HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: Noah on October 21, 2008, 04:53:06 pm

Title: How long do you feel comfortable leaving your dog(s) caught?
Post by: Noah on October 21, 2008, 04:53:06 pm
Whether it be one catchy cur or a half dozen catch dogs, how long would it take you to get nervous once you know they're caught?

You know how it goes... you turn loose, they catch, then you realize you cannot get to them directly(river, rose hedge, whatever).. you know they're caught, but now you've got to go around....

Personally, every time I hear my dogs catch, it's a race to get there as quick as possible.  I feel every second that I delay, could be one more hit taken that may end one of my dogs.  This is another reason that, all but a few exceptions, I try to turn in the CD extremely close to the bay.  On the other hand, I've hunted with people that send the CD's from a half mile out... knowing it might take 20 minutes to get to the "possible" catch.  I view this latter approach as irresponsible and just asking to get dogs hurt.

I cannot think of a time that one of my CD's had to hold for more than 5 minutes.  How long have you seen a dog hold before you could get to them?

Obviously the shorter time they have to hold the better, but I'm sure yall have some opinions on the subject.

Title: Re: How long do you feel comfortable leaving your dog(s) caught?
Post by: Boardog on October 21, 2008, 04:59:36 pm
Im with you noah im not for turning my catchdogs loose when i hear a bark and i get to my dogs baying as fast as i can.

Michael Conatser

Title: Re: How long do you feel comfortable leaving your dog(s) caught?
Post by: clint on October 21, 2008, 07:38:52 pm
We dont own a catchdog,, but we hunt with some from time to time,, when we do go with people that use them they dont turn them loose till they see the hog and they check if its in a good spot, has ears, small hog etc.

Title: Re: How long do you feel comfortable leaving your dog(s) caught?
Post by: Noah on October 21, 2008, 07:40:32 pm
Clint, what yall do when it's a really bad hog?  Just talk your dogs into it?

Title: Re: How long do you feel comfortable leaving your dog(s) caught?
Post by: Mike on October 21, 2008, 07:42:13 pm
I want to be right there at the bay before I release the catchdog and get the hog under control as soon as possible.

Been in too many bad situations from turning the catch dog loose from a distance or a bay breaking and the dogs catching after a long chase.

Title: Re: How long do you feel comfortable leaving your dog(s) caught?
Post by: Mike on October 21, 2008, 07:42:49 pm
Clint, what yall do when it's a really bad hog?  Just talk your dogs into it?

That's funny! ;D

Title: Re: How long do you feel comfortable leaving your dog(s) caught?
Post by: clint on October 21, 2008, 07:52:17 pm
we hunt alot of river bottom so they usally bay up in a clayroot or tree tops so we just slip a rope on them,,, but for certian occasions we keep a gun in the truck just in case we have to go get it... we do have some pretty rough dogs though sometimes you can sick them on him but thats not a very good idea\

im not saying that i do this but we hunt with some boys on horses sometimes that dont use catchdogs,,, if they cant rope em they sneak up behind them while the hog is lookin away and they leg em,, i dont do that though lol  :-[ ;D

Title: Re: How long do you feel comfortable leaving your dog(s) caught?
Post by: Noah on October 21, 2008, 07:58:05 pm
we hunt with some boys on horses sometimes that dont use catchdogs,,, if they cant rope em they sneak up behind them while the hog is lookin away and they leg em,, i dont do that though lol  :-[ ;D

Now that is something I've been looking forward to trying!  Done it with some smaller hogs but no bruisers yet... ;D

Title: Re: How long do you feel comfortable leaving your dog(s) caught?
Post by: clint on October 21, 2008, 08:10:22 pm
im not lying them boys aint scared... i didnt go on theyre annual first hunt this year but they caught 3 hogs they were all barrs over 300.. the biggest one died. so we weighed him and he tipped the scales a 380.. they dont use catch dogs

here are the hogs from that hunt, they turned these two loose

here is the biggest one that died

Title: Re: How long do you feel comfortable leaving your dog(s) caught?
Post by: Noah on October 21, 2008, 09:20:30 pm
I'll definitely try it, gotta have alot of faith in them bay dogs though ;D

Title: Re: How long do you feel comfortable leaving your dog(s) caught?
Post by: clint on October 22, 2008, 06:40:21 am
I'll definitely try it, gotta have alot of faith in them bay dogs though

yeah you do