Title: Garmin DC-20 collar w/ special custom whip antenna, still works good - $60 OBO Post by: hoghunterdfw on September 03, 2010, 09:52:12 am Got a used Garmin DC-20 collar w/ special custom whip antenna for sale. Sometimes it will take a minute longer for it to pickup signal compared to a DC-30 but once it picks up it works just as good as the newer ones. I got it in a trade from someone about 2 years ago and have used it only a dozen times or so when I really needed an extra collar and it was usually put on the catchdog.
I will try to post a pic of it later. I am located on the North side of Dallas, but if you need me to I can ship it to you for whatever the post office charges. Unlike the last collars I was selling the price on these are $60 OBO (or best offer) NOT FIRM. That means feel free to reply with your best offer and I will let you know if I can do it for that price. Thanks for looking. Vincent 214-679-8920 Call anytime day or night Title: Garmin DC-20 collar w/ special custom whip antenna, still works good - $60 OBO Post by: hoghunterdfw on September 04, 2010, 01:42:56 pm (http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g101/sdc42o/Motozine0132.jpg)
YOU CAN SEE IT CHARGING CUZ THE BLUE LIGHT IS ON! (http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g101/sdc42o/Motozine0133.jpg) Title: Re: Garmin DC-20 collar w/ special custom whip antenna, still works good - $100 OBO Post by: scdogman on September 04, 2010, 07:21:05 pm $20 dollars with a demo on the range. Need to see that it will track over 500 yards.
Title: Re: Garmin DC-20 collar w/ special custom whip antenna, still works good - $60 OBO Post by: hoghunterdfw on September 04, 2010, 10:50:05 pm only asking $60