Title: Why would this not work Post by: bayhard on October 17, 2010, 02:12:40 pm I have a fair potlicker in the pen and some times he places but before i had him i would just go to the bayen to wast money never thanking i would place now that ive been on both sides i thank ive got a way to make it better for every one i say pay 15 for ue enter fee and have it to where u can buy ur calcuta at $50 if u wont to if not it will be sold in a calcuta to someone else an any price this way the ones that cry about the price of there calcutas can buy it at the time of enter at a set price and if not someone else will have a chance this will get the on lookers is to in then to make it far to all make a point system of 3 for 1st 2 for 2ed and 1 for 3rd and when the dog gets ten points he bayes pro am $100 enter and a strate calcuta
pen keeps the $15 enter and 20% of the calcuta and in the pro am the pen gets 20% of all take paying out 3 places in all catogoreys |