HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: Noah on October 05, 2008, 09:29:29 pm

Title: How many ways can you skin a cat?
Post by: Noah on October 05, 2008, 09:29:29 pm
Just took my 2yo daughter out to whack a feral dog that's been trying to get to my females.   She lead the way with her "Walmart special" head-lamp and no sense of fear ;D  I can not tell you how cool it is to look down at a youngin' that small, ask her to "plug your ears"... and her actually do it :D.... 30-06 goes off, she unplugs her ears, and on to the next target, no fear, no hesitation, :o... suprised me too(my ears are still ringing) ;D

Results...dead problem,  proud daughter :D  Once my daughter gets her headlamp on... she thinks she's invincible... even if her mommy doesn't ;)

All this leads up to what I've really been thinkin' about. (Realize now, I've been banned from a certain other hog-dog site, so take this with a grain of salt ;D)

"How many ways can you skin a cat?".  Simple question,  but I feel it truly applies to our sport of hog-dogging.

What truly draws me to this sport is the fact that in each of our lifetimes, we each have the ability to create a dog, specifically designed to do what we think it should do.   Canines have the innate ability to "morph" into what we want them to be... good or bad.   They(canines) can morph from a tiger to a chihuahua in less than a few generations, allowing us to pick which ones we like and dislike.   This gives "us" the ability to try many different styles and types for our sport... Allowing for great choice in breeding from among what works and what doesn't.

Having said this, I have not seen the perfect dog or style, and don't believe I ever will.  It's the variety that drives us all... never knowing what dog will stand out and create that next great strain.... ramblings from someone who has been accused of thinking too much... ;)


Title: Re: How many ways can you skin a cat?
Post by: Jeff on October 05, 2008, 09:53:35 pm

Title: Re: How many ways can you skin a cat?
Post by: Noah on October 05, 2008, 09:55:29 pm

 ;D That's funny right there ;)

Title: Re: How many ways can you skin a cat?
Post by: Jeff on October 05, 2008, 09:56:45 pm
yeah you lost me, dude. keep it coming though, i need something to read.

Title: Re: How many ways can you skin a cat?
Post by: Jeff on October 05, 2008, 09:59:25 pm
you ever seen revenge of the nerds 2? they get a little "intoxicated", and the nerds are talking about physics, rocket science, etc. ogre chimes in with "what if C-A-T really spelled dog"?

i guess you're the nerd, and im ogre! LMAO

Title: Re: How many ways can you skin a cat?
Post by: Noah on October 05, 2008, 10:10:47 pm
I like to think of myslelf... as an edumacted Ogre...hhhheeeeh-hhhhhheeeh-hhheeehh...(pocket protector and calculator heaving as I laugh ;)) thankyou very much... and I cannot deny adult beverages have not played a role in this post ;)

To the point... "variety is the spice of life", and I love seeing a better dog than my own... it gives me something to work towards.  In other words, everybody keep doing what you do and have fun!  There is no "correct way" to do what we do...only what works.  Good hunting.