HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: Cull Buck on September 08, 2010, 08:43:09 am

Title: Burning the Koran
Post by: Cull Buck on September 08, 2010, 08:43:09 am
So who is burning a Koran on Saturday?  ;)

They say that if a US pastor burns Korans that it will make life harder on the soldiers in the middle east, therefore by proxy Islam is effectively limiting freedom of speech in the US. I've seen people burn Bibles and flags, but the muslims through intimidation want to keep Americans from burning the Koran. Who says we are not at war with Islam?

Title: Re: Buring the Koran
Post by: Dexter on September 08, 2010, 08:47:08 am

 Who says we are not at war with Islam?

X 2
after thinking about this why would we lower our actions to the actions they do
I do beleive though we are at war with Islam ,They think they  are better and should ne the only ones on earth

Title: Re: Buring the Koran
Post by: Crib on September 08, 2010, 09:32:06 am
As with any problem, disagreement etc etc that we face in life…one has to ask the question is it worth it? What would be gained? In this case it won’t help anything. And being that the extremists are hate mongers they feed off this type of response. These are evil people who murder, torture and coerce people into their cause. Something like this just gives them more of a foot hold and will rally others to their way of thinking. People would join who would have otherwise stay uninvolved…and for what? The godly way would be to pray on it and keep the faith that the right decision would be made whether now or in the long run.

Title: Re: Buring the Koran
Post by: JDJP on September 08, 2010, 09:46:46 am
I don't like it.

Im embarrassed that its happening in my state.

there are crazy extreme christians, but burning bibles wouldn't be directed only at them, it would piss off a lot of christians.

I agree with crib This Helps noone.

It makes the south look ignorant.

Title: Re: Buring the Koran
Post by: waylon-N.E. OK on September 08, 2010, 10:03:39 am
I don't see where burning the koran will do much more than make a negitive public statement. I don't care if they burn every copy in the world personaly,But I wouldn't want anyone burning the Bible or the American Flag either. It is there right to do it, so light'er up if thats what you wanna do. I do think we need to make a stand against radical Islam in America, but I also think there are much more effective way's of doing it that could have a lasting effect, the voting box is a good place to start  ;) 2012 ain't far away

Title: Re: Buring the Koran
Post by: DangerZone on September 08, 2010, 10:56:58 am
As with any problem, disagreement etc etc that we face in life…one has to ask the question is it worth it? What would be gained? In this case it won’t help anything. And being that the extremists are hate mongers they feed off this type of response. These are evil people who murder, torture and coerce people into their cause. Something like this just gives them more of a foot hold and will rally others to their way of thinking. People would join who would have otherwise stay uninvolved…and for what? The godly way would be to pray on it and keep the faith that the right decision would be made whether now or in the long run.
     I agree.... to defeat evil you donot have to become evil.... this guy is simply sinking to their level... and it will reflect on all the south.... but it is his right ... and it will fuel the fire against us at election time for some people...

Title: Re: Buring the Koran
Post by: DubbleRDawgs on September 08, 2010, 11:21:34 am
  I sometimes think that the way the world is going that we are in the start of the Apocalypse or even possibly toward the end of it.  The only thing that the burning of the Koran is going to prove is that there are ignorant people that do not stand for what we as Christians are taught. The congregation that is planning on the Koran burning is wanting to put a stop to the Islamic church that is wanting to be built close to ground zero in New York.  It is not going to stop the building, only those in New York can stop it. 
  I am a Baptist, born and raised. I do not believe in some of the things that the Baptist believe in, not because I think it is wrong, just for the simple fact that I do not understand the ways and no one can tell me why they are done the way they are.  I also believe in the right to freedom of religion. Wasn't that what the United States of America was built on, at least one of the things. Is that preacher acting the same as those that are taking our religious rights away?  Is he related to Madeline O'Hare?
  Now to get higher on the soap box.  I am angry at our government when they support those that invaded our security. Since 9-11 there has been more Muslims and Islamic's that have come into our country and the government has opened up our country with welcoming arms.  They have been set up in businesses, given homes and money all part of our tax dollars and told here you go.  They do not have to make money they only have to keep there businesses open for so long and then they sale it to one of their own and the government starts them all over again.  There are no longer any businesses that are American owned and operated.  You go into one of there businesses and we as Americans are treated as trash and that we should bow down to them when in fact, I feel that when I go into one of their businesses that they should bow down to me and thank me for my son who was shipped over to their mother country to protect them.  Who is protecting us from them?
  I do not believe in burning the flag, because that is a major symbol of my freedom, I do not believe in burning of the bible, because that is my belief. But if that preacher wants to burn the Koran that is his right because the government said it was.  But I think the government needs to rethink what they think our rights are.  The war is getting closer to the holy land....Anybody read Revelations and has anyone ever heard of Nostradamus?
  Wow I feel better, and I apologize is I upset anyone that was not my intention.

