HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: raider54 on September 08, 2010, 08:14:39 pm

Title: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: raider54 on September 08, 2010, 08:14:39 pm
Recently I made less than desirable comments in response to some attacks of hunting friends of mine, the result was me being banned from this site and rightly so! I seemed to have forgotten there are moderators on this site that are policeing it! It was wrong for me to fire back at the other member and I would like everyone to know I have been professionally repramanded. I wanted to take this opportunity to personally apologize to anyone who read my comments and was offended by them. The part that bothers me most is that one of the moderators says he feels like I am "Hot Headed" and "Fly Off the Handle to Easy" This impression truely does not represent my character the way I desire to be viewed by my hunting friends on ETHD. I will exercise more professionalism in the future and strive to represent myself in a more respectful manor.

Thanks Mike for allowing me another chance, I truely enjoy each day on ETHD with my friends.

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: djhogdogger on September 08, 2010, 08:20:38 pm
 Raider, i know ive been guilty of flying of the handle too or saying things just to get under someones skin also. It is big of you to apologize for doing that. You have inspired me, i would also like to apologize if i have ever offended anyone on here. We are all friends here. Glad to have you back! ;D

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: Purebreedcolt on September 08, 2010, 08:23:47 pm
Glad ur still around really respect ur posts

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: Mike on September 08, 2010, 08:24:57 pm
Thank you Paul. That's all I ask of all our members, post respectfully and enjoy the forums. Sure, there's always going to be heated debates and disagreements... even myself and other mods on here are guilty of being hot-headed sometimes. But believe me, not much gets by us and it gets handled in private and off the boards.

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: rdjustham on September 08, 2010, 08:26:06 pm
X2.  Sometimes friendly "debate" gets taken to far in someones eyes.  raider man sized thiing admitting when your wrong, my hat is off to you sir.

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: cward on September 08, 2010, 08:30:05 pm
Raider welcome back!!Sometimes it is easy to get caught up in a mess like the one you did!!
But at some point it seemed like they were just trying to stir the pot!!
I enjoy reading your stories and looking at your pictures!!I joke alot so I hope no one takes me to hart!!
I did not no you got banned!!! But I think Mike made the right call by letting you come back!!
Lets just not talk about Dogo's!!LOL ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: raider54 on September 08, 2010, 08:31:28 pm
Thanks guys and gals!  I want everyone to like me, I am a likeable guy just ask anyone that has ever come up for a visit, it was a real eye opener to think anyone would think less of me than what I want my grandkids to think of me. I will be better in the future, I guess I still have some growing to do... :)

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: raider54 on September 08, 2010, 08:32:45 pm
Raider welcome back!!Sometimes it is easy to get caught up in a mess like the one you did!!
But at some point it seemed like they were just trying to stir the pot!!
I enjoy reading your stories and looking at your pictures!!I joke alot so I hope no one takes me to hart!!
I did not no you got banned!!! But I think Mike made the right call by letting you come back!!
Lets just not talk about Dogo's!!LOL ;D ;D ;D ;D


Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: Easttex on September 08, 2010, 08:33:04 pm
Glad ur still around really respect ur posts

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: brw7979 on September 08, 2010, 08:33:27 pm
Glad that your back on Paul.

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: Rockin-P-Ranch on September 08, 2010, 08:35:36 pm
Paul I have always respected your veiws and feelings on any topic you reply on. And your comming forward like this just proves how much of a man you really are.

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: trapper2 on September 08, 2010, 08:42:02 pm
i didnt read it but it takes a big man to  give apology, if i could type faster i would probably get kicked off every site i get on, but by the time i get it typed i cool off, ha

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: UNDERDOG on September 08, 2010, 08:43:15 pm
It is funny and been said before that most of these argument etc would be just be a bs sesion on the tail gate but sometime on these putters when a person is pasionmate and believes sonething they/we/me can have a hard time getting it from finger to screen, I my self am usually too busy or just don't take the time to try and slow down and make as good of post as some.raider my appologies to you as well for any of my coments make that I did not take more time to get accross more respectfully.where are then hdl girl for a group hug when you need them ;D

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: HogzgoneWild on September 08, 2010, 08:59:03 pm
Welcome back...........what are the rules of hot headedness on pm? ;)

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: make-em-squeel on September 08, 2010, 09:23:51 pm
Welcome back...........what are the rules of hot headedness on pm? ;)
Thank you Mike and staff! I didnt want to go through another night of letting Paul cry on my shoulder til 2 am again  ;D

On a serious note after talking with Paul today he made me realize that we dont have to police people, the mods do a good job of that  popo

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: leonriverboy on September 08, 2010, 09:27:54 pm
Paul that was mighty big of you to write such heart felt
apology.  I'm sure glad your back on the board.  You know Mike had to call me down once before when I got a little carried away, of all things Dogos vs Pits.  So it happens,  sometimes we get carried away.   Welcome back!

