HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: Circle C on October 16, 2008, 09:51:45 am

Title: So it started like this....
Post by: Circle C on October 16, 2008, 09:51:45 am
This email was received late last week.


Wondered if you do hog removal in Ft. Bend County in Richmond, Texas, a suburb
of Houston?  We live in a small upscale development .  We have a fully landscaped yard being totally destroyed by these hogs.
 Slowly but surely they are rooting up our yard, and have already damaged a huge
portion of it.  Can you help?"

    I emailed the lady back and she called me shortly after that. While talking to her, I found out that next to her neighborhood there is a 2,000 acre pasture slated for development. After speaking to the president of her HOA, and the developer, we all came to an agreement and now Mandi and I, along with Mike and Matt have exclusive rights to hunt the properties.   Mandi, Mike and I made our first trip out  yesterday evening.  We got to see the damage up close.

Here are some pictures of the damage to her yard.



This is her power pole at the corner of her yard.

This is one of the hoof prints near her backyard

  The homeowner wanted to go with us and see what this was all about.  About 30 minutes into the hunt we had this little guy bayed up and caught in an open pasture.
Mandi, Mike, homeowner

Tied him up, loaded him on the four wheeler, and we kept hunting. About an hour later the dogs had another one bayed up under some pecan trees. As we started heading that way on foot, the bay broke, then stopped again. We made it to within about 60' of the bay, and this hog had the dogs sure enough backed up baying, they were working him from about 20 feet out. As we were trying to get over a net wire fence, the bay broke and the hog ran to within about 25 feet. Then turned and headed took off into the tall grass again.Now I know all hogs grow when they are headed right for you, but this was a nice boar under normal circumstances as well ;D,  We were still on the wrong side of the fence to cut the catch dogs loose, so we just had to wait hoping for another bay. The dogs rolled back in about 30 minutes later, and we headed home.

Gonna go back after him later in the week. Hopefully we get him shut down for good this time.

BTW   Thanks for the referral Longshot ;)

Title: Re: So it started like this....
Post by: slimpickins on October 16, 2008, 10:03:06 am
Too sweet! Don't you just love it when a plan comes together. :D

Title: Re: So it started like this....
Post by: uglydog on October 16, 2008, 10:57:01 am
Real nice pics to paint the picture.
I see East Texas Hog Doggers even has hog hunting unfiorm shirts these days (Mike) Now that is getting proffesional!  ;D lol.

Title: Re: So it started like this....
Post by: Ladogos on October 16, 2008, 11:02:57 am
Love the pictures as well as the story . Gives you a real sence of being there. I bet the home owners was glad yall got that one. Its always good when you can show the homeowner the positive side of hog hunting and the service that we can provide.

Title: Re: So it started like this....
Post by: matt_aggie04 on October 16, 2008, 11:10:13 am
Good job guys!!  Those tracks and rooting are impressive!  I got to get straigtened out so I can go hunt again, these pics and hunting over the phone is getting tough  ;D

It is funny how clean that hog looks in the picture, looks like yall bathed him


Title: Re: So it started like this....
Post by: Circle C on October 16, 2008, 11:47:11 am
It is rare that one of my plans comes together. How's the saying go, even a blind hog finds an acorn every once in a while.

  You know Mike is all business... Websites, uniforms, no smiles ;D

   This landowner is COOL... When I first talked to her on the phone, she asked what method we planned to use for the hogs. I told her we would pursue them with dogs. Her response was "Great, that's what I wanted to hear, none of that damn trapping". She then went on to explain that once the hogs began tearing up her lawn, she began doing research online. Based on her research, she decided that dogs are the answer for her. I was just glad that the dogs performed under pressure. While he is no trophy hog, we were all pleased to have one less hog in her area.

   I know all about having to hunt over the phone. Get a picture of some toothy boar hog, or worse yet, when your buds call you while the pig is still squealing. Go ahead and cancel the plans for Linden, and we will hit this place again Sunday AM.

Title: Re: So it started like this....
Post by: Cull Buck on October 16, 2008, 12:20:28 pm
That's awesome guys.  Not only are you helping some one out but you are getting to hunt a new place and that's always cool.

The pictures pulled it all together nicely.

Title: Re: So it started like this....
Post by: Mike on October 16, 2008, 12:30:20 pm
This landowner was a trooper! She didn't want to quit and stayed with us the whole time... ran right up to the bay. What was funny is that we asked if here husband wanted to come too, she said "No, don't worry about him... he's a city boy." ;D

I wish we could have got on that big boy leaving the tracks, maybe next time.

Krystal, I don't think the light blue works too well... gonna have to change colors. ;D

Title: Re: So it started like this....
Post by: longshot on October 16, 2008, 12:41:33 pm
I think someone owes me a hunt?

Title: Re: So it started like this....
Post by: Mike on October 16, 2008, 12:47:54 pm
I think someone owes me a hunt?