Robin Borden

Title: Re: Buring the Koran
Post by: rdjustham on September 08, 2010, 11:31:11 am
Im not going to burn one.  Simply because i wont spend the money to buy one.  ;)

Title: Re: Buring the Koran
Post by: Wmwendler on September 08, 2010, 11:40:07 am
Personally i think its not worth the match it would take to set it on fire.  Not to mention like others said its stuping to thier level.

Who ever thinks Christianity and Islam are not at war need to read up on history and the crusades.  Its the oldest war known to man kind.  Been going on for a couple thousand years if I am not mistaken rolleyes.

Title: Re: Buring the Koran
Post by: Cull Buck on September 08, 2010, 12:33:27 pm
Just so that I don't get any heated PM's, I don't personnally agree with the dude organizing the events for this Saturday.  I was reading up about everything that is going on and this conversation got cranked up in the office.  

I draw a lot of similarites between this and the proposed mosque near ground zero.  This is a "free" country and as such both groups have the right to burn the koran or build a mosque if they chose to do so.  BUT this about being respectful and ultimately being a decent human being.  If there is repect for others and a minimal amount of decency neither would take place IMO.  

I am SO sick of the catering to muslims I'm about to blow a gasket.  Will someone in the whitehouse please aknowledge the 800lb gorilla in the room......sure not all muslims are terrorist but every terroist attack against this county this decade has been carried out and funded by a muslim. And any muslim that won't aknowledge this and denounce this large segment of their religion should join their fate.

Title: Re: Buring the Koran
Post by: dub on September 08, 2010, 12:48:42 pm
I heard a reporter ask if "Would Jesus say go burn their holy book?" I say he would not say that. Not about burning the book but Jesus would not call it a holy book. I would not burn it but not out of any respect for the religion but because the Bible tells me not to provoke my neighbor.

King James version
Romans 12:18 If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. 19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.

New American Standard
Romans 12:18 If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men. 19 Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, "VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY," says the Lord.

Muslims attacked what they saw as a Christian nation on September 11, 2001. Because of this 2,996 people were killed at the hands of nineteen men!

On December 26, 2004 an earthquake triggered a tsunami. As a result of this OVER 230,000 people in fourteen countries were killed at the hand of God.

My God is all powerful and does not need me like I need my God! I will leave the Muslims to my God to deal with.

Title: Re: Buring the Koran
Post by: aladatrot on September 08, 2010, 12:52:25 pm
While it is that Preacher's right, I don't agree with burning the Koran just as I don't agree with burning the Bible or the US flag or ANY of the Texas flags. However, I also have a problem with us as Americans having to walk on eggshells when it comes to handling people of Muslim faith. I do not think our government has ever thought twice about offending Christians. More than that, they seem to treat Christians as if we have a disease - no prayer in school, you can't say Merry Christmas, etc... That said, OUR tax dollars just got finished paying for a Mosque to be built in Egypt, for the head honcho at NASA to make the agency more Muslim friendly, and for a controversial Immam (you know the one) to go on a book signing tour of the middle east. Our tax dollars bought 10,000 copies of the Immam's book so he could hand them out to other Muslims as part of our multi faith outreach program. Had he been conversing with Jews and Christians in a legitimate hand shaking "multi faith" talks, I would have less of a problem. I can't see how us footing the bill for him to out reach to other people of his own belief is something I should be excited about.

I do not begrudge anyone their choice of Faith. I do have a problem with our government constantly limiting what we can do as Christians while seemingly bending over backward to help a religious group who has certifiably declared war on America. No, not all Muslims proclaim to hate America, but how many of them were gathered in the streets of various countries by the thousands on 9-11 cheering? were those thousands of people who were holding signs "Death to America" in many different countries all extremists? I have never seen that many Christian extremists gathered in the streets to celebrate another country's national tragedy like that. To each their own, but I would just rather stop all Faith related out reach altogether than to give hand outs and tax dollars to jihaddists. How do we know which ones are extremists and which ones aren't? For all we know, our tax dollars could be funding the next attack on America!