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: rdjustham on September 08, 2010, 09:40:40 pm
It is funny and been said before that most of these argument etc would be just be a bs sesion on the tail gate but sometime on these putters when a person is pasionmate and believes sonething they/we/me can have a hard time getting it from finger to screen, I my self am usually too busy or just don't take the time to try and slow down and make as good of post as some.raider my appologies to you as well for any of my coments make that I did not take more time to get accross more respectfully.where are then hdl girl for a group hug when you need them ;D

couldnt agree more..  it seems you mean something one way but when you type it you cant give the tone of voice or expression on your face and mean it so innocently, and have it taken way out of context.. If anyone wants to have a bs session and in south florida ill grab the twelve pack..  :)

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: dub on September 08, 2010, 09:46:01 pm
I did not notice the comments but I know we all get a bit hot at times. I know I do sometimes. But it takes guts to stand up and apologize.

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: BarrNinja on September 08, 2010, 09:51:34 pm
First I heard of it!?!?! I must have missed it myself.  ???

Dogo probation or not, Im glad you are back Paul and have always enjoyed your post! Just like UNDERDOG says, it gets a little tricky on hear sometimes.  I have had people PM me and apologize for offending me when they never did! lol. It was just how I came across with my comment I guess. It would be so much easier sitting around a camp fire wouldn’t it?   ;)

Very nice apology but it was not necessary for me my friend.

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: raider54 on September 08, 2010, 10:23:02 pm
I appreciate all your kind words, Mike reminded me about how long I have been on this site and about how I should know better! and he was right. That whole thing was no-ones fault but my own, and you know it wasnt really that bad but enough is enough. It happens almost every day on here and if we all practice of treating others the way we would like to be treated this will stay a pleasant place to come and visit and if not we cause a big hastle for those that try to keep it cival. Just remember what I forgot, if someone get on here and becomes an idiot just let him be an idiot! the POLICE will take care of him. If we refrain from stooping to the level of being problematic we will have nothing to worry about. Now please dont make fun of me, my dogs, or my truck because I need to avoid being a JERK, I dont have any chances left, and I made a promise :)

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: tobyb2007 on September 08, 2010, 10:34:55 pm
Glad to have you back. I have enjoyed readin your posts and look forward to readin more in the future. It says a lot about your character to apologize the way you did.   

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: DubbleRDawgs on September 08, 2010, 10:40:17 pm
you are a good man to apologize like you did ..hats of to you ..keep the stories coming ,enjoy them ..

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: tnhillbilly on September 09, 2010, 01:57:09 am
Thanks guys and gals!  I want everyone to like me, I am a likeable guy just ask anyone that has ever come up for a visit, it was a real eye opener to think anyone would think less of me than what I want my grandkids to think of me. I will be better in the future, I guess I still have some growing to do... :)
  we all learn and grow every day, i am glad you are back, enjoy your post.    Dogo probation........ :D :D

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: DangerZone on September 09, 2010, 07:22:31 am
I missed what ever the proublem was. But anyhow I'm glad your still on here. And I seem to from time to time open my mouth and insert my foot it's only human!!

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: chainrated on September 09, 2010, 07:34:39 am
Guess I missed it too.. I know very well how frustrating it is having to have to deal with a situation over a keyboard instead of the way it should be..
And for future reference I can't make any promises about not throwin a few jabs here and there at them dogos but I expect the same back from you about my catahoulas  :laugh:. And you don't have to worry about me getting my feelings hurt..  ;)
Glad you are still here..

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: t.wilbanks on September 09, 2010, 07:56:18 am
Paul, I was very offended! But im not sure if it was your talk about dogo/abs or the comments on that thread that offends me more!! J/K!! :D  rolleyes

Glad you got to come back. if you were gone, who would be there to make fun of my underwear?!?!?!?!     ;D

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: firemedic on September 09, 2010, 07:58:17 am
I commend you raider,....good for you. This reminds me of a little bit of advice I got years ago....which says....."Never argue with an idiot,....because people that don't know you may not be able to tell the difference". I try my best to keep that in the forefront of my mind. Glad you're back.

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: raider54 on September 09, 2010, 07:56:43 pm
all great comments, lets just remember this- give your fellow hog dogger the benefit of the doubt, dont jump all over someone just because you can, you never know who the person on the other end of these comments are. It could be someone very young, could be someone new to the sport, could be someone with a lower intelect than yourself, could be someone that has just had a horrible day. Sometimes it looks different on this screen than the person ment it to sound. Be slow to speak and slow to anger! If one of our fellow hog doggers find themselves in a momentary lapse of reason and began to insult you and others or display rude behavior dont say anything to them that may aggitate them further. Chances are with no-one to argue with they will calm down. If they continue to be biligerant it will not go un-noticed by those that are responsible for taking care of these things. I can attest to that because I have been that guy Im talking about, thus the apology to all my fellow hog doggers.

