Title: Hog/4-wheeler Trailer (for sale or trade) Post by: Jacob on September 04, 2010, 11:46:45 pm If anyone is looking for a good hog or dog /4wheeler trailer Ive got one. I've been debating whether or not to get rid of it, I may hold on to it, It has a shackle just behind the cage for the 4wheeler to hook its wench on to, or to ratchet strap it down to. Ive seen 2 over 200 pounders fit in the cage, throw hay in there makes a good place to carry dogs, the sliding door slides out and has a place to lock it in place when shut, Stainless box on front carry vests, collars, leashes, hobbles etc, it stays BONE DRY. Tires are still good lights work, Id at least like to get 300 for it, or something for trade, but dont be afraid to make an offer, like I said Im not just dead set on getting rid of it but the right offer comes along I may just take it 903 517 2915 text me if interested, Im gettin it painted Ill have updated pics up tomorrow, Thx