Title: Central Texas Duck hunters Post by: hogslayer6 on September 07, 2010, 04:02:50 pm lookin for guys who hunt lake waco or surronding areas ie: belton, stillhouse lakes etc what have the bird numbers looked like historicly? hunted hood a few years birds leave after first couple weeks to many jump hunters???? any help?
Title: Re: Central Texas Duck hunters Post by: pltx ken on September 15, 2010, 05:38:17 pm i do a little teal hunting hear and there around rosebud and rockdale on private lakes really shallow marsh style areas. Although i live in port lavaca. Which is loaded and i hunt them here religiously. Few and far between that a have seen in your area buddy.
Title: Re: Central Texas Duck hunters Post by: leifbarnes on September 15, 2010, 06:09:42 pm Lake Waco is a good lake. I have never hunted it but around it. I hunted for several years on the Bosque and Brazos rivers.