Title: 10-11-08 5 toed boar Post by: pig snatcher on October 11, 2008, 08:12:38 pm Met up with a couple of friends this morning to try to catch a real big boar one of them had been seeing out of his deer stand. Turned loose in the area where he had been hanging out and after a fer minutes we hear a couple of barks. Broke out the tracker and drove in the direction the dogs were headed. Turned out the dogs had about a 150 lb. boar bayed up against a stack of pallets in a guys front yard. LOL This guys house and few acres of land are kind of set off the road surrounded by the place we were hunting. About the time we pulled up the road that runs behind his house he comes flying up the driveway wanting to know what the heck was going on. Said his wife had called freaking out because there was a "wild boar" and two dogs running all over the yard. LOL He thought at first we were some poachers that him and the fellow that owns the place we were hunting had been having problems with. Once he saw who it was everything was cool and we caught the boar rite there in the front yard. Talked with the fellow a bit afterwards who was pretty excited over getting to see the boar caught and headed off. Did a little looking around and decided to call it a day.
On the way out we saw a BIG set of track crossing our truck tracks and turned loose on it. Dogs went about 400 yards and bayed up. We crawled in through the briars and bay bushes to the dogs and cut the bulldogs loose. When they hit everything went silent except for a little splashing and rustling in the bushes. We caught and cuffed the boar which would have went about 230 lbs. and had really nice set of those handle bar hooks hanging out of his mouth. When we loaded him on the four wheeler I noticed something didnt look rite with his foot. Uppon taking a closer look, he had 5 toes complete with hoof. It was a dew claw, normal sized up above his regulare ones. Unfortunately I didnt have a darn thing to take a picture with. BEt that is something I wont see again either. Title: Re: 10-11-08 5 toed boar Post by: clint on October 12, 2008, 08:11:11 am thats sounds like a good hunt... thats pretty rare right there
Title: Re: 10-11-08 5 toed boar Post by: Mike on October 12, 2008, 08:09:57 pm Sounds like a good hunt... pretty strange on the toes. ;D
Title: Re: 10-11-08 5 toed boar Post by: Mr. HG on October 13, 2008, 06:39:33 am Thats what i'm talking about go bay where every they stop.
Title: Re: 10-11-08 5 toed boar Post by: Noah on October 13, 2008, 11:53:45 am Good hunt, haven't seen anything like that yet