Title: Bulldog Ready to Start Post by: Maver!ck on September 16, 2010, 02:48:16 pm Posting for friend...
Name:Greg Suits Phone Number:9038021976 Location:Wills Point, TX Breed:1/2 AB X 1/2 Pitt Male or female: Male How long have you owned the dog:9mo. Range:short...end of leash How many hogs has the dog been on: None Is the Dog rough: Hopefully so Behavior: Good Dog Aggression: have to talk to owner, don't think any out of ordinary Age: approx. 1yr Reason are you selling: Started Paramedic school and currently EMT, so no time.. selling out what hasn't been started. Pics of the dog: (http://www.gohogdog.com/images/p_bulldog1.JPG) (http://www.gohogdog.com/images/p_bulldog2.JPG) Asking price:$100 obo posting for a friend, pm or email me if you can't call or text him and i'll get msg to him, thnx! Maver!ck |