HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: UNDERDOG on August 23, 2010, 11:23:00 pm

Title: Old time big....
Post by: UNDERDOG on August 23, 2010, 11:23:00 pm
Rat terriers....anyone know of any around? I am talkin bout the 25-30# ers.....I had some good,big ones years back and would entertain the idea of another if I could find a good big one.

Title: Re: Old time big....
Post by: Linno on August 23, 2010, 11:28:06 pm
I had one too that was about 20 lbs and he was an awsome dog.  I could make him do whatever i wanted him to do, and I could call him off when i was ready for him to stop.  The only complaint i have is when he would ride in the back of my truck he would mark my back glass hahahaha.  I would like to get one like that again one day too.

Title: Re: Old time big....
Post by: UNDERDOG on August 23, 2010, 11:52:05 pm
I would like to cross one to one of mt patterdale terriers to get a little bit more level headed farm/varmit type dog...my patts don't "need " anything but most are more than folks bargained for and I have made a cross like that a coupple times with good results.

Title: Re: Old time big....
Post by: bignasty on August 24, 2010, 07:52:09 am
had a few deckers but didnt like them enough to keep them.im sure there are some good ones out there

Title: Re: Old time big....
Post by: bayem~and~slay em on August 24, 2010, 09:48:35 am
Ain't got no rat terriers but my sisters jack russel was bred to a patterdAle she had pups like three days ago they should be some pretty gamey dogs I kno tht lil j r gyp will bay a hog like no other

Title: Re: Old time big....
Post by: boarwild on August 24, 2010, 09:56:22 am
my wife is a Rat Terrier Breeder, but they are pure bred and they range from 12 to 20 lbs.  i put one of them in the pen a couple of weeks ago and without any direction she went crazy on a pig.  I had no idea they had it in them. 

Title: Re: Old time big....
Post by: Hog Dog Mike on August 24, 2010, 03:51:23 pm
Joe Fountain over at Center used to have some. They were the biggest ones I ever laid eyes on. I don't know if he still has any but he will know who does. I think they call them giants.

Call Joe Fountain 936-598-5018 and tell him Mike Murphy gave you the number.

Title: Re: Old time big....
Post by: Tusk Hog on August 24, 2010, 06:03:25 pm
   Might look into the fox terriers for the size. Think the city breeders are even breeding them in minatures now. I had a neighbor a few years ago had one. Huntest dog I ever seen.

Title: Re: Old time big....
Post by: Txhoghunter on August 24, 2010, 06:10:36 pm
The first dogs I tried on hogs were rat terriers, when I was about 13 or 14.  They never did take to it much, but they were neat dogs to have around for pets. They were decent size, hard to remember exactly how big now, but they were out of some of Eddie Trapps rts that he had.

Title: Re: Old time big....
Post by: Tusk Hog on August 24, 2010, 06:38:21 pm
   Hate to admit this but a three legged rat terrier helped me start my first set of BMC.

Title: Re: Old time big....
Post by: parker on August 24, 2010, 09:40:29 pm
i have a  couple  that  is  perty good s ize ......the  male  is  very  well  built ,.....but  mine  has a  small  bit  of  jack russell  in  em .....  the  ones  i  have  here  i  leave  loose  around  my  barn  to  kill  snakes and  such .....they followed  me in  my  pasture a  time  or  two  and  will  hunt  and  evermore  bay a hog ......  i  had  to  throw  sticks    to  make e m  quit .....

Title: Re: Old time big....
Post by: T-Bob Parker on August 25, 2010, 08:26:52 pm
My pa-paw used to breed em like you like em when I was a kid. Me and my cousins would spend all day on Toledo Bend catching nutrias with his dogs. The last one died a few weeks ago at my uncle Toopy's house.  If you find some old school rat T's lemme know.  Your post brought back some good old memories

Title: Re: Old time big....
Post by: boarwild on August 25, 2010, 09:04:16 pm
Those are the old school "king" Rat Terriers.  It is very hard to find those size "Rat" terriers.  Our dogs are very gamy.  i am training one as a bird dog right now!!!  lol  They are very smart and extremely fast but we have one male and three females and the biggest one we have is 20 lbs.  You can find a lot of them that size (the size you want) that have some jack russell in them which really isn't all that bad because those are some good hunting dogs too.  My wives family has been breeding them for 30 years and i can count on one hand in those thirty years how many of those dogs were not some type of hunting dog.  One of her females is a squirrel hunting machine.  There great all around dogs and don't cost much to feed.  We every now and again come across some king terrier dogs that people want to give to us and if we do i will keep it in mind to pass on to anyone one here that would want one.  

Title: Re: Old time big....
Post by: parker on August 26, 2010, 02:09:26 pm


Title: Re: Old time big....
Post by: UNDERDOG on September 10, 2010, 02:31:19 pm


Thanks everyone for the info. I have not owned one of the big ones in a long time and it is not urgent that I get one but did want some leads and appreciate it. Parker, that male look very much like my old Petey dog and that gyp look like some of my old ones also. I may look you up in the future as well as checking w/ Joe Fountain.
