Title: Freind found brindle dog on the other side of Baytown. Post by: JLH on November 04, 2008, 04:18:42 pm Hey if anyone lost a brindle dog call me Jason Holston 281-806-9441. Didnt have a collar on but if someone describes it they can have back. Im going to pick it up this evening from Ames Texas. Lavon I tried to call you to see if you knew who owned it call me so we can try to get it back to rightful owner.
Title: Re: Freind found brindle dog on the other side of Baytown. Post by: aladatrot on November 04, 2008, 07:15:32 pm It's not a female with a ripped tatooed ear is it? If so, I bet I can tell you what's tatooed in her ripped ear.....
M Title: Re: Freind found brindle dog on the other side of Baytown. Post by: JLH on November 05, 2008, 09:34:19 pm no she dont have a ripped ear and no tattoo either I called Lavon and he didnt know who may of lost it but will be glad to get it back to owner. The dog is at a freinds house so if might know something go ahead and call me 281-806-9441