HOG & DOGS => HOG DOGS => Topic started by: johnf on September 30, 2010, 06:41:48 pm

Title: catch dog catching dogs HELP
Post by: johnf on September 30, 2010, 06:41:48 pm
i have a 2 year old bulldog .i can cut him loose with dogs and let him run around and hes fine.say we are walk hunting and we stop and another male starts hanging around.i realize they shouldnt be hangin around but they aint mine.if that male shows any agression growls brissles up whatever hes a caught dog. he dosent shake he just locks and holds like a snappin turtle.nomatter how hard u punch him in the head he aint lettin go.any ideas or help would be appreaciated.  ps   he has been jumped on by dogs in the woods twice before.

Title: Re: catch dog catching dogs HELP
Post by: BIG BEN on September 30, 2010, 06:46:55 pm
 Sounds like that bulldog is telling him to get his BUTT Ahead and find a hog for me to catch ;D, Personally I know what I would do and that is cull the bulldog and the dog sticking around your feet.

Title: Re: catch dog catching dogs HELP
Post by: rdjustham on September 30, 2010, 07:11:58 pm
thats a tough one.  If both dogs were mine thered be no discussion, id woop the trouble maker.  Hard to get mad at the bull dog for standing his ground but hed get a "correction" too..  Now when its someone elses dog starting trouble, id tell them put it up or im putting my bulldog up.

Title: Re: catch dog catching dogs HELP
Post by: pig snatcher on September 30, 2010, 07:38:52 pm
I have run into that problem a few times my self.  Don't really know what to tell you.  Lol. Best I can tell you is try to stop it before it happens.  Of course I am not above giving a friends dog a swift kick in the but if they need it.  Lol. I have had some verry humble bulldogs jump another growly male dog.

Title: Re: catch dog catching dogs HELP
Post by: cantexduck on September 30, 2010, 07:58:45 pm
I don't think a bulldog should fight. Make an excuse the first time. Second time its your fault no excuse needed.

Title: Re: catch dog catching dogs HELP
Post by: warrent423 on September 30, 2010, 08:02:02 pm
I have no tolerance for dog aggression towards other dogs, I don't care who starts it. Could be the best da#m dog in the county, if he can't be controlled, he is a cull in my yard.

Title: Re: catch dog catching dogs HELP
Post by: M Bennet on September 30, 2010, 08:14:14 pm
get a nother cd, befor u hurt some ones good dog and it cost u way more than a cd cost.

Title: Re: catch dog catching dogs HELP
Post by: schoggetter on September 30, 2010, 08:29:51 pm
i dont see were the bulldog is  the porblem the other dog is starting  it the bulldog is just protecting him self  the other dog sould be the one to get culled or ealse he will just cause more trouble with other dogs in the long run just the way i see it

Title: Re: catch dog catching dogs HELP
Post by: pig snatcher on September 30, 2010, 09:03:06 pm
i dont see were the bulldog is  the porblem the other dog is starting  it the bulldog is just protecting him self  the other dog sould be the one to get culled or ealse he will just cause more trouble with other dogs in the long run just the way i see it

Ahh, reading comprehension skills. ;D

Title: Re: catch dog catching dogs HELP
Post by: jkcasey on September 30, 2010, 10:11:27 pm
I wouldn't put up with it from either one. It's your friends dog starting the trouble, but from what you say, he isn't the one laying teeth first. My old male will loose his life before he'll fight back and that's something I really like about him. It's real easy to find the problem that way. Sometimes you have to ask yourself just how good of a friend they are, and put the boots to both of them.

Title: Re: catch dog catching dogs HELP
Post by: raider54 on October 01, 2010, 02:33:08 am
I don't think a bulldog should fight. Make an excuse the first time. Second time its your fault no excuse needed.

X 200

Title: Re: catch dog catching dogs HELP
Post by: chainrated on October 01, 2010, 07:29:55 am
First thing I'd do is stop punching the bulldog in the head, all you're gonna do is hurt your hand.
If the other dog is running up to the bulldog and jumping on him and biting him then I may cut the bulldog a little slack for defending himself but if the bulldog is catching the other dogs just because they bowed up I would only let it happen once..

Title: Re: catch dog catching dogs HELP
Post by: Mike on October 01, 2010, 07:38:18 am
First thing I'd do is stop punching the bulldog in the head, all you're gonna do is hurt your hand.

Ha ha ha... that ain't no lie!

Title: Re: catch dog catching dogs HELP
Post by: pltx ken on October 01, 2010, 08:10:11 am
I personally would discipline the crud out of both dogs. Then if you regularly hunt with this other dog that he is not getting along with. You need to let them interact while not hunting maybe in the yard let them get to no each other better. Always be ready though for discipline. I have had lots of people tell me the same thing o cull cull cull i have a dog named chance that is my best bull dog i have ever had and that even seen. When i first got him, he just assume fight a dog a he did breath. It only took about 4 to 5 good good country butt whoopins and i mean WHOOPINS. and he now will turn his head from a dog fight on run the other way. All im saying is dont jump on cull so fast. Give him a chance with lots of discipline. If that dont work then ya do what you have to do to keep you and others pack safe.

Title: Re: catch dog catching dogs HELP
Post by: 3-Bdogs on October 01, 2010, 09:19:11 am
that's a tough one cause the other dog runnin up on the bulldog would be like someone runnin up to you and spittin in your face and Idk to many ppl who wouldn't fight but i would separate em from huntin then if it continues start culliNg jmo

Title: Re: catch dog catching dogs HELP
Post by: BarrNinja on October 01, 2010, 09:22:35 am
get a nother cd, befor u hurt some ones good dog and it cost u way more than a cd cost.


