HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: jhy on September 13, 2010, 03:37:15 pm

Title: Boar Hog taken weekend before last
Post by: jhy on September 13, 2010, 03:37:15 pm
I caught this boar hog and tied him by myself this Sunday morning with Bud Goatchers Plotts and Steel Bridges Blaze.  It was a epic battle to say the least!  The Plotts struck him in his bed and started blowing their horns louder than ever and I could tell they were looking at big one.  I quickly released Blaze, (without a vest) from 342 yards out.  I waited what seemed to be an eternity, but was actually about 30 seconds then hopped in my truck and drove down to them.
When I killed the truck only the female Plott (Ziggy) was sounding the alarm so I grabbed my fanny pack (yes I wear a fanny pack in the woods) and headed in the bayou.  When I got down there Blaze was getting tossed like a rag doll and Buster( the male Plott) was eye level in the sky.  I ran towards them to a tree that was about 4" in diameter to use it as a security barrier because I didnt know how much longer Blaze could hold him.  Before I got to the tree this old Boar heard me coming and slung Blaze into this tree (which ended up being a rotten standing tree) and obliterated it leaving nothing but splinters were it once stood.  When Blaze hit it I heard the wind get knocked out of him and then the boar focused on me!  He began his charge and Blaze lost his grip on the front of the jaw but locked down again towards the back of his jaw.  When he did this the boar was dragging him underneath his body and stomping the hell out of him.  Luckily when Blaze locked on the back part of the jaw the boars head was forced into the ground giving me the opportunity to grab a overhanging limb and step onto his back and get behind him.  I quickly legged him and got him stretched out as Blaze regained his footing and started pulling the other way.  Both of our adrenalin was at an all time high because we stretched this Brute out like an alley cat and when I went for the flip Ole Blaze helped me bulldoze him over on his side were I promptly assumed my postition on top of the boar to keep him subdued.  We struggled for a minute or so until the boar finally quit trying to get up and focused more on hooking Blaze with his razor sharp tusks.
With the Boar flipped I quickly opened my fanny pack and dumped it out on the ground in front of me and as luck would have it there was NO knife in the pack!  All I had was hobbles so I began to put them on, but the XL wouldnt fit, so I had to attach medium hobbles to the XLs and began to secure this beast.  (The whole time I was talking to Blaze and asking him to Please hold on till Daddy gets this one tied.)  After a good 10 minute fight in the end of August weather we got the Beast secured.  Blaze and I walked back to the truck and replinished our hydration levels (we both could have used a iv's!)
All in all it was a hunt to remember for sure and some awesome work done by the Dogs (Soldiers)!
Joey Young


Title: Re: Boar Hog taken weekend before last
Post by: Peachcreek on September 13, 2010, 03:45:24 pm
That blaze is a freaken BRUTE... :o Nice hog and great story
 popo where was it taken from?

Title: Re: Boar Hog taken weekend before last
Post by: jsh on September 14, 2010, 05:35:58 am
Nice pics and good hunt.

Title: Re: Boar Hog taken weekend before last
Post by: WOOD on September 14, 2010, 06:16:26 am

Title: Re: Boar Hog taken weekend before last
Post by: Mike on September 14, 2010, 07:17:00 am
Good hunt and good boar Joey!

Title: Re: Boar Hog taken weekend before last
Post by: craig on September 15, 2010, 10:42:02 am
nice hog joey

Title: Re: Boar Hog taken weekend before last
Post by: matthewrbarnard on September 15, 2010, 11:15:15 am
REAL nice hog man! :o

Title: Re: Boar Hog taken weekend before last
Post by: firemedic on September 15, 2010, 02:45:42 pm
Now that's a lot of hog for one man and a dog to handle....my hat is off to you Joey.....helluva job.