Sorry, I get all stirred up. I'll be making my opinion heard when I cast my ballot in November.


Title: Re: Buring the Koran
Post by: catchrcall on September 08, 2010, 01:59:50 pm
radical christianity is not the answer to radical islam.  It is his right to burn a quoran, but it is not the right thing to do.  This guy is a first class idiot and publicity hound that doesn't care to think about the consequences of his actons.  He would be up in arms if somebody burned a stack of bibles, so what can you expect them?  All he is going to do is create more terrorists, and anti american sentiments in the middle east.  Will his actions have any effect overseas?  They already have and he hasn't lit his first match yet.  Does it put american troops in more danger?  You bet it does, thanks a lot jackass. 

Title: Re: Burning the Koran
Post by: daisydog on September 08, 2010, 05:24:24 pm
dub   x2 x3 x4 amen

Title: Re: Burning the Koran
Post by: djhogdogger on September 08, 2010, 05:27:44 pm
 Ill guarantee you one thing. If his burning the koran causes one single american soldier to be killed, i bet a grieving, angry american mother will set his azz on fire. If it were my child, i wouldn't hesitate.

Title: Re: Burning the Koran
Post by: sdillard on September 08, 2010, 07:51:23 pm
Do yall think if he dont burn them that they are going to stop trying to kill our soliders, hell no that is what they want to kill all of the soliders over there. It makes me sick to think that we have let them burn bibles, flags and everything else that we hold sacred but one guy talks about burning something of theirs and everyone wants to bad mouth him. Im not saying what he is doing is right or wrong but i am saying we need to open our eyes and our mouths about the thing that they have been doing FOREVER! Just my thought on it.

Title: Re: Burning the Koran
Post by: Tusk Hog on September 08, 2010, 07:53:43 pm
 Might offend our president, not me!

Title: Re: Burning the Koran
Post by: charles on September 08, 2010, 07:54:49 pm
 i say burn it! burn it twice! i think that the taliban and other muslins that r fighting and killin our fellow soldiers dont need an excuse to do it, they will do it just b/c its in their nature. why should we give up our rights to a bunch of towel heads? during the nam war, americans burned the american flag and bibles and very little was done about it. them muslims dont mind dragin our soldiers through the town after they r dead and the towns folks support it or are in fear and show fasle support, but either way, they support it. i fought and served under this government and fought in a place that was in my country to begin with, just so the government can trample OUR constitutional rights and have been shot at by folks that we shouldnt be at war with in the first place, and still continued to serve and did it for 13yrs till i broke my back and they put me out under a medical. the muslims and islams have been scrapping b4 christ was born, murdered and again walked the earth and they wont stop till they r all dead. there will never be peace over there. we will be back in iraq in less than 2yrs when that country's government falls again and then more of OUR soldiers will die, and for what/ whos rights? NOT ours!!!

Title: Re: Burning the Koran
Post by: sdillard on September 08, 2010, 08:10:37 pm
Im with u Charles. This subject just pisses me off to think that people are going to talk bad about one of OUR people but not about the muslins bc they dont want to offend them, I say screw them.

Title: Re: Burning the Koran
Post by: catchrcall on September 08, 2010, 09:27:56 pm
 it's not that I give a darn about offending a muslim, on that I could really care less.  There's no love lost between us.  I just know right and wrong when I see it, and I know a little about how many muslim minds work and trust me this guy ain't making any friends.  I don't think we need to be stooping to their level, and I don't think that what this guy is doing is at all a good example of what a christian, especially one that is supposed to be a standard bearer and leader of his church should be doing.  that's what burns me the worst. 

Title: Re: Burning the Koran
Post by: Tusk Hog on September 08, 2010, 10:34:01 pm
    Folks we are a country founded on Christain values. That makes us all a target for muslim nations not just our soldiers. We all need to take a stand. At the rate our bleeding heart country is going we will all be required to worship the koran or whatever, not my God. Why are we letting the enemy pour into our country? Guess my best question is: What would be the best way to let other nations know we will take no more? Remember those before us who gave everything so we do have freedoms!