Keeping a CD like that just isnt worth it to me.

Title: Re: catch dog catching dogs HELP
Post by: johnf on October 01, 2010, 12:10:28 pm
thanks guys.kinda leaning towards culling.got a hunt end of the month il be hunting by myself.think il hold on til then he has no problems with my pack.i will be looking for another.do yall have better luck with females?

Title: Re: catch dog catching dogs HELP
Post by: BIG BEN on October 01, 2010, 12:13:18 pm
 Ive tend to see more agression out of males but have seen some terrible females also. Just have to find one that fits your bill, there are too many good ones out there to fool around with trying to fix a aggressive pit. You'll find what your looking for.

Title: Re: catch dog catching dogs HELP
Post by: uglydog on October 01, 2010, 01:55:15 pm
First thing I'd do is stop punching the bulldog in the head, all you're gonna do is hurt your hand.
If the other dog is running up to the bulldog and jumping on him and biting him then I may cut the bulldog a little slack for defending himself but if the bulldog is catching the other dogs just because they bowed up I would only let it happen once..
Do you punch him in the head to get off a hog also? thats just not not the way to accomplish anything, even though it makes you mad enough to want to hit one.  Are you saying its just one dog that has approached you and been caught or several? If several would say just because your dog seems to be minding his own business he is probably giving posture signals that you don't see and why the other dogs are bowing up in first place.

Catch dog supposed to catch hogs ONLY, anything else is a problem that needs to be dealt with not make excuses or draw it out over time.

Title: Re: catch dog catching dogs HELP
Post by: johnf on October 01, 2010, 05:34:01 pm
i just figured punching was better than shooting him off.i didnt want to make the other dog gun shy.

Title: Re: catch dog catching dogs HELP
Post by: jkcasey on October 01, 2010, 09:39:47 pm
i just figured punching was better than shooting him off.i didnt want to make the other dog gun shy.
:laugh: Too funny, I love this place.

Title: Re: catch dog catching dogs HELP
Post by: catch-n-tie on October 02, 2010, 11:23:41 pm
break stick???????  i put my dogs in time out when they get fussy!!  ;D

Title: Re: catch dog catching dogs HELP
Post by: cward on October 03, 2010, 03:43:28 pm
  i put my dogs in time out when they get fussy!!  ;D

Time out of my busy day to cull him!!Ain'y no catch dog worth a good find dog!

Title: Re: catch dog catching dogs HELP
Post by: Txhogman22 on October 05, 2010, 04:44:07 pm
put them together in the yard and use e-collars.  But first you must known dogs and what I mean about that is being able to recoginze your dog(s) or other dogs body language (ex. stiff tail, ears held back, or posture).  Dogs will always tell you when a fight is coming.  First dog to that gives a sign of aggression.  Hit 'em, not with your fist, but the e-collar and tell him "NO", LEAVE IT, or words of your choice.  That way when you dont have a e-collar on he relates "NO" with that punishment and you could go without one.  A couple times of that should straighten things out.  But the key factor is knowing dogs...... anybody could own hunting dogs, but you have to be able to read what they are thinking. 


Title: Re: catch dog catching dogs HELP
Post by: johnf on October 05, 2010, 06:37:38 pm
first time other dog ran up showing agression i had him on the leash and pulled him back and other dog jumped him second time other dog danced around him all brissled up i caught mine other dog jumped hard to keep a dog off yours by yourself.i also feel hes being protective of me.third time he was loose and neiter of us were looking.but other dog has been known to start fights with previous owner.so  idk.we didnt have a break stick if i need him off a hog i cut its ear off guy wouldnt let me cut his dog.i finaly used my kbar to break him

Title: Re: catch dog catching dogs HELP
Post by: T-Bob Parker on October 05, 2010, 08:57:48 pm
By k-bar you mean a narrow but strong oak twig inserted into the back of his mouth and used to pry his jaws open. Then you had a sit down discussion with both dogs and explained how their bad behavior would not be tolerated,  right?

This thread is public.  ;D

Title: Re: catch dog catching dogs HELP
Post by: Txhogman22 on October 05, 2010, 09:01:15 pm
lol.......................good luck happy hunting. 

Title: Re: catch dog catching dogs HELP
Post by: UNDERDOG on October 06, 2010, 12:34:45 am
10-4 on getting your self a pair of breaking stick regardless of what you do with this particular dog....IMO if you gonna own a bullbreed and a responsible bullbreed owner should have a good pair of sticks. It sure is easyier than the options mentioned.

Title: Re: catch dog catching dogs HELP
Post by: rdjustham on November 30, 2010, 03:56:15 am
first time other dog ran up showing agression i had him on the leash and pulled him back and other dog jumped him second time other dog danced around him all brissled up i caught mine other dog jumped hard to keep a dog off yours by yourself.i also feel hes being protective of me.third time he was loose and neiter of us were looking.but other dog has been known to start fights with previous owner.

goin off this it sounds like your dog isnt the problem.

Title: Re: catch dog catching dogs HELP
Post by: BlackmouthD on December 01, 2010, 01:23:48 am
I agree with Uglydog. Y would u have a dog that u have to police. Too many CD's out there with no problems.