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: daisydog on September 09, 2010, 08:27:33 pm
get a job already ,this is so sappy,are we men or women. pual hasnt been nice to me in years and for that reason alone "i hate dogos" those no catchin,rough bay dogs that paul is so fond of.he yells atmeand wouldnt even hunt with me if it werent for daisy that awsome 100% silent always long range  hound of mine thank god for her or i would have no friends. ;D glad to have you back buddy

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: raider54 on September 09, 2010, 09:21:27 pm
get a job already ,this is so sappy,are we men or women. pual hasnt been nice to me in years and for that reason alone "i hate dogos" those no catchin,rough bay dogs that paul is so fond of.he yells atmeand wouldnt even hunt with me if it werent for daisy that awsome 100% silent always long range  hound of mine thank god for her or i would have no friends. ;D glad to have you back buddy

OOOOoooooooooSa :-X

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: BarrNinja on September 09, 2010, 09:33:17 pm
get a job already ,this is so sappy,are we men or women. pual hasnt been nice to me in years and for that reason alone "i hate dogos" those no catchin,rough bay dogs that paul is so fond of.he yells atmeand wouldnt even hunt with me if it werent for daisy that awsome 100% silent always long range  hound of mine thank god for her or i would have no friends. ;D glad to have you back buddy

Dude!!! You are my hero of the month!!! LMAO!!!!!

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: raider54 on September 09, 2010, 10:12:12 pm
get a job already ,this is so sappy,are we men or women. pual hasnt been nice to me in years and for that reason alone "i hate dogos" those no catchin,rough bay dogs that paul is so fond of.he yells atmeand wouldnt even hunt with me if it werent for daisy that awsome 100% silent always long range  hound of mine thank god for her or i would have no friends. ;D glad to have you back buddy

Dude!!! You are my hero of the month!!! LMAO!!!!!

atleast I never attended band camp like you did Phillip when you were 30 8)

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: muleman on September 10, 2010, 10:19:22 am
Oh thank god! Phillip, finally a voice of reason. i was beginning to think paul was playing for the other team!!

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: craig on September 10, 2010, 10:34:46 am
welcome back raider

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: NThoghunter on September 10, 2010, 11:27:31 am
Glad to still have you here bud.  I think we need to invent a "sarcasm" font:)

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: raider54 on September 10, 2010, 11:31:42 am
Oh thank god! Phillip, finally a voice of reason. i was beginning to think paul was playing for the other team!!

NOPE! Still swinging a BAT.

But come on D........Phillip has never said anything that makes any sense

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: muleman on September 10, 2010, 12:13:31 pm
ok, you got me there Paul. there has been more than one occasion where we are all standing there trying to figure out wtf Phillip is talking about.

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: make-em-squeel on September 10, 2010, 01:13:53 pm
get a job already ,this is so sappy,are we men or women. pual hasnt been nice to me in years and for that reason alone "i hate dogos" those no catchin,rough bay dogs that paul is so fond of.he yells atmeand wouldnt even hunt with me if it werent for daisy that awsome 100% silent always long range  hound of mine thank god for her or i would have no friends. ;D glad to have you back buddy

x2 I think to make this fair raider54 should have his posts erased and he should have to start over from a hog dog pup!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!All in favor sighn my petition, or pm MIKE.

A little punishment will serve your mean butt right, and make up for all this pink team talk your displaying ;D HAHA that would make me feel alot better as i scorn you....pup

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: Reuben on September 10, 2010, 01:21:46 pm
Welcome back...........what are the rules of hot headedness on pm? ;)

I don't know the rules for HOTHEADEDNESS but I think it happens when we are having a weak moment and some folks call it  pmessen ;D :D

Sometimes we get caught up in the moment because we have strong beliefs about certain topics. I have made some responses that I have felt bad about and wish I could take back.

Sometimes I have started a post and by the time I was about to finish deleted it, I bet  there are others who have done this too. :)

If I have offended anyone I apologize now. The last thing I want is to offend anyone here on this great board. I have learned quite a bit here as well as bought some great products just from getting input from here.

My hat is off to you Raider54. I have enjoyed your posts. Glad you're back. :)

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: t.wilbanks on September 10, 2010, 01:32:46 pm
get a job already ,this is so sappy,are we men or women. pual hasnt been nice to me in years and for that reason alone "i hate dogos" those no catchin,rough bay dogs that paul is so fond of.he yells atmeand wouldnt even hunt with me if it werent for daisy that awsome 100% silent always long range  hound of mine thank god for her or i would have no friends. ;D glad to have you back buddy

x2 I think to make this fair raider54 should have his posts erased and he should have to start over from a hog dog pup!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!All in favor sighn my petition, or pm MIKE.