Title: Re: Burning the Koran
Post by: RockinW on September 09, 2010, 01:26:50 am
Im with u Charles. This subject just pisses me off to think that people are going to talk bad about one of OUR people but not about the muslins bc they dont want to offend them, I say screw them.

AMEN !!! enough political correct BS! i'm tired of it. that POS imam who said America is responsible for 911 should not be paid by our tax dollars to recruit investors for the mosque at ground zero, and name it after another famous muslim "conquest".

 the preacher who wants to burn the books may very well be a nut job, and i dont necissarily think burning books is the best thing to be doing, but i do think we ought to let it be known that we've had enough. however the "powers that be" seem to make every concession to muslims, illegals, etc., etc., against the will of the American people. and it seems that most of America is afraid of  makin em mad cause they might do something bad to us. GOOD GREIF !

how bout starting in November, we put in some folks that will stand up for traditional American values, and the good of the people, and  if you threaten America or our soldiers, we kill you, kill your dog, burn your house down, and butcher your goats and donkey, or just make a buffalo waller out of your whole damn village!

edited again...

Title: Re: Burning the Koran
Post by: Jared H. on September 09, 2010, 06:43:23 am
It makes no sense to me to burn it and I understand how people feel because of 9/11.  How could we not be upset? But as a Christian and by the example Jesus set for us all I just don't understand.  Plus God said vengeance is his. 

Title: Re: Burning the Koran
Post by: Jared H. on September 09, 2010, 06:59:32 am
Dub hit the nail on the head earlier in this post.  Couldn't agree more.

Title: Re: Burning the Koran
Post by: Crib on September 09, 2010, 07:09:02 am
   Folks we are a country founded on Christain values. That makes us all a target for muslim nations not just our soldiers. We all need to take a stand. At the rate our bleeding heart country is going we will all be required to worship the koran or whatever, not my God. Why are we letting the enemy pour into our country? Guess my best question is: What would be the best way to let other nations know we will take no more? Remember those before us who gave everything so we do have freedoms!

Taking a stand has nothing to do with burning the Koran. you can sign petitions, protest or other means of being heard that will not galvanize them in the middle east. its not about offendeding them, its about being heard without instigating a confrontation. The buidling will still go up, it might even go up faster b/c others would be prompted to support it. I agree with Dub its all right there, dont take it into your own hands. Our troops over there will pay for it. Not to mention its against the law in their location to burn books.  

Title: Re: Burning the Koran
Post by: cajunl on September 09, 2010, 08:59:18 am
There are radicals of every religion. The Christian radicals kill in the name of Jesus, as much as the Muslims in the name of Mohammad.

Before 9-11 I remember some good ole Americans killing women and children with a truck and some fertilizer in Oklahoma City.

The "Army of God" responsible for the bombings in Atlanta and bombing of abortion clinic in Birmingham....

The IRS building in Austin...

Abortion clinic murders....

The list is endless

A few bad seeds make for very very bad apples.

Have a big fire burn the Koran, the Bible, throw in Mein Kopf, and some toilet paper. It is all just paper and ink.

It is the people that make up the ideals ;)

Title: Re: Burning the Koran
Post by: djhogdogger on September 09, 2010, 10:41:56 am
 Ill bet that he wouldn't be doing it if the media wasn't pointing cameras at him because no one would know or care. I don't think that there is that much glory in setting a stupid book on fire. For what, to watch it burn for a few minutes and then go home. He just wants his 15 minutes of fame.

Title: Re: Burning the Koran
Post by: dub on September 09, 2010, 11:33:04 am
There are radicals of every religion. The Christian radicals kill in the name of Jesus, as much as the Muslims in the name of Mohammad.

Before 9-11 I remember some good ole Americans killing women and children with a truck and some fertilizer in Oklahoma City.

The "Army of God" responsible for the bombings in Atlanta and bombing of abortion clinic in Birmingham....

The IRS building in Austin...

Abortion clinic murders....

The list is endless

A few bad seeds make for very very bad apples.

Have a big fire burn the Koran, the Bible, throw in Mein Kopf, and some toilet paper. It is all just paper and ink.