Come on down! But we won't take you there... you have to get the East Texas experience! :o

Title: Re: So it started like this....
Post by: Circle C on October 16, 2008, 01:29:59 pm

    We have just the place for you.  Might need to bring a whole pack of the micro dogs as the place is pretty thick with pigs, vines, and rose hedge ;D 

Oh, and to top it all off, first thing the lady said when we got back to her house. "Ya'll ready for a beer!"   ;)

Title: Re: So it started like this....
Post by: aladatrot on October 16, 2008, 05:21:05 pm
Yall missed telling them the part where she was leading Clifford back to the wheeler  :o

Title: Re: So it started like this....
Post by: longshot on October 16, 2008, 05:25:44 pm
I have had the East Texas Experience and found out I am allergic to Rose hedge....LOL


Title: Re: So it started like this....
Post by: uglydog on October 16, 2008, 05:28:48 pm
Mike, you know you should follow Mandis lead, "Pink is the New Proffesional color"

That Lady sounds like a really cool Landowner, bet she also gives yall some good referals

Longshot, you are not either allergic to Rose Hedges, you Midgets work just fine in that stuff, as long as you have somebody along to pile in that stuff after they get it caught!

Title: Re: So it started like this....
Post by: Clay on October 16, 2008, 05:44:51 pm
good hog chris and mike sounds like a good hunt

Title: Re: So it started like this....
Post by: aladatrot on October 16, 2008, 05:57:42 pm
Oh YES! Pink should be the new professional color....


Title: Re: So it started like this....
Post by: Noah on October 16, 2008, 08:46:37 pm
That's pretty cool, it always amazes me when people(that don't look like they'd be into it) ask to go with us... reminds you not to assume things about people ;D

Title: Re: So it started like this....
Post by: Circle C on October 16, 2008, 09:01:59 pm

Here is the email the lady sent me tonight...




I have my eye on a few other properties in Fort Bend county, and satisfied landowners like this sure help in the references column.

Title: Re: So it started like this....
Post by: clint on October 16, 2008, 09:46:33 pm
and satisfied landowners like this sure help in the references column

that aint no lie... thats a pretty high class huntin spot lol ;D

Title: Re: So it started like this....
Post by: lizzie on October 16, 2008, 10:25:54 pm
 Your spoiling my dog hunting st. augustine grass. She might get a thorn from a rose bush. Good hunt. Yall need to come hunt this weekend.

Title: Re: So it started like this....
Post by: Circle C on October 17, 2008, 09:28:50 am

    At least she will catch a hog for us. :o

Title: Re: So it started like this....
Post by: longshot on October 17, 2008, 10:16:35 am
I am glad it worked out for yall.  Hopefully somday someone can return the favor for me.

Maybe that will open another door for yall to get even more country!!!!

Good Luck

Title: Re: So it started like this....
Post by: Circle C on October 17, 2008, 11:14:58 am

    I am gonna call my aunt who owns this place and see if anything can be done to get you out there.


Title: Re: So it started like this....
Post by: longshot on October 17, 2008, 02:59:36 pm
That would be very cool but dont press the issues if they arn't open to the idea.   Of course if they feel the hog population is getting out of check then by all means ASK THEM!

I have been hunting here latley  www.yoranch.com (http://www.yoranch.com) with a good buddy of mine

Thanks for checking

Title: Re: So it started like this....
Post by: Circle C on October 17, 2008, 03:16:13 pm
   I have some good memories from the YO. In the early 90's I used to spend a good part of my summer there at the pool, and the Jackson ranch across the highway(it was originally part of the YO, but was sold decades ago).  There used to be an OLD man that came through there. We called him the windmill man, all he did for years was travel horseback and check on the windmills on the YO. Looked like he belonged in the 1800's.

   When I was about 14, summer before my freshman year in HS, I helped my neighbor that owned part of the Jackson ranch build some fence. There is a picture he took of me running a jack hammer/ rock drill for an 8" pipe brace. I was covered in sweat and limestone dust. He framed that picture and had me put it on my desk, and told me that when I was sitting at my desk hating homework, all I needed to do was look at that picture and it should be enough motivation to get through my homework. That picture must have been some pretty good motivation, as I finished HS in 3 years ;D   The man that owned that ranch moved to Boerne shortly after he gave me that picture. Then about 5 years ago he called me out of the blue, and offered to sell me the ranch, he said he thought I might appreciate all the work that went into the place. At the time I was not in a position to purchase it, and it was sold to someone else.

Title: Re: So it started like this....
Post by: Mr. HG on October 17, 2008, 06:43:49 pm
Looks like it was fun.We have some shacks like that around here its fun when they like it as well.Around here now they offer 4 wheelers, food, drinks and have had some money in my truck door with a thank you note.Good going and good for the sport.

Title: Re: So it started like this....
Post by: GitDatHawg on October 17, 2008, 07:21:32 pm
             I'll take ya huntin, navasota is primed and loaded.  And i mean loaded!!  Whenever you can come give me a holler.

Title: Re: So it started like this....
Post by: hogdoggintexas on November 18, 2008, 09:28:58 am
That would be very cool but dont press the issues if they arn't open to the idea.   Of course if they feel the hog population is getting out of check then by all means ASK THEM!

I have been hunting here latley  www.yoranch.com (http://www.yoranch.com) with a good buddy of mine

Thanks for checking

who do you know at the yo