Title: 2 Jack X Cur females ready to get started Post by: uglydog on September 15, 2010, 07:04:06 pm Okay folks I am going to thin down a little more,
2 females littermates, almost twins in appearance, look like minature cur dogs, 8 months old, about 20-25 lbs now guessiong will top out less than 35lbs. Momma is blood tracking dog, that accidentally got bred to hog dog. They are yella/red with black trim like a BMC, one has white toes and a white spot on chest. Both have long legs like my jagds for the body size, not short stubby dogs, very athletic and energetic. Wanted to start them on hogs, but so far all I have them doing is baying them through the fence here at home. I just don't have time to put into them, with all the others I have to work. One has already caught and killed one of my good hens, despite a good whoopin still has the tenacity to go after the chickens. I believe these dogs will make working dogs, just give them a job. They are very similiar in temperment to my Jagds, and alot more tenacious than my best Jagd. Will take $50.00 for one or both for $75.00 boarhounds@hotmail.com 281-831-0638 Krystal located near Columbus Tx off Interstate 10 halfway between Houston & San Antonio |