It is the people that make up the ideals ;)
I have heard Christians call the acts of radicals wrong. I have not heard Muslims call the terror acts wrong. They say they are a religion of peace but will not condemn the killings. I even heard a Muslim cleric deny Muslims were behind the 911 attacks! To compare the two is apples and oranges. I get mad and sometimes say things I regret. But I will even condemn my own actions. Until the Muslim community stands up and condemns terrorist actions they will get no respect from me. When a Christian kills an abortion provider other Christians condemn the act. Lets get it clear Muslims are not the same. I just think God knows everyone's heart and can bring wrath and love at the same time. I am human and can't. I get sick of hearing Muslims call for tolerance of Muslims when Muslims have no tolerance of others. They burn the American flag and call it free speech. When it is others wanting to burn what they hold precious it is not free speech? They burn the American flag in their streets!

Title: Re: Burning the Koran
Post by: cajunl on September 09, 2010, 01:14:05 pm
So you want 1/4 of the worlds population 1.57 Billion people, the second largest relegion in the world to claim maybe 5000 militants worldwide.

The majority of the muslim community wants no part of the war mongers. No more than I as a Catholic want to claim the Ku Klux Klan ( a religious terrorist group), the IRA or Northern Ireland terrorists groups, or kid touching priests.

The flag burning is apples to oranges. The American flag has nothing to due with religion and is a political statement. It is burned on the streets of U.S. Soil as a defiance to government policy. It is burned on foreign soil for the same effect.

The guy will do it because it makes headlines. The Neo Nazi's march because it makes headlines.

They have every right as Americans to do it. We have every right to point and yell what jackasses they are! ;D


Title: Re: Burning the Koran
Post by: Cull Buck on September 09, 2010, 01:23:43 pm
So you want 1/4 of the worlds population 1.57 Billion people, the second largest relegion in the world to claim maybe 5000 militants worldwide.

The majority of the muslim community wants no part of the war mongers. No more than I as a Catholic want to claim the Ku Klux Klan ( a religious terrorist group), the IRA or Northern Ireland terrorists groups, or kid touching priests.

Complete and total BS right there bro.  5000 militants worldwide....laughable.  We've already killed 10 times that many since 2001 and we haven't even made a dent.  Its thinking like this that will get us in trouble.  I think you need to go ahead and put the PC stuff away and akowledge the 800lb gorilla in the room.

Ever heard of Hamas.....WAY more than 5000 strong.  How about the 10's of thousands of muslims that took to the street to celebrate the events of 9/11.  I can keep going if it will make a difference.  Find me a "moderate" muslim and within 5 questions you'll realize how extreme a "moderate" muslim is.  Happened right in my own living room a couple weeks ago.

Title: Re: Burning the Koran
Post by: james.frankovich on September 09, 2010, 01:38:42 pm
So I'm guessing this would be a bad time to admit you were a muslim?..... Just kidding!! Good point across the board....anybody think they'll play the "disco inferno" song?

Title: Re: Burning the Koran
Post by: cajunl on September 09, 2010, 02:42:10 pm
Complete and total BS right there bro.  5000 militants worldwide....laughable.  We've already killed 10 times that many since 2001 and we haven't even made a dent.  Its thinking like this that will get us in trouble.  I think you need to go ahead and put the PC stuff away and akowledge the 800lb gorilla in the room.

Depends on the definition, what where counting and no one really knows. The number was just an example. make it 500,000 or make it 1.5 million and it is still a fraction of the populations.

You can hardly call the rag tag army in Iraq and Afghanistan as militants. On the other side of the coin every single local army in that country that is supporting us is is all Muslim.

Hamas and the PLO and the hatred of the Jews the whole Isereal/Gaza strip is a whole different subject. That is a land grab that will go on for a long time.

So I'm guessing this would be a bad time to admit you were a muslim?..
Nope 100% American catholic.

I am very fortunate enough to have been able to visit Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt in the 80's and had the opportunity to meet the people and see there culture. Even got to stay in the king of Saudi's palace.

I do a lot of business in the middle east and Israel. Speak to the people on a weekly basis.

Most are like the majority of people on earth. They want to go to work, support there family, and live peacefully.

I get it, people hate the all Muslims for 9-11. Americans hated the Russians during the cold war. Americans hated the Japanese during WW2. They hated Cuba in the 60's

Fear sells a lot of newspapers and ad time on the news!

Religion and Politics and the opinions will never change! ;D

Title: Re: Burning the Koran
Post by: got2catchem on September 09, 2010, 03:19:32 pm
They sure look peacefull.....


