Paul.

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on August 25, 2010, 10:35:58 pm
Nija do you think cutter bay will let me come hunt with him I shoot hogs with a shot gun with buck shot!!I might help on the hound population!! ;D ;D ;D
Chance, in all seriousness, ask Flacracker about the idiot that pulled that on him. The dude about shot his whole pack. Bryan about whopped that dude senseless.    >:(

I personally would not have pulled him off. Freaking idiot.  >:D

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: BarrNinja on August 26, 2010, 07:56:41 am
Nija do you think cutter bay will let me come hunt with him I shoot hogs with a shot gun with buck shot!!I might help on the hound population!! ;D ;D ;D
Chance, in all seriousness, ask Flacracker about the idiot that pulled that on him. The dude about shot his whole pack. Bryan about whopped that dude senseless.    >:(

I personally would not have pulled him off. Freaking idiot.  >:D

OK Flacracker, I am ready to hear this story!

Chance, aint now way I am going there with Cutter. He has a gun himself and I have a feeling he will shoot back.

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on August 26, 2010, 10:29:37 am
Chance, aint now way I am going there with Cutter. He has a gun himself and I have a feeling he will shoot back.

Good thing, because if you did your little weenie dog would not make it to the truck.  Try explaining that to the wife. (http://www.smileyhut.com/sad/rip.gif) (http://www.smileyhut.com)

(http://www.smileyhut.com/sad/bye2.gif) (http://www.smileyhut.com)

Title: Re: How do you deal with guest hunting with you?
Post by: graydog on August 26, 2010, 08:39:46 pm
The guest is just that and i make the rules on my hunts. If i am the guest them someone else makes the rules. If i don't like them my dogs won't hit the ground. I have seen some rookies do some pretty scary things with a knife too. Sometimes i think we forget to educate the newbies before they get in the heat of the action. It all boils down to knowing your place in things.

Some guys never make more than one trip because i hate listening to them brag all nite. My truck, my dogs, my rules.