Title: 10-19-08 Hunt Post by: Ladogos on October 20, 2008, 07:18:31 pm I finally got Herciel and his wife and son back up to north Louisiana to meet up at Martys place and do a little hog hunting. But we could not do any hunting on an empty stomach. So Herciel brought up his big black iron pot and cooked us up a wonderfull south Louisiana dish, Jambalya . And boy let me tell you that man knows how to cook ! ! ! It was Delicious ! ! !
(http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/mwgarrett/CIMG3527.jpg) (http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/mwgarrett/CIMG3530.jpg) After eating untill we couldn't eat any more we loaded up the dogs and headed off hunting. Put the dogs down and hunted for a little while and finally struck a hog. They ran for a little distance and then the curs started baying. They only bayed for about a minute and then It broke before the dogos got to em. They ran the hog for a while and when they started coming back in one of MArtys curs, Lillte Man, had a bad cut on his neck. We hunted for a little while longer and turned up nothing. Marty and I tried to talk Herciel into staying another night because we were going to hunt again Sunday Night. But he said he had to be at work on MOnday and could not stay. Sunday was Marty and Nicoles 2 year wedding anniversary so Marty wanted to take Nicole Hog Hunting. We loaded up the dogs and a couple other guys meet up with us and we headed out. Got to the hunting spot and after about 5 minutes Martys dogs jumped some hogs. After a short bay we turned Recado loose and the other guys little pit but the bay broke before the catch dogs got there. I turned my curs out also and we had a couple of different bays going in different directions. After a little while my new dog, Dot, started baying way off. She sounded pretty solid but we didn't have a catch dog with us so we just sat there for a little while and listened waiting for some other dogs to get with her. We then rode to with in about 100 yards from her and a minute later some of the other curs chimed in. We ran up to em and it was a big boar backed up to some brush. After about 5 minutes we heard some brush breaking coming in and the we heard a hit and then gruntting. Ran in and Recado was caught solid. We caught the hog and hobbled it and brought it out alive. He was about 225 lbs and both of his bottom tusk were broken off. It was 2 good nights hunting we just wish Herciel could have stuck around and joined us on Sunday. Marty told Nicole he had a wonderfull Anniversary . (http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/mwgarrett/Hunting/CIMG3537.jpg) (http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/mwgarrett/Hunting/CIMG3539.jpg) (http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/mwgarrett/Hunting/S6300289.jpg) Marty and Nicoles Anniversary Picture. [:D] HAPPY ANNIVERSARY (http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f279/mwgarrett/Hunting/S6300295.jpg) Title: Re: 10-19-08 Hunt Post by: GitDatHawg on October 20, 2008, 07:53:46 pm Now that's a wedding anniversary right there!! ;D Glad yall got one and a good one at dat. And Dang, i bet that jambalya was owe so good!!
Title: Re: 10-19-08 Hunt Post by: clint on October 20, 2008, 09:04:21 pm good hog, nice color on him too ;D boy that jambalya looks good :)
Title: Re: 10-19-08 Hunt Post by: Noah on October 20, 2008, 09:30:49 pm Good hog, that spoon looks like a canoe paddle ;D
Title: Re: 10-19-08 Hunt Post by: Mike on October 20, 2008, 09:48:58 pm Now that's one heckuva woman there to hunting on her anniverary! ;D
And them coona$$e$ can cook some mighty fine food in them black pots! ;D Title: Re: 10-19-08 Hunt Post by: Mr. HG on October 21, 2008, 02:02:50 am Looks and sounds like you all had one heck of a time nice hog.
Title: Re: 10-19-08 Hunt Post by: uglydog on October 21, 2008, 01:51:24 pm Is the Catahoula in pic with Recado, your new dog, "Dot" ? pretty markings on her if it is.
Good Boar hog too! Glad Marty & Nicole had a happy anniversary, couples that hunt together- stay together! next time you head to Texas, besure and bring us some of that cajun food since you brought it up, I think I am ready for some! I like Jambalaya & Etoufee, okay truthfully there ain't much food I don't like but those are at the top of my list. |