Title: Re: Burning the Koran
Post by: dub on September 09, 2010, 03:32:12 pm
Burn the Koran and we will kill people that had nothing to do with it! That sounds just like Christians, no wait it does not it sounds Like peace loving Muslims. I have never heard a Catholic say anything like that or my preacher. I disagree with some of the Catholic religion but I do not want to kill any Catholics or even hit them. Wait I can get along just fine with anybody that does not threaten to kill me.

Title: Re: Burning the Koran
Post by: cajunl on September 09, 2010, 03:36:59 pm
Fear sells ;D

I am gonna threaten to kill anybody be it Christian, Muslim or Jew if that yahoo makes it where I can't get to the Gator game in Gainesville on Saturday....and I dont even like the gators! >:D ;D

Title: Re: Burning the Koran
Post by: dub on September 09, 2010, 04:19:46 pm
Pastor Terry Jones said Thursday that he decided to cancel his protest because the leader of a planned Islamic Center near ground zero has agreed to move its controversial location. The agreement couldn't be immediately confirmed.

Title: Re: Burning the Koran
Post by: RockinW on September 09, 2010, 04:56:11 pm
i heard on the radio today that the imam said  that having to move the project (ground zero mosque)  "will likely increase violence against Americans"

sounds like a threat to me

Title: Re: Burning the Koran
Post by: dub on September 09, 2010, 05:00:24 pm
What? They are going to attack anyway!

Title: Re: Burning the Koran
Post by: charles on September 09, 2010, 08:57:57 pm
 the killing of the women and children in Ok city wasnt by just 1 guy, it was by many. it was by the U.S. Government! if u dought that, then explain why only a handfull of atf/fbi agents were in the building at the time of the explosion. where they all out for doughnuts and coffee?

Title: Re: Burning the Koran
Post by: catahoula16 on September 09, 2010, 09:24:02 pm
Obama is a Muslim that is why all this is taking place, so lets change things in November and then in 2012 and get rid of him out of the White House so maybe all the people who have died didnt do it in vain..

Title: Re: Burning the Koran
Post by: HIGHWATER KENNELS on September 09, 2010, 10:12:27 pm
Fellers, I dont know all there is to know about politics,, but I can read the writing on the wall..This great country that our Christian forefathers founded is Under attack and its just that simple.. Sure they can sugar coat it all they want to by tellin us that it is only a slim few that are Radical,, that the muslim culture is generally peacefull,, Fellers, I have gotten the chance to actually read the Koran and it specifically states in order for a Muslim to be saved He must kill Infidels.. Now ,,, the book I was brought up reading and learning,,, says nothing to me about killing to be saved.. We are two different worlds here, and I dont care how much they sugar coat it or how they try to be politically correct with the facts... That is the problem with our great nation,, its time we as CHRISTIANS stand up and say we are not going to take it anymore,,,, that we are tired of them shoveling there crap down our kids throats at school,,, and how that we are suppose to ACCEPT all this because we are suppose to be Bigger than they are... BSSSS...Our country didnt get founded on tucking our tail and running,,, its like this way because Men stood up and died..I dont give a 2 bit damn if it hurts their feelings or if its the Turn the other cheek method,,Sometimes its not the time to be Passive, its time to be reactive . Now could you imagine, a Pentecostal preacher flies to Iran and gets on National Tv and says I am going to build a church here and if yall dont like it Too Badd because if yall object the idea,, there will be more violence towards your people.. People might think that these people are over here because they want to live like us and share our way of life,,, then why is it that they are the ones tryin to shove their beliefs down our throats and we have to stand there and take it because our government protects them...

Title: Re: Burning the Koran
Post by: machine73 on September 10, 2010, 06:13:10 am
The Quran refers to all of the non Muslim world as the House of War. War upon the rest of the world
Is a fundamental precept of Islam. They need no pretext to kill us. Nobody was burning a Quran when they invaded Spain. Nobody was burning a Quran when they seized
Jerusalem. Theirs is a history of militaristic conquest and expansion. There will never be peace between our cultures as long as one or the other exists. And I would much rather it be ours that survives. Yes i am a radical. So i say go ahead and burn a Quran. Better yet burn Mecca. Raze the entire Arabian penninsula and sow salt in the earth.

Title: Excellent Idea...
Post by: DubbleRDawgs on September 10, 2010, 08:22:47 am
I was reading news on yahoo and ran across this solution to another place that was going to have a mosque built in there neighborhood but did not want one.  So maybe it would work in New York...anything is worth a try don't you think?