A little punishment will serve your mean butt right, and make up for all this pink team talk your displaying ;D HAHA that would make me feel alot better as i scorn you....pup

I think " brood bitch" would be good to start him back off at!!    ;D  :D  :o

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: Circle C on September 10, 2010, 01:39:06 pm
Sometimes I have started a post and by the time I was about to finish deleted it, I bet  there are others who have done this too.

If I actually posted up half of the stuff I have typed, then deleted prior to posting, I would have been banned long ago. ;)

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: muleman on September 10, 2010, 02:05:30 pm

I think " brood bitch" would be good to start him back off at!!    ;D  :D  :o

he said brood bitch!  :D

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: raider54 on September 10, 2010, 03:53:31 pm

I think " brood bitch" would be good to start him back off at!!    ;D  :D  :o

he said brood bitch!  :D

He loves me, He loves me not, He loves me, He loves me not :-X :-X :-X............OOOooooosa

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: raider54 on September 10, 2010, 03:55:55 pm
get a job already ,this is so sappy,are we men or women. pual hasnt been nice to me in years and for that reason alone "i hate dogos" those no catchin,rough bay dogs that paul is so fond of.he yells atmeand wouldnt even hunt with me if it werent for daisy that awsome 100% silent always long range  hound of mine thank god for her or i would have no friends. ;D glad to have you back buddy

x2 I think to make this fair raider54 should have his posts erased and he should have to start over from a hog dog pup!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!All in favor sighn my petition, or pm MIKE.

A little punishment will serve your mean butt right, and make up for all this pink team talk your displaying ;D HAHA that would make me feel alot better as i scorn you....pup

Now, Now Dr. Grant.......you be nice to me, Im sure you would like to bay a hog again some day and you are going to need me to get that done!

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: raider54 on September 10, 2010, 03:59:35 pm
get a job already ,this is so sappy,are we men or women. pual hasnt been nice to me in years and for that reason alone "i hate dogos" those no catchin,rough bay dogs that paul is so fond of.he yells atmeand wouldnt even hunt with me if it werent for daisy that awsome 100% silent always long range  hound of mine thank god for her or i would have no friends. ;D glad to have you back buddy

x2 I think to make this fair raider54 should have his posts erased and he should have to start over from a hog dog pup!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!All in favor sighn my petition, or pm MIKE.

A little punishment will serve your mean butt right, and make up for all this pink team talk your displaying ;D HAHA that would make me feel alot better as i scorn you....pup

I think " brood bitch" would be good to start him back off at!!    ;D  :D  :o

Trent, dont make me post pics of our hunt the other night, because I will tell the rest of that story!!!  Mr. No Panties :-*

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: aussiedogger on September 10, 2010, 05:21:30 pm
nearly got in a fight with a greenie the other day at the pub, had just lost the first dog i ever got,and most brillian mind and nose i've ever seen in a dog. most beautiful nature. spent 4 days driving round a million acre property lookin for her. he picked the wrong day to tell me piggin was wrong and anyone who does it musnt love their dogs. nearly lost my brain at him. sorry if thats irrelevant. haha

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: raider54 on September 13, 2010, 03:39:49 am
nearly got in a fight with a greenie the other day at the pub, had just lost the first dog i ever got,and most brillian mind and nose i've ever seen in a dog. most beautiful nature. spent 4 days driving round a million acre property lookin for her. he picked the wrong day to tell me piggin was wrong and anyone who does it musnt love their dogs. nearly lost my brain at him. sorry if thats irrelevant. haha

You can beat them brother...you just cant tell them you are going to beat them on here....lol

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: raider54 on September 13, 2010, 03:42:22 am

I think " brood bitch" would be good to start him back off at!!    ;D  :D  :o

he said brood bitch!  :D

I am still a "BOAR SLAYER" with almost 1500 post.....but that still didnt keep me from being called Brood Bitch all night Friday...Thanks D, I thought we were closer than that???

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: muleman on September 13, 2010, 08:31:38 am
Paul, we all know you are still the "Boar Slayer", i didnt even think of the repercussion of my post. That makes me feel bad too because i know if the shoe was on the other foot, there is no way you would do me that way....... ;D

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: raider54 on September 13, 2010, 10:36:17 am
Paul, we all know you are still the "Boar Slayer", i didnt even think of the repercussion of my post. That makes me feel bad too because i know if the shoe was on the other foot, there is no way you would do me that way....... ;D

I would have two weeks ago.......but now I only sho brotherly love ;D

Title: Re: My Deepest Apologies--Please Read
Post by: muleman on September 16, 2010, 08:41:39 am
uh huh.......