Title: HOG BAYING - ATOKA, OK Post by: robbaughman on September 01, 2010, 09:05:11 pm HI GUYS,
WE ARe really trying to get our numbers back up there like at the beginning.! I realize its hot and I appreciate everyone coming to the ones we've suffered through.. BUT ITs really not that bad at all now since they' re at NIGHT ! Its much much more cooler ! THE HOG BAY is SATURDAY September 4th ... I know its Labor day weekend but we wanted to keep our word cuz we promised EVERy 1st Saturday of the month! It starts around 8:00pm ... Please COme !! Thanks ROB Title: Re: HOG BAYING - ATOKA, OK Post by: bob on September 23, 2010, 08:09:43 am are you still having the trade day every 3rd sat of the month
Title: Re: HOG BAYING - ATOKA, OK Post by: robbaughman on September 24, 2010, 10:04:27 am No not the exact Trades Day but something similar... Now we have a Consigment Auction every 2nd Saturday of the Month.. It starts at 10:00 am tomorrow September 25th.. At the same location. Bring anything of value.. Large items such as trailors, boats, or small items such as chickens.. or Dogs!!
Please come join us! Title: Re: HOG BAYING - ATOKA, OK Post by: circleb54 on October 10, 2010, 10:35:45 am when does the daytime baying start back
Title: Re: HOG BAYING - ATOKA, OK Post by: sgt.davis on October 11, 2010, 07:10:06 am Title: Re: HOG BAYING - ATOKA, OK Post by: DangerZone on October 25, 2010, 11:30:00 am when does the daytime baying start back x3 |