In Seville, Spain, the City Council authorized the construction of a Mosque
on one of the empty pieces of land. The citizens did not want the mosque
built in their neighborhood and found a brilliant solution.

They buried a pig in the land, and made the news public. Islamic law
prohibits the construction of a mosque on lands desecrated by remains of pigs,
therefore the Muslims had to renounce to the construction on this desecrated

Astute Sevillians... The commentaries of the Civil Guard (Police) are very
interesting. Maybe it is the solution needed by New York to avoid the
construction of a mosque in the vicinity of the Twin Towers.

The Israelis have been using a similar strategy since 2004.

They placed a box containing pig lard on all buses and made it public that
any kamikaze suicide bomber who tries to blow-up a bus, risks the
prohibition of not entering heaven by getting the pig lard on them.
There are no suicide bombers on the buses in Israel any more..

Title: Re: Excellent Idea...
Post by: djhogdogger on September 10, 2010, 09:00:41 am
I was reading news on yahoo and ran across this solution to another place that was going to have a mosque built in there neighborhood but did not want one.  So maybe it would work in New York...anything is worth a try don't you think?


In Seville, Spain, the City Council authorized the construction of a Mosque
on one of the empty pieces of land. The citizens did not want the mosque
built in their neighborhood and found a brilliant solution.

They buried a pig in the land, and made the news public. Islamic law
prohibits the construction of a mosque on lands desecrated by remains of pigs,
therefore the Muslims had to renounce to the construction on this desecrated

Astute Sevillians... The commentaries of the Civil Guard (Police) are very
interesting. Maybe it is the solution needed by New York to avoid the
construction of a mosque in the vicinity of the Twin Towers.

The Israelis have been using a similar strategy since 2004.

They placed a box containing pig lard on all buses and made it public that
any kamikaze suicide bomber who tries to blow-up a bus, risks the
prohibition of not entering heaven by getting the pig lard on them.
There are no suicide bombers on the buses in Israel any more..

Brilliant Idea! I knew there had to be a loop hole in there some where. Using their own beliefs against them is genius! The good thing is that there is no shortage of pork here. ;D

Title: Re: Burning the Koran
Post by: jdt on September 10, 2010, 09:36:13 am
highwater , i agree 10,000 %

dubble r ,if thats true its sounds like it could save alot of ammo in the years to come .

Title: Re: Burning the Koran
Post by: Tusk Hog on September 10, 2010, 05:51:57 pm
  Sure glad to see there are AMERICANS out there that share my opinion that we need to stand up and shout NO MORE! Not sit back and hope the others don't retaliate. Folks read the Bible, God does not promise peace in the end days. He states there will be wars and rumors of wars, along with alot of other horrible things. Sure thankful to know I won't be here through it all.

Title: Re: Burning the Koran
Post by: Pudge on September 10, 2010, 08:01:51 pm
I don't have a problem with anyone burning the Koran. I don't think there would have been near as big of a fuss if it was bibles being burned instead. Seems like a lot of people think it's wrong to offend the muslems for some reason. I sure don't care if I offend them or not. I got this pic in an e-mail and it goes right along with my feelings on Islam.


Title: Re: Burning the Koran
Post by: T-Bob Parker on September 10, 2010, 10:57:40 pm
Amen to that my brother. I HEAR FOLKS ON THE RADIO AND TV TELLING ME ITS A RELIGION OF PEACE BUT Actions speak louder than words and the fact is they get out of hand over the littlest crap.  .

Title: Re: Burning the Koran
Post by: So Oklahoma Cur Dogs on September 11, 2010, 11:15:32 pm
High Water Kennels,,read alot of good opinions on this but like yours the best.

