HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: Ladogos on October 11, 2010, 08:55:07 pm

Title: 10-11-10 Hunt , and A good TRACK
Post by: Ladogos on October 11, 2010, 08:55:07 pm
   Ive been on vacation for the past two weeks and been hunting quit a bit.  I go back to work tomorrow and thought I would make one more round before going back to work.  I took all young dogs 15 months and under except for one older dog and he is only 2 1/2 ( Boots ) .  I made my first round and two of my young ens struck and barked a couple barks and then they were off to the races. After about 30 - 45 minutes they either lost it or got smoked . Whatever happened i thought they done pretty good considering the conditions.  I made my way to the next patch and was easing along side of the slough . All the dogs crossed over to the other side and all the young dogs went north and Boots went south.  Boots got 350 yards and fell bayed and it wasnt long before all the young ens honored his cry and joined in. I was hunting alone so I only took one catch dogo ( Jane )  . I drove down to 125 yards but was still on the opposite sid eof the slough . When I stopped the Rhino I could hear that sweet sound of dogs baying and also could hear hogs gruntting and chattering.  I quickly grabbed Jane and found a shallow place to cross the slough which was about knee deep .  Got to about 50 yards and thought about turnning my video phone on.  It was in the CRP with tall Tie Vines and NO TREES.  I cut Jane loose and started videoing.  You could hear the hogs cutting up and then Jane hits and vines and weeds start shaking everywhere. Then I hear a hog gruntting and coming in  behind me.  That was a pretty hair raising experiance .  I got to them and Stuck the hog.  The dogs rolled out and went another 300 yards then would bay and break bay and break.  After about 2 hours of that they all came dragging back in .All in all i was pretty proud of my Young ens .  I went back and crossed the slough to get the Rhino so I could retrieve my hog. When I got to the slough the dogs got in to cool off. While i was looking at all of the hog sign I noticed this track . I know what I  " Think " it is but maybe some of you all can tell me if im right or not.  Man Ive been in this slough at least 2 dozen times ALONE and at NIGHT . I might better have second thoughts on getting down in there again ? ? ?  rolleyes

Jane, Boots and the hog.

The Slough .  Look at ALL that hog sign .

Dogs cooling off in the slough.

What kind of critter made this mud slide ?  rolleyes  The picture doesnt show it but It is about 9 inches wide and about 10 feet long, down into the water.

The track beside the mud slide.  Look in the center of the picture .

Aint no track gonna stop me. Im gonna keep getting after em . 

What do ya'll think ? ?

Title: Re: 10-11-10 Hunt , and A good TRACK
Post by: Mike on October 11, 2010, 09:01:25 pm
Is that a bear... or bigfoot! :o

You better bring two catch dogs next time... just in case. ;D

Title: Re: 10-11-10 Hunt , and A good TRACK
Post by: M Bennet on October 11, 2010, 09:08:35 pm
maybe beaver

Title: Re: 10-11-10 Hunt , and A good TRACK
Post by: DangerZone on October 11, 2010, 09:10:16 pm
 :o missing link  :o

Title: Re: 10-11-10 Hunt , and A good TRACK
Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on October 11, 2010, 09:30:23 pm
Good hunt Marvin. Love the young productive hunts. How did bid  "D" ever heal up after his rough encounter? 

Title: Re: 10-11-10 Hunt , and A good TRACK
Post by: jhy on October 11, 2010, 10:11:55 pm
Warsteadt has every creature in the world in it right now with all the activity going on.  I believe the track belongs to GRAMPS, he is the dead hog disposal that lives in Tiger Lake.  I havent seen him since 1992, but I have been told he is still around.  Great Job!

Joey Young

Title: Re: 10-11-10 Hunt , and A good TRACK
Post by: ppc dogos on October 12, 2010, 04:05:44 am
A good hunt again Marvin,

So nice to see your pack is doing so good without the help of our dear Sadie ,cannot express how much I miss LA (and Texas) already!Looks like their has been a hogtraffic jam at that slough  ;D  Knowing you well enough  I know you will be backbthere soon and wish you a truckload of luck and hope you bring all catching power you have available to get that "GODZILLA"  >:D

PS 2 : Am finally working on my post about our great trip  :)


Title: Re: 10-11-10 Hunt , and A good TRACK
Post by: bignasty on October 12, 2010, 10:16:43 am
looks like a big alligator snapper or softshell turtle track,i never seen a beaver track....well kinda lol

Title: Re: 10-11-10 Hunt , and A good TRACK
Post by: digemdown on October 13, 2010, 09:14:50 pm
Man that looks good , I like it , nice hog 

Title: Re: 10-11-10 Hunt , and A good TRACK
Post by: trapper2 on October 13, 2010, 09:35:24 pm
cant say for sure but it sure looks like a beaver from the pic and the tail drag fits

Title: Re: 10-11-10 Hunt , and A good TRACK
Post by: jdt on October 13, 2010, 10:10:40 pm
i've never seen a gator track ...  but , i beleive that is one .

Title: Re: 10-11-10 Hunt , and A good TRACK
Post by: rdjustham on October 14, 2010, 04:16:42 am
from what ive seen livin in south fl it looks like a gator track and most ive seen belly slide into water, dont ask why, but thats where my money would be

Title: Re: 10-11-10 Hunt , and A good TRACK
Post by: firemedic on October 14, 2010, 08:32:28 am
I don't think I'd worry too much about a gator getting your dog, they ought to be full of pork all the time in that place.

Title: Re: 10-11-10 Hunt , and A good TRACK
Post by: MadCo on October 14, 2010, 09:00:56 am
Gators do LOVE to snack on young pigs....

Title: Re: 10-11-10 Hunt , and A good TRACK
Post by: lawson-dawg on October 14, 2010, 09:43:19 pm
might be a nutria that left that track, i dont know if those are in your area or not but good hog either way! dogs are lookin' perdy slick! -Lawdawg

Title: Re: 10-11-10 Hunt , and A good TRACK
Post by: jhy on October 18, 2010, 07:46:21 pm

Figured out what made that track and slide.  This morning I was in my stand and had a family of Otters playing behind further up the bayou on other side of beaver damn. They were some loud playful suckers and they are pretty big too.