Title: Re: Burning the Koran
Post by: Reuben on September 12, 2010, 07:41:13 am
Fellers, I dont know all there is to know about politics,, but I can read the writing on the wall..This great country that our Christian forefathers founded is Under attack and its just that simple.. Sure they can sugar coat it all they want to by tellin us that it is only a slim few that are Radical,, that the muslim culture is generally peacefull,, Fellers, I have gotten the chance to actually read the Koran and it specifically states in order for a Muslim to be saved He must kill Infidels.. Now ,,, the book I was brought up reading and learning,,, says nothing to me about killing to be saved.. We are two different worlds here, and I dont care how much they sugar coat it or how they try to be politically correct with the facts... That is the problem with our great nation,, its time we as CHRISTIANS stand up and say we are not going to take it anymore,,,, that we are tired of them shoveling there crap down our kids throats at school,,, and how that we are suppose to ACCEPT all this because we are suppose to be Bigger than they are... BSSSS...Our country didnt get founded on tucking our tail and running,,, its like this way because Men stood up and died..I dont give a 2 bit damn if it hurts their feelings or if its the Turn the other cheek method,,Sometimes its not the time to be Passive, its time to be reactive . Now could you imagine, a Pentecostal preacher flies to Iran and gets on National Tv and says I am going to build a church here and if yall dont like it Too Badd because if yall object the idea,, there will be more violence towards your people.. People might think that these people are over here because they want to live like us and share our way of life,,, then why is it that they are the ones tryin to shove their beliefs down our throats and we have to stand there and take it because our government protects them...



Title: Re: Burning the Koran
Post by: warrent423 on September 12, 2010, 08:29:50 am
Show me one burnin and I'll piss on it to help put it out :o

Title: Re: Burning the Koran
Post by: bayhard on September 12, 2010, 10:25:11 am
this topic has not went the way i thought it would with hog hunters the belive that if they get any hog blood on them that they will not make it to the place that they wont to go my dad is a pastor and he always sayes to me no what you r up aginst so i say that they should cut a pig ear to ear and put it on there books there is no problems with them killig people with my belifes overs in the duns so y all to big fus over here

Title: Re: Burning the Koran
Post by: charles on September 12, 2010, 07:45:34 pm
 why would u piss on 1 burnin to help him? throw some more gas on them and make a bigger fire.

Title: Re: Burning the Koran
Post by: Reuben on September 12, 2010, 07:50:10 pm
why would u piss on 1 burnin to help him? throw some more gas on them and make a bigger fire.

I say 10 4 on that...

I am not a radical but I dislike any group that is violent toward the inocent and the peaceful.

Title: Re: Burning the Koran
Post by: warrent423 on September 12, 2010, 08:25:02 pm
why would u piss on 1 burnin to help him? throw some more gas on them and make a bigger fire.

I say 10 4 on that...

I am not a radical but I dislike any group that is violent toward the inocent and the peaceful.
was suggesting to Piss on the koran

Title: Re: Burning the Koran
Post by: raider54 on September 13, 2010, 04:11:42 am
I have watched this thread and have waited till now to post my opinion. I have fought them gun barrel to gunbarrel. I keep hearing this will endanger our troops. I just had a son come home from there and had another one leave last week for Afghanistan. One question I have for everyone is....Do you think our enemy has one single ounce of respect for us? NO! Every time one of our unsupervised stupid privates sneak out and get drunk and wonder outside the wire, they are captured, tortured, and beheaded! EVERYTIME. It may at best cause an uprising in the insurgency, if that happens we can kill them alot easier. They wont be happy until we are all slaves to Shria Law or dead. If you get caught with a Bible in one of thier countries it is a death sentance while they warn us if they dont build the mosque at ground zero, it will enrage the Muslim comunity and cause many Americans bloodshed. Are you kidding me? Our Christian Churches have to fight to put a Nativity Scene up at Christmas. In the next 10 or 15 years we will see Muslims enforceing Shria Law, they will be stoneing thier own. The only prayer we have is to over turn this corrupt Government and take this country back with conservative leaders that wont stand for it. This is why we need to get to the poles in November and again in 2012. I dont think God intended for us to lay down and do nothing the rest of our lives just because we live under the age of grace! God use to send Men to kill God's enemies. If someone comes in your house and tries to over take your family what will you do? I think we all know the answer to that, we may take it to the street soon if America doesnt wake up and stop worring about Political Correctness.  Just a small piece of my opinion

Title: Re: Burning the Koran
Post by: dub on September 13, 2010, 09:30:23 am
Do you know how many US service member have been tried In absentia, convicted and sentenced to death for violating Muslim law? Having served and possibly being one of those already sentenced to death (what a joke) I am not against burning the Quran out of any respect for Muslims. I am really sick and tired of Muslims saying they are offended when they could care less about anybody else. They ask others to be sensitive to Muslims but then want to build a Mosque next to Ground zero!